
Secrets are made for the purpose of blackmail


I added a bit to this chapter ^^ I will also be adding a chappter 2NE2 soon - DaisyChick

Chapter 2NE1

“Amber!!!” Minji groaned at me

“What now?” Amber asked not looking up from his book

“I want to go out!” She whined and looked at him with puppy eyes

“Taemin still has you beat and I’d like to live a few more years…” Amber replied after he glanced at the younger girl. They were sitting in the 2NE1 dorm living room since Bom had placed a ban on Amber’s house.

“We could sneak out” Minji whispered in Amber’s ear.

“NO YOU WILL NOT!!” Bom yelled from a different room

“Uh… I prefer not to…” Amber said cringing at Bom’s voice

Bom walked out into the room. “Umma!!! Let us go out! I don’t like being inside all the time!” Minji whined

“You can go outside nothing stopping you. Just go by yourself and Amber goes home. I have music to work on.”

“Ummaaaa!!!” Minji got up and hung on Bom’s shirt “Please!?! Can CL go with us to a movie!?!”

“Did you ask if she was busy? If she wanted to babysit? Huh?”

“Wouldn’t have to if you didn’t ground us” Minji and Amber mumbled at the same time

“What was that!?” Bom looked at Amber

“She said it first!” Amber pointed to Minji


“I’ll go if it gets you to shut up!” CL came stomping out of her room

“Yay!” Minji jumped

“Let’s go” she growled and stomped out the door

“Be good in the theater!!! No touchy touchy! You’re still grounded!” Bom yelled at the three of them.


They arrived at the theater and let CL pick the movie because she was in a bad mood. CL took the ticket and immediately went to sit in the back. Minji looked at me and smiled.

“Why are you sitting all the way back here?” Minji asked not taking the seat next to CL

“Because I’d rather watch the movie without having to hurt my neck”

“But the best view is up there!” Minji said pouting at CL

“Fine do what you want I’m sitting here. Go sit. No kissy kissy yaddah yaddah” CL waved them away. Minji instantly took Amber’s hand and dragged him to the front.

They took their seats and Minji just smiled at Amber.

Amber laughed at her childish look. “What?”

“We are finally alone!” She just kept smiling

“Let’s get out of here” Amber said and the lights dimmed as the movie started to play

“What?!” Minji whispered

“Let’s go!” Amber whispered back and ducked in between the seats dragging Minji behind him. They made it out of the theater without being seen. Amber rushed out the door with Minji trailing behind.

Minji laughed as they exited the building. “Where do we go now?” she asked looking into the dark of night.

“We go eat!” Amber smiled at her and took her hand again and led Minji away from the theater.

They walked and Amber swung their hands and kept looking over at Minji. Which only made Minji look back with a questioning look.

“What are you so happy about? You were all grumpy earlier.” She asked the boy

“I’m happy to finally get some time with you” Amber smiled a million dollar smile at her. Minji felt as if her heart had melted right there. They stopped in front of a fancy restaurant and Minji looked up at the name on the sign.

“A-Amber? What are we doing here?”

“We are going to eat. Isn’t that what you do in a restaurant?” Amber laughed pulling the girl inside who pulled back

“I’m not dressed properly for this type of place” She said looking down at her ripped jeans and t-shirt

“You look beautiful. Let’s go.” Amber pulled her inside.

“Don’t you have to have a reservation?” Minji whispered in Amber’s ear

“Miss Liu?” A waiter met them at the door “Follow me” The man lead them to a section in the back. The rest of the restaurant seemed empty. Amber pulled out Minji’s chair and tucked her under the table. Minji’s eyes were still wide.

“What’s the occasion?” Minji whispered to Amber leaning over the table

“You don’t have to whisper we are the only ones here for now” Amber laughed her “and I can’t believe you forgot such a special day”

Minji thought long and hard… “Is it our anniversary?” she whispered again

“Minji that was a week ago and you’re still whispering” Amber said unfolding his napkin and placed it in his lap.

Minji thought long and hard again.

“Don’t think to hard your brain might hurt. It’s not really important.” Amber laughed

“Tell me!” Minji whined and put on her pleading face

“Minji you really can’t remember?” And when Minji finally shook her head no again he let out the secret. “It’s my birthday” Amber sighed

Minji’s face fell. She felt horrible that she couldn’t remember her boyfriends’ birthday.

Amber took Minji’s stretched out hand. “Don’t worry. You are here with me to celebrate!” Amber smiled at her.  Minji’s eyes began to glisten.

