
Secrets are made for the purpose of blackmail


Chapter 19

I remember her falling asleep in my arms. I remember the kiss… And how it almost wasn’t just a kiss. These are the things I thought about while she slept. She’s going to get me in trouble… What do I do? She has so much on me… Not to mention I… I have feelings… I don’t know if I would want to let her go if I had to… Aish!! I felt her move…

Minzy woke up and tried to get out of my grasp. I just tightened my grip and pretended to just wake up.

“Pillows don’t move!” I grumbled burying my head in her neck. Did I ever mention she smells like strawberries?

“I’m going to make breakfast!” she said trying to remove my arm

“Pillows don’t make breakfast!” I said not letting her get away and I wrapped my leg around hers she laughed

“Amber I’m not kidding!” she said again trying to get out again but I didn’t let go

“Neither am I! Stay still!” I said snuggling up to her back and I gave out fake snores in her ear which made her giggle

“I’m hungry!” she whined. I could see her pouting in my head

“Okay” and she immediately tried to get out of my grasp again but I still didn’t let go

“Amber! You said ‘Okay’!”

“You have to give me a kiss for me to let you go” I said blushing. I felt her stiffen in my arms. I struggled to keep my laugh in

“Fine, but let go”

“Okay” I let go of her and she crawled on top of me. If she couldn’t notice my blush before she defiantly could now. Like a repeat of last night she came closer and closer. I closed my eyes and waited… and waited… I heard a giggle and then I felt her lips land on my cheek quickly. I opened my eyes to see her escaping. She laughed the whole time.

“Hey!” I yelled jumping out of bed to run after her. She made it to the kitchen moments before I did and took cover on the side of the island opposite to me. She laughed as she dared me to go either way. I dodged one way and went the other and she finally fell for it and ran straight into me. She tried to turn around and run but I wrapped my arms around her waist.

“You can’t run from me” I laughed at her “Now I want my kiss!”  I demanded from her

“Funny, cause you know before you couldn’t wait to get rid of me.” She laughed again and I spun her around trapping her between myself and the island in the kitchen. I leaned in close to her.

“Get rid of you? Never.” I said leaning in some more. She surprised me and came to me landing her lips on mine roughly. Sending a fire down my neck and all throughout my body. Then she softened up and I brought my hands up to her face and into her hair. I brought them down to wrap around her waist and we started leaning backwards on the counter. I was about to pick her up and put her on it if I didn’t hear a click. I broke the kiss but kept my arms around her waist and looked over to see Sully standing in the kitchen doorway.

“Oh don’t stop on my account” she said

“Sully!” I yelled at her

“What? No really keep going I mean it’s really cute. I mean you don’t treat her as if she’s the plague anymore and she’s in your t-shirt.” Sully pointed out which made me look down for some reason and I saw the shirt was now just above her thigh. I looked up at Minzy to see her blush I blushed also and she pushed me away pulling down the shirt. “No No! I was going to get facebook worthy pictures!” Sully pouted

“Sully give me that photo now!” I yelled at her

“Okay! I’ll send it to you!” she said and started tapping on her phone. A moment later my phone vibrated. I didn’t even look at it.

“No Sully I want the-“I began

“AMBER!!!!” Minzy screamed

“-phone” I said running to meet Minzy “What!? What’s wrong!? Are you hurt!?” I said worried

She showed her phone to me. I blushed… I wanted to be angry about what I saw but I couldn’t help but be amazed at first. Amazed at how Minzy looks in the photo, how we look together in the photo.

“SULLY!!!!!” I yelled

“What? Why are you yelling at me!?” she gave me an evil look

“WHO DID YOU SEND THIS TOO!?!?!” I showed her Minzy’s phone and Sully quickly looked at her phone again

“Oops…” was all she said

“What do you mean…’Oops’, Sully?” I said in a slightly angered voice

“Ha…Ha… I may have… Accidentally… Sent it to a few people” she stumbled a bit over words and backed away from me

“’Accidentally’ sent it to how many people Sully?” I let out trying to keep calm

“Uh… Just my resent contacts…” she said

“And just who is on your ‘resent contacts’!?!” I yelled finally losing my cool

“Uh…Ha…ha… YouMinzyHyunaDaraKrystalandVictoria…” she let out fast hoping I wouldn’t have caught any of the names

“Hyuna, Krystal, Victoria, Minzy, me and please please tell me you did not say Dara…” I told her

“Uh… I didn’t say Dara?” she said inching backwards again

“LIAR!” I yelled ran twards her

“You told me to tell you that!!!”

“SULLY GET BACK HERE!!!!” I yelled she ran backwards turning around and screamed.

“Amber!” Minzy yelled “ Calm down it’s not… that bad…” she said looking at the photo again and blushing

“’Not that bad? Dara is going to flip! Not only that but she’s going to show Bom!!!!! I’m going to DIE!!!!” I said stopping and grabbing my head which was filled of images of my death

“I’m sorry…Amber…” Sully said hanging her head

“I’m revoking your right to enter my house willingly give me the key!” I yelled

“What key?” Sully gave me a confused look

“Don’t mess with me I know you stole the one I gave Luna!” I said and Sully continued to give me the look

“No I didn’t. I used yours”

“How could you use mine!? I have it!” I yelled

“Not the one under the flower pot” she said

“I’ve got to move that...” I mumbled “How could you do that!? I told you not to take pictures!!” I continued to yell at her

“Come on Amber it’s not that bad… She didn’t mean to…” Minzy tried to calm me down “And besides Dara might not show it to-“Minzy stopped talking to read a message on her phone “Anyone…” she finished slowly

“What is it Minzy?” I asked walking over to her and looking at her phone

From: Umma

To: Umma’s baby~

Minzy come home right now! And bring that ‘Girlfriend’ With you!






Hehe update! How is it? I need comments! They keep me going! Please subscribe and comment! - DaisyChick



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AzenZensation_0 #1
Chapter 25: Oh my lawrd this is just so damn GOOD! this gives me the same feeling as when I eat a strawberry cheesecake!!!!! I LOVE THIS!
I was watching 2NE1TV and saw the episode of Amber and Minzy and got curious and some how I ended up reading your whole story lol.
I feel like YG is going to give Amber a talk and I feel like eventually the public will find out and a whole lot of will hit the fan. But through it all they are able to be together. Get married and have kids XD
As long as they end up together I am totally fine XD
I hope you update soon :)
Mindragon4Ever #2
I hope you'll update soon ^^; ! I love your story :D
I wonder who'll find out first from 2ne1 that 'she' is a 'he' Kkkk
Chapter 25: I love this story please update soon.
2NE1Blackjack000 #4
Chapter 15: please update i miss this story !!!
update soon pls > < Im begging you
update soon
lalalala1234 #7
Chapter 25: Kya~♥
Update soon!
Cabinet #8
Chapter 25: great!!! ^_^
naruyu93 #9
Wow this fic is great!!!!!!
Love it!! Minzber hwaiting!!!
Update soon!!