Never Send a Man to Do a Woman's Job

Dame Of the Stupid(?)

“You scumbag,”


“You old bat,”


I gave a death glare at Luhan while he stuck his tongue out at me while making weird faces. We were kind of okay last night, not until Soojin had to make everything worse.



“This is it, I showed you already my house now will you please get out?” I kindly asked as hard as I can as Luhan kept on looking around my place like a little kid exploring a world of candy. I hope that was true.


“Waah! Can I play with this?” he pointed to my IPad. I widened my eyes as he just got it. If he checks the safari he might see everything! And my plan will be ruined!


“Give me that!” I shouted at him angrily and pulled it out of his grip. I ran to my room and put it under my pillow so no one can see or get it.


“Aren’t you like a son of a CEO or something? Why don’t you have things like this?” I questioned him as I ran down the stairs. Luhan shrugged and sat down on the couch.


“Can you go home now? Before I start hitting you with a broom stick?”


“Hey Baekji who is—AAH! There is a ert!” I widened my eyes at Soojin as she got a chainsaw out of nowhere and started running to Luhan. Luhan screamed and both of them were running around the couch like cats and dogs.


“I am going to slaughter you Soojin,” I said exhaustedly as I closed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows. I opened my eyes and Soojin passed by me with the chainsaw was already making loud noises. I got it out of her hands easily and turned it off.


“Yah! What do you think you are doing?!” I shouted violently at Luhan who was about to punch Soojin. Soojin was already in tears and I know that she never meant to almost murder Luhan with a chainsaw, but she looked like she wanted to protect me.


“You airhead!” I roughly grabbed the shirt of Luhan and threw him somewhere, until he is out of Soojin’s reach.


“Soojin are you alright?”


“WAAAH!” she cried as she ran back to her room, crying and whimpering as she was flailing her arms.


“Yah! You bastard bimbo!” I called out at him furiously. He stood up confidently and strode towards me with a brave face. He towered over me easily, but I stood my ground.


“Why the hell would you punch a girl?!”


“Me?! That crazy old scumbag popped out of nowhere with a chainsaw and chased me!”


“So?! She didn’t intentionally mean it! She just wanted to protect me since you look like a ert with that coat of yours!”


“You know what?! I am not going to be nice to you anymore! So you failed to be friends with the kingka!”


“Get out! And I have ShinGoo! And his other friends and I also have Lay!” I ragingly declared to him. I saw a little smirk form at his lips before grabbing his bag and walk out of the house.


Flashback end


And that’s how everything ended. He almost punched a girl for goodness sake! Would you like to be punched by a guy?! Who looked freakishly adorable?! Yes—I mean no right? Ehem.


“Okay, everyone please sit down. I have to talk to all of you about the play,” Mr. Kim clapped his hands twice and everyone sat down immediately.


Mr. Kim is quite a handful when he is angry. Why can’t he be Mr. Kim from the drama Mr. Kim? Instead it had to be an old hag with a bald head.


“The people in the play is Soomi, Lay, BaekJi, and Luhan. The others will just help me organize the stage and the designs to make it profoundly pulchritudinous—“


“Teacher! Can you please use words that we actually understand?” one of our classmates asked Mr. Kim. All of us snickered while Mr. Kim just glared at the student.


“Soomi, you’ll be the best friend of BaekJi who likes Lay a lot but Lay doesn’t like you. Lay you will like BaekJi but BaekJi doesn’t like you—“


“How come I know where this is going?” I hesitantly asked him while he just smiled. I didn’t like his smile not one bit.


“BaekJi you will fall in love with Luhan but you are a murderer, A killer! To be exact,” Mr. Kim exaggerated as he was moving left and right while making gestures with his hands.


“And Luhan—“


“I will fall in love with the killer and we will live happily ever after, The end,” Luhan commented while he was looking out the window, uninterested with the topic. I can’t blame him, I’m bored as hell too.


“Can’t anyone let me finish my lines?! What is wrong with you people?!” we laughed at our teacher’s confused state. My part was supposed to be a killer right? So a killer he will get.



“Xiumin! I need fake blood! Fake blood okay?—“ Mr. Kim said to Xiumin who was spraying ketchup on the mannequin that represents a dead body, “—Chen please stop playing with the fake knives—“ Mr. Kim looked at Chen warningly while Chen just nodded like a little boy.


