"I'll catch you, and you'll be sorry."

Always be Mine


* Hyein's Point of View *

I was walking around the school right before lunch, waiting for the bell to ring so that the twins would get out of class. In the end I decided to take the first 5 classes free this morning – something I usually never did since I was always a good girl.

My plan for tricking the twins was simply pretending to have fallen for their trick. It was brilliant! If Youngmin wanted to act like Kwangmin is my boyfriend, then so be it. I'd just go out with Kwangmin and it'd be his loss.

I didn't notice that the bell already rang, signalling the class over, until two arms linked with each of mine. I looked both ways to find two people who both looked like my boyfriend looking down at me.

Seriously, when they were this close it was almost impossible to tell them apart.

I shrugged them off and narrowed my eyes at them. “So who's who?”



They pointed at each other as they said it.

They were probably lying, but of course, going with the plan, I pretended not to know as I sighed and looked at the real Kwangmin. “Are you sure you're not lying to me, Youngmin? You know how I hate liars, Youngmin.” I said his name twice to get a reaction, and of course I got it as he looked nervous for a moment before nodding.

I then turned to the real Youngmin, “Sorry Kwangmin. I know you guys are twins, but I think I'll have lunch with my boyfriend alone. Why don't you go make some new friends?”

The look of disbelief he gave me was precious. I knew I sounded rude and selfish, but had they been telling the truth about who was who, I wouldn't have done this, but this was all part of the plan and I wanted to make Youngmin suffer.

Without giving him a chance to reply I smiled and waved as I linked arms with Kwangmin once more and dragged him out of the school.

I couldn't begin to explain how different Kwangmin and Youngmin were for identical twins. At first glance you'd think they're crazily similar – same height, same hairstyle, same face, same everything – and if I hadn't known Youngmin so well, I wouldn't have been able to tell them apart so easily.

I wonder if Youngmin was disappointed that I couldn't tell them apart. I wondered worriedly just for a moment, but then shook my head, smirking again. Ah if he's disappointed I'll explain to him the truth later. No big deal.

“Hyein-ah. We've passed at least three good places to eat. Where are you going?” Kwangmin reminded me. “Oh, you wanted to eat?” I asked innocently. He looked down at me with a smile.

“What? You were thinking of something else?”

“I don't know~” I played along with his attempt to flirt.

Would Youngmin be disappointed if I kissed Kwangmin?

Or would he forgive me because I was tricked?

Without really thinking it through I stood on my toes and gave him a light kiss on his lips, before running ahead of him, giggling.

“Are you coming or what, Youngmin? I am actually getting hungry now.” I yelled.

He stood there for a moment before grinning and running after me. I let out a little excited scream when Kwangmin reached me and wrapped his arms securely around my waist.

“Alright then. Come on. I know a great place.” he told me while keeping his arm around my waist.

When we got back to the school after lunch, lots of people were giving me strange looks. I was confused at first and looked up at Kwangmin to see if anything was wrong about us, but he seemed annoyed.

“What is it?” I asked but before I could answer I saw Youngmin approach us with my best friend, Kyunghee clinging to his arm.

“Oh! My girlfriend is finally back from her date with my twin, huh?” he said while grinning.

Did he justIs he for real?

I looked around at the people around us again and saw that everyone was paying attention to us now. I then glared at Youngmin. "YAH! You didn't just—!"

“Oh, I did.” he snapped back sassily, grinning his stupid cheeky grin.

I gritted my teeth and pretended to pull up my sleeves as I prepared to attack, but Kyunghee stepped between us and held me back. “Whoa there, baby girl. It was just a joke. Relax.” she giggled.

“How could you do this to me? You know I hate liars.” I yelled at Youngmin.

“I know. We're at least that much alike, aren't we?" he stuck his tongue out as he grinned.

I figured the whole school must think I've dumped him for his twin now. How embarrassing...

I couldn't believe he pretended to be Kwangmin while with me, but let the whole school know the truth that he was actually Youngmin. This jerk! Why was he ever my best friend? What made me decide to want to date him?

“When I catch you, you will be eternally sorry.” I told him calmly while relaxing in Kyunghee's arms. When I felt her arms around me loosen ever so slightly, I immediately started running towards Youngmin again.

“Aaaagh!” he let out a girlish scream.

I thought I was able to trick them back, but turns out Youngmin managed to double-trick me instead.

What an absolute jerk! Why do I like him?


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Japaru #1
Good story
Chapter 17: Anneyeong...thanks a lot for your kind-hearted which willing to continue this story just coz my begged heheh. I'll waiting and become subcribers forever hahah :D
Chapter 17: Hello i'm new reader.....i love this story so much coz the story can make me so fluff and flues. I like sugar sweet scene. Hope that you can continu
are Sungjong and Hyein twins Because they have the same age???
And are the Jo twins like younger than Hyein?????

Sorry , Overly curious mind
unknown009 #5
New reader here! Nice story, I hope you can update soon ^_^
thanks for commenting.^^ I'll consider updating it. :)
okay... this is just so cute! I love this fic. pleasee.... do update soon! ^^
asndaoifalflaflnsrhlg.... i missed reading this fanfic! xD <br />
i love it!<br />
Hyein and kwangmin look adorable together!! and she's felling in love with him xD eventhough she's with youngmin y prefer kwangmin x3<br />