
Hanging by a thread.

Everyone has different circumstances. Everyone. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, labor workers, store owners--everyone. Each person is born in a different place, in a different home with different parents and different situations. Some are richer than others, some, poorier. Some have loving parents and some--cruel and heartless. And me? I was never the center of attention, I don't even think my existence mattered. My father never cared for me, it was always my older brother Tao. I was forced to work in my father's corn fields. I hated it so much but what could I have done? Tao slept in a nice comfortable bed, went to one of the best schools in the neighborhood and learned wushu. Oh, how I envied him. I, on the other hand, went to a normal school and taught myself piano in the old abandoned music room. My school wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. Teachers were lazy, students fooled around, there were only a few students who really dedicated themselves to learning. But it's okay, I got used to isolating myself. On the bright side though, since the majority of my school didn't really care about school, it made it easier for me to take advantages of what the school offered. Yeah, Tao may have had better circumstances, but I still did better than him. And as the years went by, I realized that a person like him isn't even worth being envied of. In fact, he was never fulfilled his job as an older brother. He always thought I was annoying and was there to just pester him for the rest of his life. It's not like I wanted to, I was forced by my dad to accompany and fulfill whatever he wanted. 


"I TOLD I'M HIS SISTER! DO YOU NOT HAVE EARS?! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF?!", the girl yelled at the receptionist for the 3rd time in a row.

"I-I don't k-know, y-you could just be a f-fan impersonating", the scared receptionist said cringing in fear.

"A fan? A FAN? Are you kidding me?! Why would his own sister need to impersonate a fan when she has perfectly good proof? I've showed you my ID haven't I?", the girl was starting to get impatient when fans outside the building starting screaming when a van parked itself in front of the building.

The side doors of the van opened revealing 6 gorgeous boys getting out of the van, each greeting and smiling at the fans as they walked into the building. Once they stepped into the building, they were met with a glare from a girl staring at them, particularly Tao. Tao's eyes widened and was met with shock. 

"W-what are you---"

"Finally, do you know how long I've been waiting?" said Min who was clearly mad.

"Ooooo girlfriend, Tao?" Chen cooed.

"Awww our baby panda's growing up!" Xiumin joined in with Chen and highfived each other.

Min scoffed. 

"Excuse me? What, girlfriend? HOW DARE YOU!", Min roared at them causing to step back in surprise.

"Then who are--", Chen was rudely cut off by Min.

"Forget it. Anyway, I'm gonna live in your dorm with you starting today."

Tao scoffed. "Who said that? Why are you even here in the first place? You live in a perfectly fine apartment building, don't you?"

She bit her lips in disbelief and heaved out a sigh. "First of all, I called you so many freaking times and you didn't pick up. You were supposed to give me money every month for the rent, remember?"

Tao then suddenly remembered all the times he ignored her calls imply because she was being annoying and he didn't want to bother with her. He'd always put his phone on silent or shut it off just so he didn't have to talk to her. And now, the problem was in front of him.

"Alright fine, I'll just give you the money now.", Tao said in annoyance.

"Or I can just dorm with you guys", she said as she crossed her arms and stared at him.

Tao scoffed. The tall panda leaned towards his sister and whispered into her ear, "Our manager's never going to allow it so it's either you take the money now and get lost before you cause a scene or you can embarrass yourself"

Min leaned towards him and smirked, "wanna bet?"

"Suit yourself", Tao mouthed.

Just then, the manager walked in eying the two of them. "What's going on here? And who is this girl, Tao? You know you're not supposed to have relationships"

He looked on the ground and mumbled "She's my sister"

With a questioning look, the manager raised his eyebrow. "And what's she doing here?"

Min smirked. "I'm here to dorm with my brother"

"What is this, some sort of joke?", the manager said as he laughed. The manager stopped laughing when he noticed she was serious and gave her a stern look.

"Okay, look here missy, just because you are Tao's sister does mean you dorm with him by any means. Now get along now, alright kiddo? You can visit him when you're free!", the manager said as he led the group away.

Tao stared at her with a victorious look and gave her the 'I told you so look' before turning around and walking with the other members.

"Are you sure about that?", Min raised her eyebrow questionly at the manager.

The manager sighed, "Look, time is money here kiddo--"

"Five minutes. If I can't convince you within five minutes, I'll leave."

Another sigh was let out by the manager. "Fine. Boys, stay here."

The two figures went around the corner of the building and stopped at the end where the big window panes were. There, no one would be able to eavesdrop on their conversation.


"Alright, let's make this short. Like I said, nothing will convince me", the manager told her once again.

"Not even this?", she said as she held out her galaxy in front of him to show a picture a couple.

The man in the picture was clearly the manager out on a date with his girlfriend who just so happens to be an idol as well. And not just any idol, the girl in the picture was revealed to be SNSD's Sunny aka the niece of Lee Sooman. Min flipped through the pictures showing the many different photos that were taken at different angles and different places. After she was done flipping through, the manager's facial expressino paled. Sweat beads could be seen from his foreword.

"H-H-How in t-the w-world--", the manager stuttered while speaking.

"I don't think that's important right now, is it? Hm..I wonder what would happen if these photos ended up on the internet? I'm sure it's obvious as to what will happen, don't cha think?", Min grinned at the manager who looked like he could faint about now.

Min turned to the manager who cowered in fear, "A deal is a deal, isn't it? Don't deny that I haven't convinced you"


Both of them walked back to where the boys were standing with the manager lagging behind, he had to hold himself with the support of the wall as they walked. The boys were surprised at the sudden pale expression the manager had, never had they seen him fear or weaken over anything or anyone.

As she walked back, she shot Tao a victory smirk. "Looks like I'm staying with you guys"

Tao was stunned, he couldn't believe that she actually did convince the manager. 

"B-boys, g-go rehearse. I-I'm gonna get s-some air", the manager dragged himself to the elevator.

The boys looked at Min and debated whether or not they should introduce themselves now or later. Kris started walking towards the practice room without even giving Min a single glance. Luhan and Lay followed Kris's lead.

Again, Tao sighed in frustration. "Just go in the practice room and sit down or something. We don't go back until 8pm", he said before running off catching up to the Luhan and Lay. 

Xiumin and Chen were the only ones left. Shyly, Chen walked up to Min looking down. "Erm...sorry for before, I didn't know--"

"I said to forget it. I don't see why you are worrying over such a petty thing", the venom-like words came out of as she gave them a lifeless stare.

"O-oh anyway, I'm Chen and this is Xiumin", he said as he pulled Xiumin next to him. Xiumin waved cheerfully at her giving her a cute eye smile.

Her expression was still blank. "And? Do you expect me to introduce myself or something?"

Xiumin and Chen looked at her weirdly. Scratching the back of his neck, Xiumin spoke. "Well..isn't that common courtesy...?"

"I don't care if your name is Chen or Chan, does it really matter what my name or your names are? Umma, Appa, Unni,Oppa. They're just labels aren't they? Max, Alice, Sam or whatever are names but in the same way are labels for things aren't they? Is it really necessary for me to introduce myself? My name is just a label for me."

Min walked ahead of them and then stopped. She turned back around with her eyes teared up. "If you must know, it's Min".



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