Joint pictorial

We Got Married Real Edition

E p i s o d e 1 4

27th June 2013 11:49 PM

Jieun slowly pushed the tinted glass door open to reveal herself to two women sitting side by side with their elbows leaning on a few books resting on the table top. She immediately bows deeply as she presented herself professionally. They all bowed back, gazing at her with admiration. “It’s a pleasure to work with you.” One of the two complimented with a bright smile on her face, almost giggling to herself.

“Ah, because she’s a supermodel, it must be a pleasure...”

“Pleasure is all mine. The husband can’t come today, he’s overseas for a concert.” She explained as she took a seat in front of the two women. “I hope that’s okay.”

The two women immediately waves it off. “You have a lot of experience in couple photoshoots for magazines.” The other woman started to discuss, going straight into the meeting as Jieun nodded along. “But for this, it’s going to be different than usual because we’ll be focusing more on the feeling than the fashion. Does Junhyung-ssi have experience in couple shoots?”

“I think he has done it before a few times.” She chuckled as the other two joining along with her.

“Well, do you have any ideas?” One of them questioned, leaning in towards her. “Because we have a basic concept but if you want to do something specifically, tell us.”

Jieun stopped herself before spilling out her thoughts that she had on the way coming here. “I was thinking a ‘day-in-the-life’ sort of thing.” She became less confident especially not having Junhyung beside her. She never really had to make up her own concept, she just goes and pose.

Hearing her words, the two women smiled, nodding along and agreeing to her which made Jieun felt better. “We had exactly the same idea. For example, bed scene and bathroom scene like these. And then maybe a romantic dinner at home like this.” She showed photos one after the other as she continued to thrash out all the ideas they both had. “We can have the scenes going from bright to dark and the fashion going from light to heavy as well.” The whole time she was chewing on the subject, Jieun agreed to everything as the woman had pretty much put out what she had in mind.

“I haven’t talked to Junhyung about this yet. I don’t know what he thinks.” Jieun muttered, thinking everything through once they all had the idea somewhat finalized. “I should call him real quick.” The women bobbed their heads in accord as Jieun pulls out her phone out of her pocket and dialed up the familiar number, putting it on loudspeaker. “Hello?”

“Jieun-ah...” The husky voice, panting heavily, spoke through clearly despite the noises in the background.

“Did you just get done with the concert?” She questioned, looking through the printed papers of images sprawled out across the table.

“Uh, yeah. What’s up? What are you doing?” It was evident from the sudden decreasing of noises that he had moved to a place much quieter to hear her better.

“Right now...right now, I’m at the meeting with the helpers for the photo shoot, remember?” Once she heard him grumble a ‘yes’, she continued on. “We made up a concept and we wanted to know if you’re okay with it.”

There was silence before he finally said something. “I don’t have to take off my clothes, right?” The remark made the three women burst in laughter, unable to answer him since they didn’t really talk about actually taking clothes off. “That’s Jinwoonie’s job. As long as I don’t have to take off my clothes, I’m good with everything you choose.”

“It’s not that you’ll be taking clothes off’ll be dressing lightly, is that okay?” She carefully put it into words, holding in her laughter. “Because there’s a bed scene.” She simply replied, not putting much details into it. “You said you’re good with everything I choose.”

He audibly sighed out loud. “I do but do I have to take my clothes off?” Suddenly one of the women perked up, “It would be great if you do. Because the harmony is very important.”

Junhyung laughed unstoppably for a while. “It’s not that, I get that the harmony is important...but I don’t have anything to show.” But then the woman said something again which rather struck the couple.

“If so, then maybe Jieun can do the less clothing.” It wasn’t a big deal to Jieun even though she’s never showed her body to the public but it was a big deal to Junhyung. As he heard the words come out of the speaker, he stopped his breathing, waiting for Jieun’s response but before she could say anything, Junhyung stepped right in.

“Ay, that’s not necessary.” Laughter was brought up once again from his retort. “Just remember my request and keep as much clothing on as possible- I mean see through clothes are maximum. Let’s do it simply.”

“Alright, well I’m hanging up.” She giggled at her husband’s shyness at the whole idea of less clothing.

“I’ll call you later, okay?” Junhyung broached before hanging up together at the same time. When the phone call was ended, the two women cleaned up the table, gathering the photos together and sticking them in the notebooks they had been jotting into, calling the meeting to its end.

