Why i havent been updating

Bang stole my heart 2: talent


Hey guys! Author-nim here! I'm really sorry i haven't been updating at all lately. But i have really good reasons as to why i haven't been doing so.
1:i have had state wide tests to study and take, and thank god they are over now (praises Siwon god)
2:but i am REALLY sick. Like, "i don't know what i have" type of sick. I have been hunched over in pain and my head hurts and i have been having really bad dizzy spells, which almost caused me to fall down my stairs... T.T
But i don't have runny nose, or blurry eyes, or scratchy throat, it's just my stomach is really hurting and my head is pounding, my legs are weak and i don't feel hungry at all. Like, today i only had an apple in the morning, and instant microwave mac n' cheese at like, 8:30 tonight. It's gotten to the point where i could faint any time when the room gets too hot or when i shower.
So yeah. I just wanted to tell you guys that i'm still alive, and i will try to update once i feel better. If i feel better. This crap has been going on for 2 FRIGGIN DAYS AND I NEED TO GET MY SHIZ FROM MY SCHOOL LOCKER. Oh my god sun...
Well... Werd yew rike something to dlink? (Hands you glass of water) CUZ I CANT EVEN STOMACH WATER FOR KRISUS SAKE! Hmph!
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Chapter 2: Please take care of yourself! You come before the stories =) BTW don´t you think what´s happening to you was because of all the stress because of the tests? Cause I have also suffered what you described but it´s always after a stressfull event...but I don´t know...But even if you are not hungry try eating something light, it helps =) Hope you feel better!
Chapter 2: Omg please take care of yourself we will wait but first it's your health
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I had not seen this until right now!!!! XD I am mad because there was no notification for this story...Either way I am happy you already posted the foreward :D See ya~
Okey then first will read the other one ;)
Chapter 1: XD
Channie ah u have many talents... :)
Chapter 1: lol he's too cute