[Insert Fancy Title Here]





The 'bing' sounded and all the passengers unbuckled their seatbelts, stood and stretched. Kris retrieved my book bag and his athletic bag from the compartment. "Thank you," I said. He smiled in return.

We waited for a gap before the three of us entered the aisle and got off the plane. "What time is it?" I asked.

"A little past 11," Jaeseop said as he checked his wrist watch. 

I looked up at the skylight and saw that it was a bright and clear morning. The weather affected me and I found myself grinning as we walked through the airport terminal. 

"Why are you so happy? Shouldn't you have jet lag?" asked Kris.

I shook my head, "Nope. Unlike someone who stays up watching movies the whole flight, I took multiple naps so I have plenty of energy. And besides, this is exciting! I've never been to Korea before."

Kris scoffed. He was obviously tired if the dark circles around his eyes were anything to go by. "We'll take a taxi to the university and split the fare. Do you have money on you?"

"Uh, yeah. I have $200 in Korean won."

"That's more than enough."

I almost forgot there was a third person in our party because Jaeseop was so quiet. He had his headphones on and appeared to be listening to music. "Whatcha listenin' to?"

"Pachelbel's Canon D Minor."

"Oh, I like that one. I can't play it, but I enjoy hearing it. That's the song I want to play during my wedding," I informed him.

Jaeseop nodded, but made no comment. I felt awkward. I wanted to talk to him more, but it seemed like he didn't want to be bothered. Kris snickered as he watched our interaction. 

"Are you a freshman, too?"

"No, I'm a sophomore. I go to Columbia."

"Wow, really? I was rejected," I laughed.

"Hey, guys! Here's a taxi!" Kris shouted as he waved at us to get our attention.

I gave up on making small talk with Jaeseop, and jogged to where Kris was. He took my two suitcases from my hands so I could get in the taxi; he even helped with Jaeseop's luggage.

"Where are we going?" asked the taxi driver. He looked at us through the rearview mirror, but I noticed he stared at me a little longer than Kris and Jaeseop.

"Asia University, mister," Jaeseop answered. The taxi driver nodded and drove us out of the airport and towards Asia University.

I looked out the window the whole ride. I was amazed at how different Seoul looked from my home state. The differences were oddly comforting and I had no doubt in my mind that I would grow to love this place.

I saw that there were less buildings as we approached the campus. Asia University was somewhat isolated, but an easy 30-minute walk from the city's action. We drove through a gate and into a small community with lots of academic buildings and facilities. There were a lot of people, many of them students like me, but there were hardly any students who looked like me.

The taxi came to a complete stop. "Thank you," Jaeseop bowed from his seat. Kris collected money from Jaeseop and me and handed the total to the driver. The taxi driver bowed in return and unlocked the back doors so we could get out.

"Am I dreaming?" I asked myself.

"No," Kris interrupted. I jokingly glared at him.

Jaeseop stood beside me and we admired the campus together. "Seoul's so beautiful."

"Yes, it is," Jaeseop agreed. "But if you really want to see Seoul in all of its beauty, you should explore the areas outside the campus."

"You're right."

"Well, nice meeting you, ____," Jaeseop smiled and bowed.

I copied him. "Right back at ya."

He said goodbye to Kris as well before he grabbed his luggage and departed. I hoped to see him again. Not just Jaeseop, but Kris as well. "Thanks for everything, Kris."

"No problem," he smirked. "You sure you don't need help? I'm not busy."

I shook my head, "Thanks, but no thanks. I need to figure this campus out by myself."

"Suit yourself," he shrugged. He waved good bye as he jogged away.

I sighed and looked to my left and right. I really didn't know what I was doing. I needed to find my dorm and find SoHee before it gets late. "Okay, no worries, ____. Look at it this way: it's a great opportunity to practice your Korean," I reassured myself.

With a suitcase in each hand, and my large book bag on my shoulders, I started to traverse Asia University's campus.



A/N: OOPS! I know I said the other guys would be introduced in this chapter, but I didn't realize that many things will happen between then and now so you will meet at least one new guy in the next chapter, PROMISE! >.<"


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3 more, I mean xD


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Chapter 8: I'd love to see more Kris or Ilhoon to see them develop the relationship with the main character :) I like Mirua, he seems really nice! :) Can't wait for the next update! :)
xxxmariixxx #2
Chapter 8: Yay miura!!! i know this may be unfair to the other guys but I'd like to see him in the next chapter. Hopefully the MC can understand him better by then lol
Chapter 7: Oooooo. Kris would be a nice pick to ask out. He's a really nice guy. JB is ehhh to me. I get you're having a bad day....but really brah? Idk, you could make them hang out just as friends just to make him not come off as such a jerk face lolol. Yongguk omg he's a adorable. I think Ilhoon is just a bit awk and shy XD
Miura seems really chill too. Seriously love this story <3 ahaha
LoveLasts #4
Chapter 7: I think she should ask Kris out. If not on a date date then at least as a just friends on an outing. He's really sweet. JB is still just rude to me. I get he was having a bad day but he shouldn't take it out on others, and his anger seems to be an issue he needs to deal with. Yongguk is so awkward cute in this. It's adorable how he just wants to learn more about her for his studies. I hope they can at least become good comfortable friends with each other. Ilhoon was a little strange so I hope we find out why soon. Great Job!
xxxmariixxx #5
Chapter 7: I hope to see more of miura!
Chapter 6: I hope kris wins . :) I really would like to see jb and the main character's interactions .
Can't wait until she meets the other guys~