An Unexpected Miracle [Myungyeol]

"I am yours, you are mine."


Dialogue-heavy. And the cheese in this fic will last me a lifetime.



Sungyeol knew he was running late, but he still walked to his destination in a leisurely pace. He should be worried for his life for being (fashionably) late, and the thought of Myungsoo skinning him alive for being so was pushed to the back of his mind.

“Hello. I do hope you have my item ready, because I’m kind of…late for a function.”

“Of course, sir. Here it is. He’ll love it, I’m sure. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you!”

He trusted the words of the girl back at the emporium, so he relaxed a little. Taking a deep breath once he reached the mahogany double-doors, (fixing his tie while he was at it; the atrocious thing was just irritating his neck, but he still wanted to look nice), he nearly screamed when a hand dropped on his shoulder.

“Holy mother of abalone!” he hissed, turning around to glare at the culprit. His glare hardened when he came face-to-face with his cousin. “Damn it, Woohyun. What the hell?”

The older boy grinned innocently, shrugging his shoulders. “What’s your excuse for being this late, hmm? You know Myungsoo’s going to have your balls for not arriving early, especially when it’s on such a special occasion.”

Sungyeol rolled his eyes. “Gee, the thought didn’t cross my mind at all. I know what I’m doing, so zip it.”

Woohyun raised an arm, the other hand pretending to zip his mouth and throwing the so-called key behind him (with an ugly -eating huge smile, Sungyeol grimaced).

“Why a sensible man like Sunggyu hyung is dating a dweeb like you mystifies me to no end. And why are we even related?”

It was obviously a rhetorical question, but Woohyun replied anyway. “Like it or not, you’re an idiot, too.”

Sungyeol scowled at his cousin one more time before spitting out a: “Shut up, please, hyung. Just – just get inside!”

Woohyun found the side of his face planted to the door (Sungyeol didn’t have to push him, damn his mood swings). He shook his head and straightened his clothes before entering the mansion, quite expecting the taller boy to follow him. When he didn’t, he raised questioning eyebrows at him, and all Sungyeol did was wave his hands around frantically, hoping to not be seen by the numerous guests inside, trying to tell Woohyun to shut the door without him.

“O…okay?” he frowned, staring at the other weirdly before doing as told.

Sungyeol had hoped no one, especially a certain someone, spotted him outside.

Back at his apartment, he didn’t feel nervous at all. He felt confident that he could just say it. He had even practiced in front of his mirror, and if Myungsoo were to know about that, he’d never hear the end of it.

“Come on, Lee Sungyeol,” he gulped. “Too late to turn back now. You can do it.”

He inhaled deeply, one hand inside his pocket. Not wanting to succumb to the chicken within him, he pushed the door open as quietly as he could. He looked around the room, which was filled with guests from family, to friends, to colleagues.

Sungyeol greeted those he was familiar with, nearly everyone that is, before he saw Myungsoo (the love of his life, if he were to be cheesy like his cousin) conversing with an old friend. He smiled at the sight of his boyfriend grinning at whatever it was that the man was saying to him.

Somewhere on the right side of the room was Woohyun back-hugging Myungsoo’s older brother like nobody’s business while the older man tried to discreetly remove his clingy arms as he spoke to a seemingly important guest; a businessman, it seemed. On the far left of the room was a huge table full of presents from the guests, and Sungyeol felt as if he should’ve gotten a much bigger gift than what he bought. As he was about to go take a seat while waiting for Myungsoo to be done talking, the latter spotted him from the distance and excused himself from the old friend.

Sungyeol saw Myungsoo making his way to him, lips pursed but with a hint of happiness on his face. Clearly the younger male was upset that he came late, but Sungyeol had a very good reason as to why.

Trying not to grin to widely, Sungyeol met with Myungsoo in the middle of the huge living space.

“Yah, Lee Sungyeol, where have you been –“

“Sssh, sssh,” Sungyeol hushed his frowning boyfriend, placing both his palms on each sides of Myungsoo’s face, and then planting a soft kiss to his lips. “Come with me,” he linked their hands together, and led the younger male through the door that leads to the garden.

“What – why?” Myungsoo questioned, but followed his weird boyfriend anyway.

Endless questions swam inside Myungsoo’s head; why’s Sungyeol leading me here, why was he late, where was he, why is he doing this, and why am I not beating the poop out of him?

“Yeollie,” he whined when they both reached the bench and sat down on it.

“Ah, ah,” Sungyeol shook his head. “What have I said about calling me that?”

