
Beyond The Horizon




No one's pov


            It was late at night. The waves were tranquil and the ship was sailing at a steady tempo. There was a full moon out and it illuminated the night sky. A carpet full of stars blessed the serene ocean. Everything was at peace, but the captain's office was quite the opposite.


There, laid a large fanciful desk with designs of the valiant twelve gods and goddesses. And on that desk were scattered documents, maps, one flickering candle, and a young man leaning over to study a massive map.  


Kris tapped his pen up and down while thinking hard in the hectic room. He sat back down, closed his eyes, and rubbed his temples in circular motions. He couldn't concentrate on anything and there was one particular itch in his mind that kept him from doing his work. He thought back to when he saw a luxurious carriage by the harbor.


I just told Xiumin to follow and kidnap whoever was inside. I expected it would be someone from a wealthy family, meaning more money when held ransom, but not a mere boy. Questions flipped through his mind.


 What is it about the boy that keeps him in his mind? Why is he so important? Who was that boy? Where was he from? What is his name? Was it right to kidnap him?


More and more thoughts about the boy were running through his head.


He shook his head and focused his eyes back on the map.





"! It smells like down here."

Kai yelped as he stumbled down the steps to the brig.


"Stupid stairs." He murmured


Well this is going to be interesting


He pulled himself up from the floor and brushed the dust off of his pants. Kai slowly walked through the hallway of cells.


Shivers ran up his spine when he saw bloodstains here and there. He remembered the last time Kris brutally murdered the last prisoner for being disrespectful.


Kai stumbled upon a small unconscious boy lying on the ground in the third to last cell on the right.


He slowly reached for the handle and unlatched the cell door.  It slowly opened with a loud and obnoxious screech.


Kai walked into the cell and slowly sat at the corner, just watching the limp body in the center of the room.


Well… this is my job


 He started humming old folk melodies and fiddled with fingers to kill time. After 30 minutes, Kai had was bored out of his mind and nothing to do, but watch the unknown figure. He pulled his knees up to his chest and pondered if he should stay where he is or look at the boy closer. Kai decided to take a small glance at the boy then quickly run back to where he was supposed to be. He carefully scooted closer to the mysterious body.


The boy was sprawled messily in an awkward position on the cold floor, his face down. He was slim, bony, and looked like he needed to be fed a king's meal.


Kai then carefully gripped and turned the boys shoulder and was immediately drawn into what he saw.


Feminine, Pure, Inhuman beauty.


So mesmerized by the boy's porcelain doll like features, Kai didn't notice the young boy's face starting to twitch. Kai snapped back to reality after he heard soft whimpering noises. He reached his hand to brush the blonde bangs out of the boy's face.


Right when his hand met contact with the boy's forehead, the unconscious figure's eyes snapped open, revealing two innocent doe-like eyes.


Using two delicate arms, the boy pried out of Kai's grip and backed away timidly. The boy's terrified eyes wandered around the cell and flinched whenever the ship rocked. He reminded Kai of a cornered rabbit. Kai approached the shaking boy, but paused when he saw him lift his bony arms to shield himself.


"Hey, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. See?" Kai quickly confessed while holding his hands up. The scared boy slowly dropped his arms, but still looked petrified.


Kai wanted to earn his trust.


"Um… I'm supposed to… uhhh. Watch over you and… protect you. Yeah, protect you. So I'm not gonna hurt or harm you in any way. Okay? "


There was no response. Kai scratched his head and looked down, pondering if he should give up or not. He was so into thought that he did notice the boy's expression starting to alter.


The boy's face softened, but his doe eyes started to water and glisten with tears. He opened his lips and whispered weakly,






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hehe~ small cliffhanger


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Nuestfa #1
Chapter 2: Update please
hokuspokus #2
Chapter 2: How dare you break the Lukai momment? JK
I really like this story. Kris thinks Luhan is not his type (for now I guess), but Kai seems to be smitten with Luhan. When is Sehun going to show up?
hightower #3
Already read the first chapter and I can't wait for more! I love the pairings in your fic~ <3