Hanging by a thread.

Dead silence filled the car. Everyone except Kris looked from Tao to Min. It was just so strange, they were related but had two very different personalities. Lay kept staring at her. She had silky black mid-length hair paired with long eye lashes, a small nose and small lips. Min looked up with fierce eyes, "Hey butthead, you know staring is rude right?!" 

"O-oh um, sorry" said an alerted Lay. "I'm La-"

"Lay, yeah I know"

"Don't raise your voice at him and don't be rude to my ge!", Tao scolded at Min.

Min huffed and blew her hair. "He was the rude one first, he kept staring at me and I was just informing him that I know who he is and that there's no reason for him to introduce!"

Luhan grinned. "Mei, does that mean you listen to Exo and Lay is your favorite member? Is that why you know him?"

Min stared at him for a mere few seconds before laughing and then turning back to a straight face. She gave him an icy glare before his smile was wiped off his face. 

"I-I guess not then. Sorry, m-mei", Luhan rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Don't. call. me. mei. I am most definately not your little sister or dongsaeng", every word came out of Min's mouth like a knife stabbing your heart. 

"Guys, just leave her alone will you? If she wants to be left alone then leave her be.", Kris said sternly.

Without a single glance, everyone knew that Kris was serious. The rest of the ride home was quiet.


"Y-you're gonna stay in the guest room, k-kiddo" , the manager said as he nervously stratched his head and looked down on the floor.

"Alright, that's fine with me", Min stepped in the room and looked around.  A medium sized room with white walls, 2 windows, and a small closet. It wasn't much but it'd have to do. What could have she expected? Besides, she wasn't in any place to be picky right now. 

"T-this was going t-to be a game room for the boys but h-haha, it's y-yours now." It was obvious the manager was still a bit shocked and anxious from before. 

Min stared at him. He looked up but immediately looked back down.

"Are you still that scared? It's been awhile you know, has the information not been processed through your mind yet?"

"N-no! I-I'm fine, h-haha." 

Min raised an eyebrow at him.

"W-well, get settled and come out for dinner in 10 minutes.", he said as he closed the door.


Min came out of her room after 10 minutes to see everyone at the table already. The last dish was set on the table when she sat down.

Luhan scratched the back of his head. "Uh, we didn't know what you didn't or did like so...."

"Whatever.", Min said nonchalantly.

"Alright then, let's eat. And I'm Lu--"

"Han, I know. No need for introductions." She stuffed with some bean sprouts and chewed on it. When she looked, everyone was staring at her as if she was a foreign object. 

She let out a sigh. "What?"

Luhan looked skeptically at her, "erm...I thought maybe we could introduce ourselves to you and vice versa."

"No need, it's unnecessary. I already know all of you."

"But we don't know you.....and we want to get to know you, mei!", Lay frowned.

Min shot him a stern stare. "Again, no need for that. I assure you that we won't and will not be close with any of you."

"Just pretend she's not there, ge! She's just annoying and--", Tao was cut off when Kris put an arm on his shoulder indicating him to stop.

"It's okay if she doesn't want to guys, it's no big deal and she has a point. We're not going to be close anyway and whether she really knows us or not doesn't matter, does it? If anything, she has Tao" Kris looked at Min for the first time today and found her with a blank face.

"Well I'm going to go ahead and introduce myself anyway. I'm Lu--"

"Luhan. I know. You're Luhan, to be more precise your last name is Lu and your first name is Han. April 20th, 1990 which makes you 23 this year. Lived in the Haidian district in Beijing, China. Studied at Yonsei University as an exchange student and was scouted by an SMEnt. agent. Currently, you are attending Seoul Institue of the Arts majoring in Applied Music. Nicknames are lulu,deer, luhannie, etc. Correct?"

"H-how-", Luhan was completely taken by surprise as to how she knew that much about him.

Min turned to her left.

"You're Lay, or Zhang Yixing. October 7th, 1991 making you 21 this year, yes? Changsha, Hunan district of China. Got scouted through SM's annual global casting system and before the casting, you appeared on many Chinese variety shows as a child star. Lay's chips, unicorn, and xingxing are your nicknames."

Then she turned to her right. 

"Xiumin or Kim Minseok. March 26th, 1990. 23 years old and was cast into SM after winning 2nd place at the SM Everysing contest. You are the oldest hyung and nicknames include--I'm sorry, not sorry--only included one aka Baozi."

She tilted her head towards Chen who was on Xiumin's right.

"Chen aka Kim Jongdae. September 21st, 1992. Age 21 and has one older brother. Got casted into SM through 2011 casting auditions. Nothing much really besides chenchen and the fact that you sing probs 90% of exo's songs."

"And finally last but not least, you." She said as she had a staring contest with Kris.

"A bit more interesting than the others at least but not quite. Kris--ahem--leader of Exo-M. Real name is Wu Yi Fan or Wu Yi Fine. November 6th, 1990. 22 years old.  From Guangzhou, Guangdong of China and holds Canadian citizenship. Nicknames are angry bird, kevin li jiaheng, fanfan, wufannie,krissy, etc. Got casted through 2007 SM auditions."

Tao furrowed his eyebrows. "Did you stalk us or something!? Why are you being so nosy?"

Min side glanced her brother and scoffed. "Stalking? I don't know if you're just dumb or really clueless but you realize your information is all over the internet, right? You see, there is advanced technology these days and I just happened to make use of it"

"O-oh.", Tao's cheeks burned red. 

"You see why introductions are unnecessary now? I already know all the things I need to know about you guys and it's a waste of time to introduce anyway. If you expect me to introduce myself or something, don't expect it because I won't and don't wait for it either. I don't care what you address me, be it Tao's sister or girl 1. So stop being curious and just eat and go on with your lives."

Min resumed to eating while everyone sat there frowning. For the rest of the dinner, the atmosphere was tense and awkward. The chair squeaked against the floor as Min got up and put her dishes into the sink. As soon as she got back into her room, her back was against the door. She sat down her head on her knees and let out a sad sigh.


I'm so sorry T^T I know I haven't updated in a long time and I'm sorry!

School work takes up so much of my time and there's just so much to do D:

So bare with me ;w; + I'll try to update as often as I can /sobs

But anyway, thank you for subscribing and reading ;D I'm happy there's at least some people who like/read my story c:

I just wanted to know, is anyone going to the Infinite concert (One Great Step--world tour) in New York? I got the $180 ticket and I'm so excited to go ^-^  a

asldjasj I thought New York tickets would sell out in an instant but turns out, there's more extras than I expected....but moving no, comment and tell if you're going! ^^;



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