“Well, thank you for the help.” Jieun wrapped up as she pushed herself off the chair to take her leave. The women also stood up to bow down to her to which Jieun returned with kind manners. “I hope we can get to the main page with this.” They laughed it off together until Jieun at last departed.


11th July 2013 8:14AM

“Oh, it’s too early.” Junhyung mumbled, laying his head down on the dining table for two, sitting across Jieun. The two of them were in a penthouse of a luxurious apartment with a whole bunch of people; stylists, staff, photographer, and so on, for the couple’s photo shoot. Jieun could see how tired Junhyung is. For the first week of the month, she had been out of the country doing fashion shows while Junhyung had been working on the album. And for the past three days, he had been filming for the new music video. He groaned more as Jieun quietly watched him worryingly. “So, bed scene first?”

She nodded. “We should start getting ready.” Her voice was plain as well, showing her weariness as she speaks. They both entered a room that had all the makeup and clothes set up for them to use. Once they were both ready, they were led to a spacious masters bedroom with a wide window open to let in the morning sun. They observed each other with messy hair and natural makeup before the photographer finally told them to get under the sheets in the bed.

They did as they were told and got comfortable rather quickly. The staffs messed up the sheets and did some final touches on the couple before the photographer took his place to start the shoot. “Get closer please.” They scooted closer to each other, keeping their protests silent. Though they felt each others’ breath on their faces and had their legs tangled together, they avoided each others’ eyes as their professional mindset switched on. “Okay, now just relax.” Smoothly, they moved from one position to another under the blankets.

“Oh they are really close!”

“Close your eyes.” The photographer ordered with the camera in position, aiming towards the couple. “Relax your face.” They continued pretending to be asleep, moving with flow.

With the small ladder the staffs had set up near the side of the bed, the photographer climbed up slowly with his camera in hand. “Cover half your faces with the blankets and look up.” Once they laid on their backs on the bed, they did as told with their shoulders touching. Without being told to do so, the two made a few expressions with their eyes. “Junhyung-ssi, cuddle Jieun-ssi.” The photographer pushed the limits, hiding his smirk behind the camera. Keeping a professional attitude and after swallowing their shy laughter, they turned to each other and moved even closer to each other. Automatically, Junhyung lays his arm on Jieun’s waist as she tucked her head under his chin. “Okay, next...” The two immediately moves a tad away from each other, waiting for the next instructions as the photographer carefully steps down the ladder. “Junhyung-ssi, can you get on top of Jieun-ssi please?”

“Wh-what?” His head snapped towards the photographer, the two of them surprised. “W-what do you want me to do?”

“Get on top of her, just hover.” It took a while before Junhyung took action, Jieun staying as still as she could. Listening to the photographer’s further directions and balancing his weight by his arms locked on either side of her, he leaned down closer to Jieun’s face. She instinctively closes her eyes and let Junhyung do what the photographer wanted. Gently, he puckered his lips and slowly kissed Jieun’s nose lovingly. Jieun cracked a smile onto her face as Junhyung slowly backed away.

“Okay, that’s it for the bed scene.” The man wrapped up for the while, making the couple get touched up again and change to the next prepared outfit.

“They really look extra good in normal outfits...Ah, so jealous.”

It was a bit past ten and the couple had their own private space to eat their early lunch given by the staffs. The manager calls out for Junhyung just as they received their bowls of noodles, carrying a pet carrier. “Oh, thank you, hyung.” He handed the carrier to Junhyung before walking off. “I want you to meet two someones.” Behind the other, they walked into their own room and closed the door.

“You never told me you have any pets.” She set down hers and Junhyung’s ordered bowl of noodles on the table as Junhyung set down the carrier on the floor. “Cats?” He nodded as he opened up the carrier, letting out the two furry creatures out. “Oh my god!” She mewled once she laid her eyes on them, bending down beside him to look closer at the kittens.

“Tigger and Ray.” The two kittens played with each other as they stepped out of the carrier before running towards Junhyung and Jieun. They froliced with the kittens, petting them gently, before settling down to start their meal.

“So, how did the music video shoot end up?” Jieun initiated as they start to dig into their meals.

“Good. How was the week in Paris and Berlin?”

“Hectic. Because I was gone for the whole week, we couldn’t prepare for today together.” She commented with a slight frown.