“Amber I’m so sorry!” She cried and Amber just smiled

“I already said it was okay and don’t even think of a gift! I only want what’s right here right now.” Amber chuckled and squeezed her hand. Amber got up from the table and walked around and knelt in front of Minji to dry her tears. Amber hugged the girl and stood up.

Minji went for a kiss as Amber did but Amber backed away quickly.

“Now now I’m already going to die once for sneaking you away. I don’t want to die twice” Amber looked at her with a horrified face

“’We are the only one’s here for now’” Minji mimicked Amber

They ordered dinner then a cake was brought out and set on the table. Minji and the staff sung happy birthday to Amber.

Amber stared into those eyes that had captivated him. He noticed only Minji’s voice out of the group.

“Remind me how I fell for a girl with that kind of voice” Amber laughed blowing out the candles as Minji frowned.

“It’s beautiful” Amber smiled at her which made the girl instantly.


 “Come on I have to take you home we’ve been out a long time...” Amber said placing his napkin in the plate. “I’d also rather not get Bom any angrier… “Amber lifted up his phone showing that there were 35 missed calls from Bom. Minji cringed then pouted.

“This means she’s going to ground us longer isn’t it?” Minji said as she lowered her head. Amber came around the table and gently pulled the sad Minji out of her chair.

“Eh… Hopefully she’ll be nice?” Amber smiled at the girl. Who returned with a ‘Are you kidding me?’ stare. Amber put his forehead against Minji’s

“Oooorr we could sneak out again?” Amber smiled

“Haha… “Minji said as she pushed Amber away. “ I wish I wasn’t a singer” she mumbled as she stomped out of the restaurant

“What?! We could!” Amber yelled following Minji out of the restaurant laughing.

Amber caught up with her and wrapped her in a hug from behind which made Minji freeze.

“You know…” Amber whispered in her ear “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t an idol… And you weren’t either…. Then we could date without all the precautions… I could hold your hand like this” Amber intertwined his fingers with Minji’s and stared lovingly into her eyes. “and no one would attack with cameras”

“I could take you out anytime I wanted to… We wouldn’t have to listen to Bom… and I could kiss you anytime… “Amber whispered as he lightly kissed Minji’s cheek.

“I wouldn’t have to dress as a girl… I probably wouldn’t have met you in such an awkward way…” Amber blushed… Then he sighed…

“But I guess I probably wouldn’t have met you if I weren’t an idol… And I’d be back in LA. So we can get through this… “Amber cupped Minji’s face and put their foreheads together and Amber closed his eyes.

“We just have to be patient. Okay?” Amber waited for an answer but only felt a tear land on his hand. He looked up to see Minji crying…

“I-I didn’t mean to make you cry…” Amber said worried he had hurt her.

Minji shook her head. “No it’s okay… I’m sorry I’ve been so selfish…” she cried and buried herself in Amber’s chest…

Amber smiled and wrapped his arms around the girl. “It’s alright. Shhhh…” he her hair.





Hi guys! I'm sorry for taking so long... =( But school is first! I thank those who have been patient! Soooo Much! <3

So in news! 2NE1's album came out! 

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtJjgNtAfQDRIWwR7mVxzThat was very exciting!

Their first concert!


SMTown Paris was a huge event! I did not attend >_<


SMTown NYC happend this weekend! Sadly I was not there... Were you?


And news unrelated to F(x) and 2NE1 is:

Secret's new song Love is MOVE is awesome! 


SNSD's song came out in English and Korean! However I didn't like it as much as their other songs... -DaisyChick

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AzenZensation_0 #1
Chapter 25: Oh my lawrd this is just so damn GOOD! this gives me the same feeling as when I eat a strawberry cheesecake!!!!! I LOVE THIS!
I was watching 2NE1TV and saw the episode of Amber and Minzy and got curious and some how I ended up reading your whole story lol.
I feel like YG is going to give Amber a talk and I feel like eventually the public will find out and a whole lot of will hit the fan. But through it all they are able to be together. Get married and have kids XD
As long as they end up together I am totally fine XD
I hope you update soon :)
Mindragon4Ever #2
I hope you'll update soon ^^; ! I love your story :D
I wonder who'll find out first from 2ne1 that 'she' is a 'he' Kkkk
Chapter 25: I love this story please update soon.
2NE1Blackjack000 #4
Chapter 15: please update i miss this story !!!
update soon pls > < Im begging you
update soon
lalalala1234 #7
Chapter 25: Kya~♥
Update soon!
Cabinet #8
Chapter 25: great!!! ^_^
naruyu93 #9
Wow this fic is great!!!!!!
Love it!! Minzber hwaiting!!!
Update soon!!