Chapter 1


"Good morning taec!!" Junsu greeted happily. Taecyeon just grunted back a reply and went back to sleep. Junsu rolled his eyes because he knew that taecyeon would just go back to sleep until breakfast was ready. Humming a happy tune, junsu went to make breakfast for everybody and woke them up as well. Soon, they were all eating breakfast together, mumbles coming from all the members about how good the food was. Junsu was used to their reactions so he just rolled his eyes and chuckled. 

The day seemed to be going fine for Junsu until they reached their schedule. Taecyeon kept hanging around wooyoung and nichkhun and junho and did not evne bother talking to Junsu at all. Junsu found it a little weird but he decided that maybe they just needed to catch up or something so he didn't really mind and just spent his time in a corner listening to his music with chansung sleeping peacefully next to him mumbling something about bananas.

However, junsu started to get frustrated as the day wore on. Taecyeon refused to talk to him, and he obviously didn't even care to check if Junsu was behind him and the rest. Just like that, one full day passed with Junsu not really talking much unless needed. He just didn't know what the matter was. Why was taecyeon not willing to talk to him? He was willing to tear his hair out with frustration already. 

While they were on the way to their van for dinner, he just decided to slip out somewhere because he knew he needed the time alone to clear his head. Not like anyone would notice anyway.

They were all happily chatting and waiting eagerly for their food when chansung noticed that junsu wasn't with them. "Hyungs, where is junsu? He isn't in the van with us!!!" Chansung panicked. The rest started to look frantically around but Junsu really wasn't there. "Oh we forgot about him" Taecyeon cursed. " This is all your fault taec if you didn't ignore him the whole day then maybe you'd notice he was actually here" The rest didn't know what to do because they knew that it was too late and that Junsu could be anywhere in korea currently.

Wooyoung took out his handphone and sent junsu a text. "Hyung where are you!!!!Come quickly to our favourite restaurant we'll be there waiting for you!" However, after a minutes, junsu didn't reply and wooyoung attempted to call him. However, his phone was off. The rest didn't know what was happening and all their appetite was gone, so they just decided to head home.

It was nearing 2am and the rest of the members were already asleep, except for Taecyeon. He was wide awake, full of worry for Junsu, wondering where he was and calling his phone for the umpteenth time but Junsu just wasn't answering. Finally he drifted off to sleep, hugging his pillow as though it was Junsu.

Junsu wandered around the streets with his food, thinking about what had happened. "I don't know what you want from me taec, I just can't. I didn't do anything wrong, you weren't supposed to hurt me like that." he mumbled. He realised that it was getting really really really early(sense my sarcasm?) and he headed back. He quietly opened the door to their dorm and figured that everyone was asleep. Not really wanting to face Taecyeon, he just fell asleep on the couch, going to dreamland straight away.

The next morning, all the members woke up only to find junsu sleeping on the couch. They were at a loss of what to do and chansung decided to wake Junsu up. "Hey hyung, wake up, we gotta go soon!' he said in junsu's ear. "Mmm" and then he opened his eyes, blinking his eyes wearily due to the sudden attack of sunlight. "Let's just go grab breakfast and eat it in the car" and then he left for his room to get changed. What he didnt expect was to see taecyeon sitting on his bed forlonly while hugging his pillow.

"Junsu..." taecyeon started. Junsu started backing away. "Dont come near me taec. Don't come near me..." Taecyeon stared sadly at him. "I just....don't know what to expect from you taec. One minute you're just all touchy with me and then the next you're ignoring me. I can't do this anymore taec. I just can't. It scares me to see how much you can hurt me and how dependent i am on you. I just can't..cope with everything. Don't come near me please. Just don't." Junsu cried.

Taecyeon was left stunned while junsu just wrenched open the door and fled out into the toilet. The rest of the members had been listening to their conversation and figured that this was something that only two of them could fix and they couldn't do anything. Nichkhun went in and patted taecyeon on the shoulder. "Come on, it'll be okay.....just go make up with him or something? You know how emotional he can get whenever he's upset." 

Taecyeon just nodded his head, wearily shuffling towards the door.

P.S: about 800 words?

I'm sorry if it doesnt make sense at all but this is literally what happened to me. My best friend just ignored me today and hung out with other friends and asked them out for lunch without me. Feels great just to be a replacement and then whenever i followed them it was just as if I was nothing but an extra unwanted rag. 

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Chapter 4: dummy su doesn't know when people really care about him.
Jundyuok #2
Chapter 4: Jun. K is back xD ♥
Please more TaecSu 1313 :B
NENO1234 #3
Chapter 4: Uwwww .. How Lovely ^^
NENO1234 #4
Chapter 3: Waiting ... Waiting :D

Please update soon *.*
Jundyuok #5
Chapter 3: No Junsu ;;A;; don't go <////////3
stupid Taecyeon!

Update please :)
Jundyuok #6
Chapter 2: ñsadkñaslkdñas I love it please don't stop <33333333333333333
TaecSu is so cute >///////////<
NENO1234 #7
Chapter 2: It's good thanQ ^^