He nodded with an apologetic look on his face. “We’re doing really well though.” He said reassuringly, taking a bite of his meal. “I like the concept.” They continued their conversation freely as they enjoyed their food until it was time to shoot again.

They headed towards the wall-to-floor window and sprawled out of the floor, facing each other at a distance. Just as they were about to start the scene shooting, the kittens scurried over to them, one to Junhyung, the other to Jieun. “Aigo, Tigger, you can’t be here.”

“Well, we can have them in right?” Jieun asked the photographer, petting down Ray with light fingers. The photographers agreed while one of the woman passed a lit cigarette to Junhyung. Jieun knew that he smokes from time to time, never really minding it. But he knew that she doesn’t like it so much hence why he doesn’t do it as much around her even though he doesn’t even do it that often.

They started the shooting again, both doing their own thing. While Jieun was leaning against the window, playing with the kittens, Junhyung leaned on one arm behind him as he took puffs of smoke with the other hand, his eyes fixated on the beautiful woman in front of him. They changed up their positions continuously and randomly until the photographer asked for something else. “Can you sit together?”

Instantly, Junhyung passes his almost done cigarette stick to a woman for her to put out as he stretched out his legs wide apart. “Come here.” He mumbled to Jieun who had Tigger in her arms and Ray on her lap. He reached over to grab Ray and set the kitten next to him. He spread his legs wide apart again, now leaning against the window. “Come here.”

Jieun scooted over in between his legs and leaned back into his body with Tigger still in her arms. He picked up Ray, placing the gray kitty on Jieun’s crossed legs. Junhyung placed his chin on top of Jieun’s head once she slouched down his torso, staring out the window into the distance once again. He raised a knee up, resting his arm on while the other wrapped itself around Jieun’s waist loosely. “Face each other.” Jieun instantaneously tilted her head up to face him as he glanced down to her. He lifted her up closer so she sat straighter up against his body. He leaned his forehead against hers, eyes closed and nose touching. She could feel his warmth and it was getting addictive. Just as they were finally feeling the moment, the photographer concluded the scene. “Okay, that’s good.”

With a sigh, the couple pushed themselves off the floor to get ready for the next scene. With smoky eyes, Jieun was dressed with a tight black dress and heeled up with gold Louboutins. Meanwhile, Junhyung had a white button down with a black blazer on and black trousers cladded his legs with a pair of Louboutins loafers on.

“They can seriously pull everything and anything off.”

“They look rich!”

“Pretty.” Junhyung smiled down to her and caressed her hair tenderly. She grinned adorably before slipping her hand in his, taking him out of the room to notice everything was much darker than before. They headed towards the kitchen that had everything set up. Cakes and fruits spread across the dining table and counters, accompanied with wine glasses and bottles of wines and champagne. After much instructions from the photographer, they begin to act out the scene as he had wanted.

Jieun leaned up against the counter with Junhyung leaning down against her. His hands on her hips with her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Junhyung leaned down to kiss her gently on the cheek, ever so closely to her lips. Jieun ran her hand into his locks of hair as he pecked the side of her lips. He leaned down lower to place his lips against her jaw, slowly going further down towards her neck. Jieun took control of her expression, containing the girl sequeling in her head. He then backed away and she seated down on one of the chairs, pouring herself a glass of wine while Junhyung leaned against the counter, lighting up his stick of smoke. As he blows out the smoke slowly, Jieun sipped her wine elegantly.

When they were done with the scene, Jieun changed into a swimwear while Junhyung waited in the bathroom that had a large bathtub. When Jieun appeared in front of him in the one-piece, she noticed his surprised expression, resulting her to pull the cardigan to cover herself tighter. The stylist comes up to take the cardigan off of her as Junhyung receive a cigarette from a staff and slipped it between his lips for the man to light it up. Jieun carefully slide into the bubble-filled bathtub that covered her up until her shoulders, as though she’s under the water. Junhyung seated himself on the ledge, puffing out the smoke in his mouth. He slipped off his blazer to undo the first couple buttons of his button down, throwing down his blazer on the step that led up to the tub. Jieun shifted her position in a way that allowed her to lay her calves on Junhyung’s lap who continued to smoke out of the cigarette calmly.

“Okay, that’s done!” The photographer announced. Junhyung put out the stick on the ash tray laying next to him and once she stood up in the tub, water and bubbles floating around her long legs, Junhyung wrapped Jieun with his blazer and help her step out of the tub. “Good work, guys!” Everyone bowed to each other before the couple departed, heading towards their own separate schedules.