“—Kris!” Mr. Kim looked at Kris who was standing there with pure white clothes and angel wings. He was standing there and all the girls were already ogling at him.


“Good job! Just stand there like an angel you are,” I rolled my eyes as I was sitting on the audience seat, practicing my script with Luhan beside me. I checked my watch waiting for the bell to ring so I can proceed with my plan.


“Come on we need to practice,” Luhan ordered me, but I ignored him and just kept looking at my watch.


“I don’t want to, just call me on my phone and we will practice through there. I don’t want to see your face,” I boringly looked at him while he just scowled at me. He held out his hand and I looked confusedly at it.


“Your phone, stupid,”


“Hey, don’t you even think of calling me stupid again,” I hissed at him infuriated, but gave him my phone anyway. I gave him my life phone because I have two phones, one for my murdering life and one for my normal life.


“Here,” he gave me back my phone and he gave me his phone. I punched in my number and as if there was a cue, the bell rang and I immediately stood up.


“I’ll call you, okay? We’ll practice through the phone because I don’t want to see your face also,” Luhan stood up and walked away from me. I rolled my eyes and ran outside the auditorium wit full speed. My black suit and my mask was inside my bag so I don’t have to worry to go back to my house.


“Soojin, where is the whereabouts of this Sanghyun guy?” I asked her as I plugged in my earpiece to talk to her.


“He is in the 63 building. It’s not that far from here, but I suggest you go faster because he will have a meeting in an hour,” I nodded at her even though she was not here. I turned my earpiece off and changed to my fancy black leathered suit.


“It’s show time,”



I looked down from the top of the terrace and saw Sanghyun being interviewed by reporters about Kim Taesong’s death. He moved out and bodyguards were surrounding him. He had at least 10 bodyguards and a girl who was standing beside him.


“He has 10 bodyguards, and he still has a girl bodyguard? Extraordinary,” I bent down a little as his girl bodyguard looked at my direction. I smirked a little when she didn’t notice me. She turned away and all of them started walking to the bay.


“Where are they going? Why do they need to ride a boat? But mostly, how do I get down?” I shrugged and jumped down from the terrace. I jumped to the level below me and jumped down again from there. I wore my black hat and mask and followed them.


Dangerous right? Only if you didn’t train like me.


“HaYah!” I shouted while high-kicking a guy in the head and he fell down to the sea.


“One down 9 to go,” I muttered under my breath. One charged at me and punched me but I dodged it easily. I grabbed his arm and twisted it. He screamed in pain and I kicked his back and he fell on the ground.


“Chicken,” I smirked since all of them dashed towards me. I punched one in the face and pushed him to one of his ally. Both of them fell down on the sea and I smiled. One kicked me in the back and I bent down. I stabbed it’s knee with my knife and he screamed in pain. I pushed him and he fell to the sea.


“AAH!” I yelped when someone pulled my hair to the ground. I growled and hit him in his shin. I twisted my body while I was still in the ground and hit him in the face with my foot. I put on a fighting stance and made a gesture with my hand to move forward.


“All of you are going down!” I turned around and hit four of them with my spinning high-kick. I put on another fighting stance and saw the girl bodyguard and Sanghyun running away. I ran to the edge and jumped on the boat before it could go further.


“You really want to get hurt don’t ya? I’m Kahi and you?,” Kahi put on a fighting stance as I stood up and did it too. I’m glad I still had my mask on even though I was fighting guys awhile ago.


“You’re worst nightmare,”

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Chapter 16: I WILL READ THIS <3
Chapter 15: LOL, poor Luhan he lost his boat now.
Chapter 15: Lol Luhan is scared! XDDD HOW MANLY HE IS! XDD joke! XD
Please Update soon~ =))
kdance14 #5
Chapter 14: hahahaa!!!! i like it coz its really funny! i like her character and Soojin is soooo cute!!! >.< cant wait for the next chapter!(=^_^=)
Chapter 12: omg
i lurve this chappie~
baekji starting to like the kids
luhan and baekji should have kids /slapped
cool chappie author-nim~
toukyo #7
Chapter 10: how lucky!
Why're luhan and lay wanna be her date's ?
Anyway update soon~
thatoneweirdo #9
Chapter 10: Dang... Being called jagi and babe by two hotties.. I wish that was me
Chapter 7: WAHH! So Awesome! when she said that "You're worst nightmare"
OMO! its so awesome from ME! XD its really really COOL Story!