Chapter 3


Junsu knew that he wasn't coping with the separation well. he had lied,he wasn't staying with his friend,he had found another place far away to ensure that they wouldn't be able to find him,not to mention the fact that he couldn't sleep or eat properly. The next day Junsu walked in,everyone was over him, exclaiming how skinny he was and how his eyebags had grown alot bigger.

taecyeon just stood at the side awkwardly,and when he couldn't Stand the fact that the others were closer to him than taecyeon,he opened his mouth and said" stop it guys,maybe he's just doing it to gain sympathy" immediately,everyone shut up and glared at taecyeon. Junsu looked at him,with an expression of hurt in his eyes. Those eyes that usually swirled with happiness and playfulness were replaced by a mirage of emotions, all of them reflecting how hurt Junsu was. Taecyeon mentally kicked himself for saying that,but his pride wasn't going to allow him to apologize to Junsu.

Nichkhun just glared at him and said "better say sorry right now or i will kill your ,stronger or not" taecyeon just shook his head adamantly. Junsu just quietly slipped out, heading to nowhere in particular. he ended up in a quiet little corner, and sat down trying his best to hold in his tears. was he really that annoying? Then wont it be best if I just leave?nobody wants me anyway. Its not like I'm important. Junsu just turned off his phone and completely ignored everybody, not even turning up for scheduled practices.

Wooyoung was strolling along the river but what he didn't notice was that Junsu was behind him. He was whistling a happy turn and didn't seem to miss Junsu at all. Junsu could feel a fresh flood of tears. "I can't stand it anymore. Im leaving" He heard towards JYP'S main building and requested to see jyp right away. "I want to quit 2pm" he said straight out.

Sorry for the cliffhanger im too tired to think and today has been a bad day for me.

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Chapter 4: dummy su doesn't know when people really care about him.
Jundyuok #2
Chapter 4: Jun. K is back xD ♥
Please more TaecSu 1313 :B
NENO1234 #3
Chapter 4: Uwwww .. How Lovely ^^
NENO1234 #4
Chapter 3: Waiting ... Waiting :D

Please update soon *.*
Jundyuok #5
Chapter 3: No Junsu ;;A;; don't go <////////3
stupid Taecyeon!

Update please :)
Jundyuok #6
Chapter 2: ñsadkñaslkdñas I love it please don't stop <33333333333333333
TaecSu is so cute >///////////<
NENO1234 #7
Chapter 2: It's good thanQ ^^