12th July 2013 12:45PM

“Hello!” Jieun cheerfully greeted as she and Junhyung entered the gathering that held the other three couples. Uniformly they bowed and the rest welcomed them in warmly under the bright sun.

“Are they still doing their photo shoot? They’re always dressed so nicely...”

“Oh, you guys finally came.” With a big smile pasted on his face, Jinwoon turned his whole body towards them to acknowledge their presence within the group. “How come we all know what each others’ concept is but none of us knows what your concept is? Do you know what our concept is?”

Junhyung and Jieun glanced at each other confidently. It’s true that they definitely got a whole lot closer after working together professionally and with Junhyung’s phone call that night, Jieun was glad that it didn’t create any awkwardness. “We know what your concept is. Ours is a secret.”

“Well, so apparently now Taemin and Naeun exchanged numbers.” Junhee lead the conversation back to the maknae couple.

Jungchi gasped exaggeratingly while everyone ooh-ed in excitement for the younger couple. “Really? At night?” He started to tease them, bringing Junhyung and Jinwoon with him. “Saying ‘good night’? ‘Good morning’? ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Are you eating?’ ‘Spicy?’ ‘Salty?’ ‘Not salty?’” The two continuously went on teasing him, pressuring him endlessly.

Junhee grabbed Jinwoon’s arm. “Don’t say the ones you told me!” Jieun widen her eyes, laughing harder from hearing her remark. She never got those kinds of texts from Junhyung. She does get the normal cute things but not to the point whether if it’s spicy or salty.

“Did you call each other before going to sleep? ‘Good night’, ‘What did you do today?’” Jungin joined in on the teasing and it went on for a while before finally dying down. “You said you kissed Junhyung too?” Junhee retorted, pointing at Naeun and Junhyung.

“On the cheek, yeah. I did.” Naeun bashfully confirmed, feeling Junhyung’s gaze at her. “Did you know, noona?” Taemin faced towards Jieun who watched the whole situation quietly. Without any words, she nodded and Taemin simply looked down to Naeun as everyone could sense Taemin’s jealousy, laughing at his cuteness. “Shall we go for shooting now?” Jinwoon suggested and received everyone’s agreements.


Right after Naeun had stepped out, Jieun checked her reflection for the last time before exiting outside. The three ladies awed as she sauntered out. “Goddess,” Junhee pointed at Jungin before pointing at Naeun, “fairy,” then facing Jieun, “queen, and princess.” She ended with herself.

“I’m hearing typing sounds, typing of malicious comments.” Jungin remarked, creating laughter amongst them. “Junhee, Jieun, how are you going to pose?”

“Secret.” Junhee answered immediately. “Secret.” Jieun imitated her right after. After a while of more talking, they head out to the set where the photo shoot was. The three of them settled down in their own positions, doing their own thing to look good in front of the camera.

When it came to the men's turn, Junhyung walked out confidently in his tux right after Jinwoon. The two then welcomed Taemin and Jungchi with short compliments to each of them. “Who’s good at making poses and expressions?” Jungchi inquired.

“Taemin is good.” Jinwoon complimented but Taemin opposed, “I’m nothing compared to Junhyungie-hyung.” However, Junhyung only shrugged it off modestly.

“Teach me.” Jungchi resorted to the both of them, taking the two aback. With a hand from Junhyung on Taemin’s upper back, he instantly understood his gesture. Junhyung was never good with words and the things he does in front of the camera and on stage comes naturally. Thus Taemin explained with an example. “What about Junhyung-ssi?” Jungchi retorted.

“I just...” He stammered before putting his words into action. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he looks into the camera and flashes that cold look with piercing eyes along with a menacing yet playful smirk. It was then Jinwoon’s turn. After displaying it, Jungchi went on to try Taemin’s pose only to come off incredibly funny. They all couldn’t help but laugh at his attempt and even harder when they see him try Junhyung’s expression and Jinwoon’s back method. After more compliments, they finally head out to the site of the photo shoot.


They strolled down the aisle on the side of the park, arms constantly brushing against each other. “Jinwoon and Junhee-unni is teasing them again.” Jieun pointed out, spotting the two couples at the end of the park. With Jieun’s hair all tied back into a neat ballerina bun, Junhyung could see her true beauty, though he could see that she was still blushing from the flattery Junhyung had given her earlier.

