Candid [Myungyeol]

"I am yours, you are mine."


Myungsoo stretched his arms forward, his tummy flat on the floor. He looked down to the book he was reading, starting to get bored. It wasn’t that the plotline wasn’t interesting (if it wasn’t he wouldn’t have been halfway through the book), it was just that he’d been sprawled on the floor with the book for quite a long time. Really, it was Infinite’s day off, and of all the things he could do, he chose to read his neglected book.


A pair of feet appeared in front of him, and before he could look up, Sungyeol crouched to his eye level with a grin.


The tall male revealed his hand that he had hidden behind his back, and the younger one’s lips jutted out unconsciously, seeing the other’s hand gripping his camera. His precious camera!


In the blink of an eye, a flash blinded him for a second. He heard Sungyeol’s familiar chuckle and Myungsoo opened his eyes as wide as he could.


“Did you just…snap a picture of me, Yeol?”


Still chuckling, Sungyeol stood up, a huge smile on his face as he stared at the picture he had taken. “I sure did.”


“Y-yah,” Myungsoo clumsily scrambled to get back on his feet. “Give me that camera.”


“No way,” the taller male shook his head, backing away when his boyfriend moved nearer.


“That’s a hideous picture!”


“How would you know?’


“I – I don’t. Just give me it.”


Sungyeol leaned in until their noses nearly touched. “No.”


Myungsoo reached his hand out, but Sungyeol smirked and walked away from him. He heard a faint “Hey!”, and when he glanced back, the younger male looked close to sprinting to him. Sungyeol increased his speed, and it was then that the young male began chasing his boyfriend around the living room. Curse those ungodly (but gorgeous) long legs!




“Give up, Myung. I’m not giving you this camera.”


“But it’s mine!”


Sunggyu and Woohyun peeked their heads from the kitchen doorway with bewildered expressions. Dongwoo, Hoya and Sungjong ran out from their rooms to join the confused leader and main vocalist in the kitchen, all wearing similar expressions.


“If I give it to you, you’ll delete the picture,” Sungyeol said through ragged breaths, not ceasing his running (or jogging).


Myungsoo groaned. “At least let me see it, you malformed giraffe.”


Sungyeol abruptly stopped in front of the couch and turned around, making Myungsoo bump into his chest with a small “oof”. Without taking a deep breath, the shorter male tried to grab the camera, but his boyfriend only raised the gadget above his head, making it impossible to reach it now. Curse his height!


“Yeol!” Myungsoo whined, drawling his boyfriend’s name out involuntarily as he jumped up and down to snatch the camera.


Sungyeol chuckled, hand still up in the air. “Give up, shortie.”


“Don’t call me shortie, you giant. We’re not that far apart,” Myungsoo huffed, his arms stretched in a futile attempt to get the damned camera. “Give…me…it!”


Despite his fail effort in trying to retrieve his camera, Sungyeol was unrelenting. He quite enjoyed watching his boyfriend get worked up over an unprepared picture. It was just too cute, in his opinion, and he couldn’t help himself.


Myungsoo huffed in annoyance as he stomped his foot on the floor. Why was it so difficult?


A light bulb appeared at the top of his head, and he smirked at the thought. Sungyeol’s eyebrows furrowed at the sight, but his hand was still mid-air. Myungsoo his lips and moved closer until there was no more gap to close. The taller male gulped; his boyfriend looked so coy before him, and it was kind of y.


Myungsoo wrapped his arms around Sungyeol’s neck, and not wasting any time, pressed his lips onto the older male’s. Sungyeol’s eyes closed instinctively as he lowered his arm to their sides, his free arm enveloping the shorter male around the waist.


Sungyeol deepened the kiss, and Myungsoo jumped up to him slightly to further wrap his legs around his boyfriend’s waist, making them both fall backwards to the sofa.


Sunggyu and the others were secretly watching them the entire time, and Woohyun straight away clamped a hand to Sungjong’s pure and innocent eyes.


“No kids below 20 are to see this!” Woohyun whispered when the maknae grumbled.


“Hyung!” Sungjong whined, keeping in mind to keep his voice low. “I’m old enough,” he roughly removed the stinkin’ hand from his face. “It’s not like they’re gonna each other off now.”


Dongwoo gasped. “Lee Sungjong. Watch your mouth, kid.”


“What is this?” Sunggyu frowned at the two boys in the main room. “Just moments ago they were chasing each other, and now they’re –“


Myungsoo roamed his hands on Sungyeol’s body, their mouths still connected. One of his hands went down to Sungyeol’s side, and he smirked against the other’s lips when his hand touched the object of his desire. He quickly grabbed hold of the camera and immediately pulled away with a triumphant look.


“Hah!” he exclaimed with a huge smile on his face as he moved to lay his back on the armrest of the sofa, his precious camera in his hands.


“Y-yah!” Sungyeol stared at him wide-eyed. “That wasn’t fair.”


Myungsoo stuck out his tongue childishly without eye contact as he excitedly searched his camera. “To get what I wanted, yes it was.”


Sungyeol shifted as he positioned himself between Myungsoo’s legs. “Don’t delete the picture, you dork.”


“Depends on how I look,” the younger male laughed a little once he found the picture that his boyfriend took. “I don’t look that bad, so I guess that’ll do.”


He was worried he’d look horrid. He looked as if he was pouting in the photo, and his eyes cried confusion. Hell, anyone’s pictures taken candidly rarely turned out good.


“Mm-hmm,” Sungyeol hummed in response, his expression screaming i-told-you-so.


Myungsoo gave him a sheepish look and raised the camera up to his eyes. Sungyeol was about to protest, but he clicked the button without a second thought to shut him up.


“No.” The photographer-slash-visual said with authority when Sungyeol opened his mouth to make a complain. “You have no right to complain. We both must have at least one not-so-amazing picture in this camera. And this picture of yours is going on Twitter.”


Sungyeol’s voice got caught in his throat as Myungsoo skipped away from him. The younger boy had a really dorky (and stupid) grin on his face when he eagerly switched on his laptop.


Heaving a defeated sigh, Sungyeol shook his head, a small smile forming across his face which eventually grew to a huge grin.

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ilabya8 #1
soo_aegi #2
Chapter 2: Eeeeeeeee this is so cute >< please writes moreeee
Chapter 2: Awwww, this is so cute! It's too sweet it's giving me a toothache. Sungyeol was late because he went to get the ring for Myungsoo first, right? Aaaaaaah, too adorable! I loved this!
Chapter 2: Aigoo, so cute><
Chapter 2: Please update soon. This is so cute!
Chapter 1: Uhh~ Will you ever update 'Forget me? Don't even think about it.' or have you lost all the will to do so? I sort of still am waiting for it to be updated. (Hope I don't sound imposing.)
Chapter 1: I finally found another fic that has 'Myungsoo' in it XD a cute story, author-nim. please write more :3
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, this was just too cute! I loved this a lot. It's too short though, but seeing as this is your short stories collection, I understand haha!

Woohyun covering Sungjong's eyes is seriously hilarious! Lol.
Sohhiem #9
Chapter 1: Awww, this was such a cute read! YES MORE AUTHORS SHOULD WRITE MYUNGSOO AS THE INNOCENT AND DORKY KID HE IS. not some ice prince who is a major jerk. &&&& MYUNGWOOYEOL is my fav OT3 tooo! tho is myungyeol and wooyeol but woosoo is kinda y. HAHA
Kyumin #10
Update soon, neh? ^^