Bang stole my heart 2: talent


"Take my word hyung~ talenttttt~" he sang and went into his and jongup's room.
Talent? Himchan still didn't know what zelo meant by talent, or "talenttttt~" as he said that one night. Himchan sat back down on the couch and pondered a little bit before looking at his e-mail.
'TSENT AUDITIONS' the subject of the e-mail read. Himchan opened it up. What he saw made his eyes pop out of his head.
'IN NEED FOR FRESH NEW TALENT! Come on down and apply for our agency. Walk-ins welcomed.'
Himchan stared at the laptop for a minute before realizing that the agency his boyfriend was in is holding auditions! He could be with him 24/7 and not have to worry if he got injured or anything while traveling! This was perfect.
But the only thing himchan had to worry about was:
What talent does he have anyway?
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Chapter 2: Please take care of yourself! You come before the stories =) BTW don´t you think what´s happening to you was because of all the stress because of the tests? Cause I have also suffered what you described but it´s always after a stressfull event...but I don´t know...But even if you are not hungry try eating something light, it helps =) Hope you feel better!
Chapter 2: Omg please take care of yourself we will wait but first it's your health
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I had not seen this until right now!!!! XD I am mad because there was no notification for this story...Either way I am happy you already posted the foreward :D See ya~
Okey then first will read the other one ;)
Chapter 1: XD
Channie ah u have many talents... :)
Chapter 1: lol he's too cute