“Let’s join them.” He places his hand on her back again like he always does and the other in his pocket. “Yah, are you teasing them again?” He yowled at Jinwoon once they reached the end of the aisle and turned to join their little circle.  

“Hyung, don’t you think they’re really dating?”

“Oh? Are you?” Junhyung asked the two younger ones, eyeing them both carefully. “I’ll tell the members.” Junhyung taunted Naeun since they were from the same company. She giggled sheepishly, backing away from Junhyung and cowers behind Taemin.

When Junhee gasped out loud after turning her head around, everyone else snapped their heads to where her eyes are fixated on. Everyone gasped before bursting into laughter. Jungchi and Jungin strolled along the aisle, hand in hand, Jungchi wearing the white wedding dress and Jungin wearing the suit. “I didn’t want to wear the dress, so I had him do it.” Jungin explained. “I didn’t know he would look good!”

Junhee changed the spotlight onto Jungin. “Why did you dress so ily though?”

“Because I might not shine beside him. Not because I might not shine beside you guys.” She instantly replied. “You guys should do it too!” She exclaimed gesturing towards the other men who confusedly stared back and forth at one another.

“Wearing a dress is not an easy one. Is there a manner for an actress or a model?” Jungchi questioned back in curiosity towards Junhee and Jieun.

“Straighten your body.” Junhee proclaimed as Jieun agreed. “You know how they’ll say ‘turn around’, right?” She then demonstrated how she would do it as though on a red carpet.

“Extend everything.” When Jungchi instructed Jieun to display, with hesitation she did it. Her back faced the cameras, and when Jinwoon called out for her, she flicked her hair back to peer back past her shoulder, giving a cold yet chic look with straight lips slightly parted.

Junhyung gazes at Jieun adoringly after watching her. “The feeling is different between the two but really good!” Jungin commented. Jungchi, being all excited, turned around. Once Junhee called for him to turn, he slowly turned to reveal a blank face with no expression, making it all look awkward and stiff.

“I always do this when someone calls me, ‘ah yes’ and turned around to bow.” Taemin explained his situation. Everyone had their laughs, until the spotlight was on Junhyung. “I don’t look at them.” He replied monotonously, creating more of a commotion. “So when someone calls me...” He starts to walk ahead with his head up, a smirk on his face and sharp eyes. Just when Junhee calls for him, he looks at her briefly, flashed a charming smile but not stopping his pace.

“Yah, you and Jieun has this whole chic feeling. Try walking together.” Jungin directed. Jieun hooked her arm around his and they marched elegantly with a cold look, giving off a lukewarm aura. “Of course, chic couple.” The laughter that once again arose died down with Jungchi’s complain.

“It’s tiring to hold your breath for so long. Let’s do the shoot.” Once they got over the hilarity, they headed towards the shooting site. Everyone claimed their spots and the shooting started smoothly with not much talking from anyone. Despite Jungchi’s frequent jokes here and there, before any of them knew it, it was already the last shot from the photographer. Click! And so to celebrate, everyone clapped and thanked those around and behind the camera along with each other. Just like that, the joint pictorial ended.

Last chapter with the other couples, after this it's back to the only couple! Hope you guys like this one, comment anything, tell me anything, subscribe for more! Thank you guys, please don't be silent readers, what you guys say really helps a lot, more than you think. Thanks again! x

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Chapter 7: sooo..none of your house links work..i'm sorry i really wanted to see them! and it looks like you put in so much effort to find them but none lead to pictures
Sherlynygfam #2
Chapter 22: update authornim.. love ur story
Choi_jaehwa #3
I love your story!!! :)
Can't wait for your next update ^^
Chapter 22: The best birthday ever that he can ever get..
Chapter 15: Aww this is cute^^ hope they don't get cut out of WGM :(

This is almost like a mini drama it's perfectly written <3
Chapter 21: That is so bad.. Hope they will not be cut out from wgm...
jellozelo_ #7
Chapter 20: Ohhh. Jeju Island sounds interesting, it almost reminds me of Taemin ♥ Naeun's story :)
Chapter 20: i really love your story author nim and cant wait for the next chap....
Chapter 20: I've never been to Jeju island XD
Can't wait to see what their gonna do !!!!!!!!
Chapter 19: awwww mann. damn sweet. she called Jun Oppa ^///^