[Insert Fancy Title Here]





I clapped when the game was over and my acquaintance, Kris, had won. SoHee and I had to wait a few for his fans to finish expressing their love for him before he was free to speak with us. He sauntered up to me and I surprised him with a big hug. "Oh, I'm so happy you won!"

"Whoa, it's not that big of a deal," he chuckled and unraveled his body from my arms. "Jae and I do this all the time."

"Who's Jae?"

Kris looked over his shoulder and beckoned his opponent over. "Yo! JB, let me introduce you to my friend," he looked at SoHee, "and her friend!"

JB used a towel to wipe his face and neck before heading in our direction. I didn't hide my scowl when he came over. "Hello," he smiled and bowed.

I didn't return the greeting, but SoHee did, much to my chagrin. "My apologies. Hello," he repeated in English, thinking I didn't understand Korean.

"I know what you said," I snapped. JB gaped at me.

"Hey, chill," Kris interjected. "What's your problem? Do you two know each other?" JB shook his head.

"Well, we haven't met properly, but this jerk was rude to me yesterday!"

"How so?"

I shrugged. "Ask him."

JB studied my face. "Oh..." he said once he recognized me.

"Yeah, 'Oh...'," I mocked.

"Look, I didn't mean to come off as a jerk. I was just having a bad day...and it's not completely my fault. You could've paid more attention!"

"Oh so now I have a hand in this?" I scoffed. "Just say you're 'sorry' and I'll drop it."

JB's face turned red as he grew furious. Kris tried to lighten the mood by stepping in the center of us. He put his hands on JB's shoulders and whispered, "Calm down."

"_____," SoHee tugged on my arm so I would look at her.


"Just let it go. He said he had a reason..."

"Oh, and what reason would that be?"

"My girlfriend broke up with me," JB answered as he yanked Kris' hands off him. "She was my first love and she ended it through a in' text!"

"..." SoHee held onto me tightly. I was frightened too, and slightly guilty for being so accusatory. "I'm so-"

"No, don't be...I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday...and today," he sighed. JB shook his head and returned to his duffle bag where he packed up his basketball, water bottles and towel, and left.

"Smooth move," Kris commented.

"Don't you think I feel bad enough?"

"Nope." Kris sighed and ruffled my hair. "Do you guys want some icecream? My treat."

SoHee nodded excitedly so I conceded, "Sure."

Kris grinned. He grabbed my hand and led SoHee and I to a general store on campus. He let us pick what icecream we wanted from the freezer and he paid for them. We ended up going back to the courts so we could sit on the bleachers and devour our snacks.

"Thank you, Kris." The icecream made me feel a little better.

"How do you guys know each other?" asked SoHee.

"Kris was one of my airplane buddies." Kris nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I see."

Kris was the first to finish, so he tossed his wrapper into the trashbin and got off the bleachers. "I'm going to go back to my room," he stretched. "I would do the same if I were you."

"Okay," SoHee and I said in unison.

"Maybe I'll see you tomorrow," Kris hinted with a wink and I smiled in return.

"Bye," we said as we waved at his retreating figure.

"He's nice."


SoHee smirked as she watched me closely. "You should ask him out."

"Yeah...wait! No!"

"Oh c'mon, _____. If you don't, I will~"

I laughed and shook my head at her. "...I'll think about it."



A/N: HM. Do you want to ask Kris out? Who do you want to have your first date with? What are your feelings on this chapter? What should we do about JB? QUESTIONS! SO MANY QUESTIONS! (comments...so little comments) xD Oh, which guy do you want to see more of in the next chapter? There are other men... ;D


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3 more, I mean xD


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Chapter 8: I'd love to see more Kris or Ilhoon to see them develop the relationship with the main character :) I like Mirua, he seems really nice! :) Can't wait for the next update! :)
xxxmariixxx #2
Chapter 8: Yay miura!!! i know this may be unfair to the other guys but I'd like to see him in the next chapter. Hopefully the MC can understand him better by then lol
Chapter 7: Oooooo. Kris would be a nice pick to ask out. He's a really nice guy. JB is ehhh to me. I get you're having a bad day....but really brah? Idk, you could make them hang out just as friends just to make him not come off as such a jerk face lolol. Yongguk omg he's a adorable. I think Ilhoon is just a bit awk and shy XD
Miura seems really chill too. Seriously love this story <3 ahaha
LoveLasts #4
Chapter 7: I think she should ask Kris out. If not on a date date then at least as a just friends on an outing. He's really sweet. JB is still just rude to me. I get he was having a bad day but he shouldn't take it out on others, and his anger seems to be an issue he needs to deal with. Yongguk is so awkward cute in this. It's adorable how he just wants to learn more about her for his studies. I hope they can at least become good comfortable friends with each other. Ilhoon was a little strange so I hope we find out why soon. Great Job!
xxxmariixxx #5
Chapter 7: I hope to see more of miura!
Chapter 6: I hope kris wins . :) I really would like to see jb and the main character's interactions .
Can't wait until she meets the other guys~