Myungsoo pouted. “It takes away your manliness.” Which is sometimes non-existent, he wanted to snort.

“Oh, aren’t you an adorable boyfriend?” Sungyeol cooed, lightly pinching Myungsoo’s cheeks, making the latter pout even more. “By the way…” the older male withdrew his hands, suddenly fidgeting with his fingers on his lap and staring at them.

This made Myungsoo’s eyebrow furrow. What’s with the sudden change? To him, Sungyeol had been acting strange, not only tonight, but the past week, too. The strangeness wasn’t to the extent that it made Myungsoo scared that Sungyeol might be up to something, it simply made him confused.

He’d ask why or what the problem was, but it isn’t in his nature to pry. If something was wrong, Sungyeol would surely tell him, right?

“Happy birthday, Soo.”

Myungsoo looked up from Sungyeol’s hands, dumbfounded. Sungyeol had a small smile on his face, and it automatically made Myungsoo smile as well. The younger sighed inwardly and pulled his dork of a boyfriend into a hug.

“Thank you, Yeol,” he whispered. “You may be the last person to greet me, but –“

“I greeted you first!” Sungyeol interrupted, pulling away from the other with a huge grin.

“Verbally!” Myungsoo countered with a laugh. “You’re the last to greet me face-to-face. A text message at midnight doesn’t count.”

Sungyeol feigned mock-hurt. “I did a countdown for that. I didn’t even blink my eyes!”

“Yeol,” Myungsoo pressed a finger to Sungyeol’s lips to shut him up. “I was joking,” he giggled. “It’s really sweet of you to do that for me. I appreciate it.”

“I’m the sweetest, aren’t I?” Sungyeol nodded smugly.

“Ugh, jerk,” Myungsoo punched his shoulder light-heartedly. Why am I dating this weirdo? “You know, instead of taking me out here just to greet me a happy birthday, you could’ve just said that to me inside, you know that, don’t you? The guests will wonder where his boyfriend had kidnapped the birthday boy.”

This mere sentence had Sungyeol’s smile fade from his face; Myungsoo frowned again at this. Did he say something wrong? His boyfriend was so confusing and becoming more sensitive that he wanted to rip his hair out. Why was Sungyeol not saying anything if there was a problem?

“Sungyeol, I hope you notice that your behaviour tonight is scaring me.”

The older male brought his eyes up to his boyfriend’s frowning face. “I’m so sorry if it made you feel that way, babe.” He then lifted his hands to caress each sides of his cheeks, bringing their foreheads closer together. “It’s just that – it’s just –“

“Just what?” Myungsoo asked, his voice trembling the slightest bit as he placed his hands on top of Sungyeol’s.

“I’ve been thinking.” Sungyeol swallowed the lump in his throat, looking Myungsoo directly in the eye. “About us.”


A nod. “Yeah,” he his lips as it suddenly got dry. Damn it, why am I so nervous? Have some courage, you idiot. Sungyeol slowly removed his hands from Myungsoo’s face as he sat straight up, intertwining their hands on his lap instead. “Before you came into my life, I was a mess. I didn’t feel like I was good enough for anyone, and I was never good enough at anything.”

“You’re perfectly good enough for me,” Myungsoo gazed at him lovingly.

Sungyeol smiled. “My parents didn’t think I was a good son for them. So I ran off, to anywhere my feet took me back then. That’s when you saw me at the bridge.”

Myungsoo’s eyebrows furrowed. “The first time we met?”

“The first time we met.”

“You never did tell me why you were there in the first place,” the younger male tilted his head to the side as he tried to choose his next words carefully. “Was that why?”

Sungyeol averted his gaze from Myungsoo’s inquiring ones. He didn’t think he’d ever tell Myungsoo why he was at the bridge the first time they met. All he told the younger before was that he was stressed from a school exam and that he needed to breathe in the fresh air.

That was a lie.

“Yeol…” Myungsoo’s voice cracked. “Please don’t tell me you were planning on ending your life that night.”

Sungyeol’s silence and eyes that looked everywhere but Myungsoo’s was enough to confirm his statement. The younger male bit his lower lip, eyes b with tears. His heart felt heavy, and he didn’t know what to do. If he hadn’t come to the bridge four years ago, he would never have met Sungyeol.

“Don’t, babe. Don’t,” Sungyeol removed his tears with his thumbs. “You’ve saved me that night. There’s no need to cry.”

