[Insert Fancy Title Here]





"So, where to first?" I asked SoHee as I studied the map of campus she provided.

"I don't know, where do you want to go?" She asked back with a sly grin.

"Hm...the boys' dorm!"

She gawked at me. "Why do you want to go there? Yah! You're not a ert are you?"

"I just want to see what the guys look like. So far they seem pretty hot~"


We giggled mischievously and SoHee grabbed my arm and brought me to a brown building that looked similar to our dorm. There were a lot of boys hanging around the outside and even some girls mingling too. I stopped SoHee behind a tree.

"What do we do now?"

"Let's go and say 'Hi'," she proposed.


As SoHee and I walked out from behind the tree and towards the other students, we could hear rapping. My first thought was 'Koreans can rap?' but I remembered the many Korean hip-hop artists like G-Dragon and JayPark who are both talented rappers. When we got close enough, we could see two students in a heated rap battle. One of them had a really deep voice. That's how I would tell them apart.

"Wow, they sound really good. Who is winning?" SoHee strugged. I waited for them to finish before I asked anymore questions.

SoHee started talking to a female student in Korean. I could probably understand 14% of their conversation. "Thank you," she said.

"What did you talk about?"

"The rapper with the the deep voice is Bang Yongguk and the other one is Jung Ilhoon. He's a freshman, like us, but Yongguk is a junior."

"Oh," I nodded as I watched Yongguk and Ilhoon shake hands and sign autographs. "They're pretty popular..."

"Yes, Ilhoon's sister is a junior here. She's very popular. She and Yongguk used to date." SoHee watched me out of the corner of her eyes. "Do you want to talk to them?"


We waited for the crowd to thin out before SoHee and I approached the two rappers. I was suddenly feeling very self-conscious. I wanted to turn around, but it was already too late.

"Hello," SoHee greeted them.

Ilhoon's eyes widened when he saw me. Yongguk was humble and politely shook my hand. "How were we?" His English accent was cute.

"You were both amazing," I complimented. I noticed Ilhoon looked a bit lost so I said afterward, "Cool." He smiled in response.

"Are you a freshman? I'm positive I would've seen you around campus if you were anything but."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand..." I said hesitantly.

SoHee cut in, "She's still learning Korean. She can understand simple phrases."

"Sorry," bowed Yongguk.

Ilhoon looked slightly irritated. Was it because of SoHee and I? Yongguk saw this. "Please excuse us. It was nice meeting you..." he drawled.

"_____ and," I gestured to my roommate, "SoHee."

"Hope we find eachother again soon," he grinned. I found his gummy smile inviting and attractive.

"Yeah, I hope so too," I grinned back. Ilhoon smiled half-heartedly and Yongguk waved at us before they disappeared into the boys' dorm.

SoHee nudged me, "So, who did you like more?"

"I'll get back to you on that," I giggled. 



A/N: Sorry if it's mediocre. And I apologize if Ilhoon seems like he doesn't understand any English. I don't know how much English these guys know, but I'm pretty sure Yongguk knows more than Ilhoon and yeah...I just wanted to give you guys something to read (and BToB and B.A.P. have been running circles in my brain @-@). Have you guys seen the BToB/B.A.P. dance battle??? ZELO AND ILHOON LOOK SO FRIGGIN' HAWT! Oh, and Yongguk too of course~ But no one needs to be reminded of his manliness <3



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3 more, I mean xD


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Chapter 8: I'd love to see more Kris or Ilhoon to see them develop the relationship with the main character :) I like Mirua, he seems really nice! :) Can't wait for the next update! :)
xxxmariixxx #2
Chapter 8: Yay miura!!! i know this may be unfair to the other guys but I'd like to see him in the next chapter. Hopefully the MC can understand him better by then lol
Chapter 7: Oooooo. Kris would be a nice pick to ask out. He's a really nice guy. JB is ehhh to me. I get you're having a bad day....but really brah? Idk, you could make them hang out just as friends just to make him not come off as such a jerk face lolol. Yongguk omg he's a adorable. I think Ilhoon is just a bit awk and shy XD
Miura seems really chill too. Seriously love this story <3 ahaha
LoveLasts #4
Chapter 7: I think she should ask Kris out. If not on a date date then at least as a just friends on an outing. He's really sweet. JB is still just rude to me. I get he was having a bad day but he shouldn't take it out on others, and his anger seems to be an issue he needs to deal with. Yongguk is so awkward cute in this. It's adorable how he just wants to learn more about her for his studies. I hope they can at least become good comfortable friends with each other. Ilhoon was a little strange so I hope we find out why soon. Great Job!
xxxmariixxx #5
Chapter 7: I hope to see more of miura!
Chapter 6: I hope kris wins . :) I really would like to see jb and the main character's interactions .
Can't wait until she meets the other guys~