A Different Kind Of Caffeine


in which Kibum is extremely sleepy and Minho is there for him.


A ficlet inspired by this and how Kibum seemed rather out of it on one particular day.

Author's Note: haaaai dear readers! so i'm in the midst of exams and haven't been sleeping well at all since i'm studying late into the night almost every day so my own sleep deprived condition sort of inspired this as well? hahah. and there was a day Kibum uploaded a photo on instagram in the early hours of the morning and i remember thinking "woah, he's up so early!" and felt so tired for him as well. and then came the fan accounts of minkey and stuff so this happened. it's really short, because that's all i can write right now but i still hope it's worth the read and that you precious people like the story! enjoy the rest of the week as well! ^^


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Chapter 1: Oh my goodness this. This is the definition of perfect~ ^^
Minkey is so precious! I love this so much c:
youxme #2
Chapter 1: dayum i love your minkey fics so much~ they're amazing and this one is no exception ^^
Chapter 1: Ill understand if you cant though :)
Chapter 1:
Ohmahgherd you did it again! Making me lurv you lots from such preciousness XD

Omgggggg could i be selfish for once and make a request? Using this adorable minkey vid
Chapter 1: Sigh... Falling in love w/ MinKey all over again.
"...thank you... for being my own brand of caffeine." D'aww..*sniffs*
"Yet Kibum couldn’t be bothered with answering his boyfriend because he didn’t answer stupid questions." Lol. That's SO Kibum. Haha.
I seriously love the way you characterize them. So real and very close to their actual personalities as we see it.

And how did you come up w/ this despite the lack of sleep? I bet you were in a 'zombie-mode'..
Take care of yourself. Get enough rest and sleep instead of writing fics. Unless its a way to de-stress yourself, which I assume writing is for you. But still.

ILYSM^^ (I have decided to leave this at the end of every comment Imma leave for you. Just so you know I love you, unnie/fluff princess. :D)
awh, poor baby. minkey ftw! hahah ne, i looooooooves all your story <3
Chapter 1: Aww these two are so adorable. I hope all the members are doing okay during these promotions.
salome620 #8
Chapter 1: ah that's sweet. - i was worried about Kibum when i saw those gifs of him looking so tired, as if he's about to drop unconscious. aish...
Chapter 1: minho's the "prince charming" indeed.. hehe.. its so cute how he made key laugh.. that was just so sweet.. >///<
great story as always.. (=
puppy_love #10
Chapter 1: Awww soooo sweeeeettt and fluffeeeeeeeeehhh lol. Love it!!! Thanks for sharing ^^