Operation: Get Rid of Babysitter

The Spy Who Stole My Heart

The Next Day at School ~


[A/N: Sooo i'm trying this format, comment below on which format is better, this one or the previous one. Thank you :) ]


Sophie went to Marcus at the benches.




hey dork!




what's up nerd?




 who you calling a nerd? me?



 no the tree beside you (sarcastic)




oh now you're tryin' to be funny now?




Did it work?




not a chance! you're still pretty much a dork




 Tch. Killjoy.




 Whatever. So anyway I need your help.




 After calling me a dork why would I help you?




 Oh c'mon pleeeeaaaseeeeee? (does the puppy pout eyes)




 No I ... Awww stop it i'm still not gonna help you besides why would I do that??




(runs her fingers from his shoulders to his cheeks) because i'm your bestfriend and your evil expertise are needed here.




 (faces her) keep talking.




 Well I need you to help me get rid of my baby sitter.



 babysitt ... oh you mean Mr. Spy?




 No. Maybe your brother. Wow for someone that's smart you're slow.




 Now that's just mean. If you don't want my help then fine (gestures to stand up)




 (holds his hand) oh c'mon now!



Okay you got me, what do you have in mind?




Well its kinda... (whispers in his ear)


Marcus smirks as she whispers her plan.

So Marcus and Sophie went on with their plans to try and drive away Aiden.


First on their plan was to make a sack go to Aiden’s face. Marcus has devised a system when Aiden steps at a wire, the sack will come flying in Aiden’s face.

They both laugh evilly and when they saw Aiden coming they hid behind the huge pillar.

As Aiden was walking, he was reading a book and completely not looking in the way, he stepped on the wire as planned and the sack was about to hit him but because of his super fast reflexes he just swerved at the incoming sack without removing his eyes from his book and went inside the house.

Marcus and Sophie are just scratching their heads on what had just happened.


The next plan is to let Aiden slip and fall on his back. So they put skateboards on the walkway and they killed the lights so he won’t be able to see and their plan went on as planned but because he was a spy he managed to have a flashlight and saw the skateboard and skipped it.

Marcus the lights and Sophie kicked the skateboard and it went in front of Marcus and he slipped and fell on the ground.

Sophie’s next plan is to shower Aiden with honey and cover him with feathers, she was waiting above the stairs and when she heard footstep and saw a figure of a man he poured honey and feathers on him. Not knowing it was Marcus.







Oh my gosh! Is that you Marcus?!




Yes! How could you mistake me for him?!




Oh my i’m so sorry Cus!




Ugh! You’re so gonna pay for this!



I’m sorry! Come let us wash that off.


They went upstairs and Aiden was just looking up smiling on what just happened after wards they sat on the terrace sitting close to each other.



Hey Cus, i’m really sorry. I didn’t know it was you.




How can you mistake this handsome face from that jerk?!




Hey I said I didn’t mean it.




Tch. Whatever Sophie (turns away)




Sooooooorrrryyy (hugs him from behind)




Aw alright! I can never resist you! (Pinches her cheeks and hugs her as well)



But you still look good with the feathers on




Oh really?! (tickles Sophie)







They continue to do what they were doing but someone was watching them from the bushes.




A FIGURE near a window watching Sophie and Marcus through a monitor then turns to a PERSON inside the dark office.



What’s happening? Why is the plan taking so long?!




I’m sorry for the delays Sir. We’re trying our best to commence with the plan.




We are running out of time! They are getting closer and if they found out soon and we cannot commence with our plan! I want to get the project now!


~back to Sophie and Marcus~


Sophie sends Marcus out the door



I’ll see you tomorrow Soph




Yeah, see you tomorrow dork!




Stop calling me that!



What a dork?






Okay bye ...


Aiden interrupts them and comes in between them holding the door.



It’s time to go Mister Cho




What are you doing??



Good Night


Aiden shuts the door leaving Marcus on the other side


Sheeesh, this guy needs to learn how to chill. (Throws his hands in defeat and leaves)



Seriously Lee?! We were just bidding goodbye



Yes you did that already right? It’s past your curfew and you can’t be seen outside for too long especially at night.



Do I look like i’m five to you?! I can take care of myself!



I seriously doubt that Miss.



(scoffs) I hate you ... you jerk! Can’t you see I don’t want you here?!



I don’t wanna be here either Miss. Don’t worry when all of this is over, i’m gone.


A suspicious thud is heard through out the house.



What’s that?


Suddenly two guys in a black overall crashes into the house.



Go! Hide!



Sophie does what she’s told and locks the door.

Aiden fights of the two guys the first guy attacks him by whacking him with a stick and he dodges every swoosh of the stick and when he catches the end of the stick he is using and turns them both sending them from the ground and when they get back on the ground he kicks him and as he turns to the second guy, the first guy gets up and strangles him with a cloth he tries to reach for the lampshade, there’s a bit of a struggle but he reaches it eventually then he heard Sophie scream so he immediately smashed it to the first guy’s head and went to Sophie.

Aiden saw the second guy holding Sophie he was about to rush off to her when that guy brings out a knife and points it to her.



Don’t do anything stupid. Put that down

The second guy doesn’t budge, Sophie is terrified but manages to step on the second guys foot and throws her to the ground and hits her head on the table, that’s when Aiden makes his move and kicks the second guy and disarms him and the first guy attacks him again but he stops it and does a judo throw that sends the guy outside the house through the window. Aiden turns to the second guy but he has escaped through the first broken window. Aiden intends to follow them but he remembered Sophie lying on the ground.


Aiden goes to Sophie and brings her to a sitting position


Miss Kim, Miss Kim! Wake up!!


Sophie's POV:


After stepping on the foot of the man, he throws me and I felt my head bump into something ... All I remember is seeing Aiden coming to me and mouthing some words and all went black.




Sooo is this version better? I mean the format? :))

Feel free to comment and thank you for reading my story :D

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Chapter 12: asdfghjkl This was so cute ! I'm glad everything is fine ^__^
Chapter 11: I'll wait :) ^^,
Chapter 10: Oh my god.. No, she can't die.. they're like.. oh my god.. perfect for each other! Sophie~ T^T
mcdgee #4
Chapter 10: Do you have an alternative ending where they lived happily ever after???? Please!
mcdgee #5
Chapter 10: Why??????? :(
mcdgee #6
Chapter 9: Please update again! I really love this story so much! Please update now. Hehe
iamparkcheonsa #7
Chapter 4: woah your so mean monkey.. you dont do that to giraffe XD

eee .. sophie's getting close to aiden.. gonna watch out for more kilig moments xP
Chapter 6: That was cute and awkward.. x3
Chapter 5: No! What will they do?! They can't kidnap Aiden! Gah.. I want to kick their butts.. -_-
Chapter 4: Aish..I hope she just walked away to surprise Aiden, though I have a bad feeling.. >,>
I will, author-nim (^_^)/
their album cover is so funny.. hahah xD lol and damn..those lucky fans.. T_T