new prisoner?

Beyond The Horizon


No one's pov

"How long was he out?"

"Approximately 21 hours, captain." a crewmember answered sternly.

"You hit him that hard?" the captain asked with a stoic expression

"Well… he… He was struggling. He wouldn't go down without a fight. Captain I swear.." the captain rose his hand, signaling him to stop. His eyes still fixated on the young unconscious boy on the floor. He knelt down and gripped the boys jaw harshly, turning it from left to right, examining his face.


The young boy looked no more than fifteen years old, but the captain himself was only nineteen. The boy had pure white skin, thick long eyelashes, honey colored hair, and plump pink lips. He was too feminine for the captain's liking. But still beautiful.


"We'll keep this one. Go back to your cabin Xiumin. You've done your job." The captain said while standing up.

"Um… Y-y-y-es, captain." Xiumin was in shock and confusion

The captain turned around and walked towards the cell door. He paused and looked back at the boy.

"And be sure to tell the boy when he wakes up that he is on EXO and that his Captain is Kris."

"But captain… he will be intimidated and.."

"It's an order." Kris said while walking out


.                                                                                                                                                                 .


Kai P.O.V


I was just starting to relax on my bed until someone came barging into my cabin room. It was Xiumin. He was panting and was sweating all over. He leaned on the shut door and slid down.

"Did the meeting with the captain tire you out that much?" I joked while smirking

"It's not funny." He said with a glare.

"Geez, sorry, what happened?" I asked while yawning and stretching. My god. Does the captain have to scare the crap out of everyone?

"A new prisoner Yixing and I had to kidnap."

I stopped yawning midway and sat up. A new prisoner? When did captain start keeping his prisoners?

I quickly slid down to the floor and crawled to Xiumin.

His head was between his knees and was still catching his breath. I quickly tapped his shoulder. He looked up.

"Why?" I asked in complete confusion.

"Beats me. Why don't you ask captain and leave me to bring my soul back to my body." He said while panting. I shrugged and ignored him.

" Hey, can you go watch him for me? I'm pretty tired from the whole mission."

"Sure. Where is he?"

"Down in the brig."

" 'kay, I'll be there if anyone asks."



AHHHHH!!!!! First fic ever!!!! Hope I didn't bore you too much T.T

I know its a bit short, but I'll make it up to you.

Anyways, thanks for reading or viewing!!!




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hehe~ small cliffhanger


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Nuestfa #1
Chapter 2: Update please
hokuspokus #2
Chapter 2: How dare you break the Lukai momment? JK
I really like this story. Kris thinks Luhan is not his type (for now I guess), but Kai seems to be smitten with Luhan. When is Sehun going to show up?
hightower #3
Already read the first chapter and I can't wait for more! I love the pairings in your fic~ <3