“You…you could’ve…”

“Sssh, don’t,” Sungyeol gripped Myungsoo’s hands tighter. “I had nothing to live for, until you came along. You gave me a reason to live, a purpose. It didn’t, and never will matter, that I can’t please my family. I had you.” He pressed his lips against the younger. “I have you.”


“I love you, Kim Myungsoo,” Sungyeol hesitantly pulled away, but still keeping their distance close enough. “You’re the miracle that I never expected to have happened to me.”

Myungsoo was at a loss for words. Normally, he would’ve hit Sungyeol for being so cheesy, but his own body was frozen in place. His eyes widened when Sungyeol reached into his pocket, revealing a small velvet box in his palm, and he couldn’t supress the surprised gasp that escaped his lips when Sungyeol knelt down before him.


“Kim Myungsoo,” Sungyeol began, trying hard to keep his voice steady as he smiled. “I’m not perfect, but I’ll do anything for you, and I’ll do my best to make you happy. Will you take me as I am? Will you stay with me for the rest of your life?” Sungyeol then opened the box to reveal a plain, but stunning white-gold ring, and the sight made Myungsoo clamp his mouth with both his hands as tears threatened to spill out from his eyes. “Will you marry me?”

Myungsoo’s heart was racing against his ribcage so hard he had slight difficulty in breathing. He was feeling all sorts of emotions; he was overwhelmed, ecstatic, and his stomach was making him feel weird all over the place. He loved Sungyeol, but his voice just decided to abandon him for the moment, leaving him practically speechless and in tears.

So he did the only thing he could do: nod enthusiastically. “Yes,” he replied in a whisper since that was all that could come out.

Sungyeol heaved a sigh of relief, taking Myungsoo’s extended right hand and slowly sliding in the ring on his now-fiancé’s finger. Myungsoo immediately threw his arms around Sungyeol’s shoulders and the taller male instinctively wrapped his arms around the younger’s waist, lifting him up and spinning them both in absolute elation.

“I love you, Lee Sungyeol.” He heard Myungsoo whisper in his ear, his arms tightening its hold on his neck.

Sungyeol couldn’t contain his excitement when Myungsoo accepted his proposal. He had meant every word he said, and with Myungsoo giggling in his arms as of now, he’d keep his promise of being a better man. He’d no longer try to please or impress his parents. Myungsoo would be his only family, and the younger male will be the only person he’ll try anything for.

Sungyeol stopped spinning them both around when he heard thunderous applause, cheers, and wolf-whistles.

It turned out that every single one of the guests had watched the entire thing; some were standing by the doors, while others watched from the inside through the glass windows. Myungsoo, the shy lad that he was, hid his face in the crook of Sungyeol’s neck as he blushed deeply.

Sungyeol chuckled at Myungsoo’s adorable attitude, pulling him closer by the waist and somewhat hugging him. He had a good feeling that his life with Myungsoo after this would be better than before.

“My brother-in-law is getting married!”

Wincing, Sungyeol and Myungsoo exchanged glances with each other. Trust Woohyun to make a fool out of himself.

“Dream on, Nam. Dream on.”

And trust Sunggyu to make a snarky comment on that.

Yes, Sungyeol definitely had a good feeling about his life with Myungsoo.



What in the world have I just written? I seriously at fluff and cheesy romance. I should just stick to angst.

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ilabya8 #1
soo_aegi #2
Chapter 2: Eeeeeeeee this is so cute >< please writes moreeee
Chapter 2: Awwww, this is so cute! It's too sweet it's giving me a toothache. Sungyeol was late because he went to get the ring for Myungsoo first, right? Aaaaaaah, too adorable! I loved this!
Chapter 2: Aigoo, so cute><
Chapter 2: Please update soon. This is so cute!
Chapter 1: Uhh~ Will you ever update 'Forget me? Don't even think about it.' or have you lost all the will to do so? I sort of still am waiting for it to be updated. (Hope I don't sound imposing.)
Chapter 1: I finally found another fic that has 'Myungsoo' in it XD a cute story, author-nim. please write more :3
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, this was just too cute! I loved this a lot. It's too short though, but seeing as this is your short stories collection, I understand haha!

Woohyun covering Sungjong's eyes is seriously hilarious! Lol.
Sohhiem #9
Chapter 1: Awww, this was such a cute read! YES MORE AUTHORS SHOULD WRITE MYUNGSOO AS THE INNOCENT AND DORKY KID HE IS. not some ice prince who is a major jerk. &&&& MYUNGWOOYEOL is my fav OT3 tooo! tho is myungyeol and wooyeol but woosoo is kinda y. HAHA
Kyumin #10
Update soon, neh? ^^