Chapter 4

He's Dazzling

Somehow Jonghyun had agreed to go that stupid & useless show just because Taemin told him to give it a try. So finally, it was the day Jonghyun and Key would meet each other for the first time. Jonghyun was secretly a bit excited about meeting the famous idol his roommate seemed to be very fond of, but like he’d really admit that, even to himself. He was told to just wear something really casual and go to a café, where the first filming would take place. This was it. Soon everybody would know who he is.


He took the bus and during the ride he kept thinking while staring out of the window, how some change might not be so bad. He’d been told many times by Taemin that he should find someone already. He had dated a few girls back in junior high school, but that was it. After those meaningless relationships he had noticed that his attention focused somewhere else, to the boys from his class. But he had never actually dated a guy. 


Soon, he had arrived to the assigned café. He noticed a van and lots of busy filming crew running around. He walked closer, until he heard his name being called by a female voice. The long haired blonde woman ran to him.


“Hello, you must be Kim Jonghyun, right?” Jonghyun nodded. “I’m Jessica and I’m in charge of your hair and makeup. This way, please.” He was lead inside the café, where Jessica asked him to sit by one of the tables, so she could do her work. He heard the staff mentioning, that Key was running a bit late, since he was coming from his previous schedule.


“Your make-up and hair are done now, so you can relax and order coffee if you want before Key arrives.” Jonghyun just nodded at the blonde female and decided that getting coffee wouldn’t be such a bad idea.


About 15 minutes later he was told, that Key had finally arrived. Just then Jonghyun noticed himself getting slightly nervous, but tried to calm himself down. He was brought out from his thoughts by the sound of the café door opening and as he turned to look at the door, he found himself staring into sharp feline eyes that were obviously judging him. The owner of those captivating eyes walked towards his table never losing eye-contact.


“You must be Kim Jonghyun, right?” The figure asked him while raising an eyebrow. Jonghyun got up from his chair and offered his hand to greet the other and felt a bit offended when the other just sat down on the chair facing his without greeting him properly.


This was going to be harder than he thought. 


They have finally met :)) 

Sorry that it took so long to update >< I had small writer's block with this chapter....

Also, thanks to all who have subscribed & commented so far ^^ I seem to be having a lot of silent readers~

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Ilonahaku #1
I really hope that you can update this story one day again...
Chapter 8: I hope you update this soon
Chapter 8: I'll keep waiting for your next update! And yes Bring em back!
Chapter 5: Yay! BWUAHAHHAHA taemin-ah's so cute cx
Chapter 6: Yes please! I want to know what he thinks of Jjongie <3
Chapter 6: I would go for two and three (: this story was interestingg!
nihongo24 #7
Chapter 6: 2 and 3 are good option :)
Chapter 5: Quite interesting, love it ^.^
onlykeycanunlock #9
Wooww..!! Great idea !!! I loved it already <3 Well Key.. İt is time to work your magic :D
Update soon please :D
breakyourheart #10
Chapter 2: Oh this is quite interesting
Update soon!