

"earth to jonghyun?" key says, dramatically waving his hand infront of his face, watching him as he stared into nothing, a glazed look upon his eyes. it wasn't his fault key's fingers were so pretty when they were wrapped around that pink polka-dot pencil as he circled that god forbidden subject, maths. 

"sorry. i got distracted" he lies. well its only half a lie, really. he did get distracted, by key. he laughs it off awkwardly, looking up at a concerned looking key. 

key lets out a puff of hair, flipping his red-ish hair out of his eyes. red like the leafs sprawled on the ground in the autumn. "so, what subjects are you picking, then?" he asks, playing with the pencil again. 

jonghyun shrugs, "im not sure, whatever you pick, i guess" he says dumbly, looking up at key who had a frustrated pout on his face. 

"you can't just pick subjects that i'm picking jonghyun, this is your future, you can't just follow my footsteps" he nags. he's annoying, but jonghyun loves it, because he can tell its all out of good will and his nagging is all from a good heart and genuine concern. 

"yeah, but, if you'll be in that future, so it doesn't matter what i pick, right?" jonghyun asks sheepishly, picking invisble lint off his jumper. 

a soft smile claims key's face, his super cute dimples showing and jonghyun feels like melting at that moment. 

"now, whats that supposed to mean, jonghyun?" 

"i think you know exactly what it's supposed to mean, key." jonghyun says to his best friend, looking up at him. 

"hm, maybe." key teases. 

"maybe" jonghyun mimicked him, intertwining their fingers and key's smile on his face and rosy cheeks showed that he knew exactly what jonghyun meant. 

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