
We Got Married Real Edition

E p i s o d e 1

7th April 2013 7:48PM

An idol’s dorm?

“A new couple already?”

“I’m looking forward to this.”

“Hyungs! There are two guys here and one has a camera! Ah! My bare face!” His heavy fast footsteps echoed through the dorm as he scurried back into the living room. The loud shout from Dongwoon made all his hyungs groan from their position, scattered around the living room floor, all eyes on the television screen that played some variety show.

"Think of it like a recovery from the break up." The boss's voice plays itself again in Junhyung’s head for the hundredth time today. The other kids didn’t know since the boss only talked to Junhyung about it. Somehow he was convinced that this might actually be good for him and maybe it will. There are fans who are still worried sick about him after the break up with Kara's Goo Hara. So he thought maybe he should do this for them - or more like for himself.

The man without the camera held out an envelope quietly towards them, still not saying a word. Eventually Hyunseung got up from his lying position to receive the envelope from the man. When he looked on the back side, there written in a fancy manner - We Got Married. “Oh, yah yah. One of us is getting married.” Once that was announced, everyone gathered around Hyunseung to see the letter, except Junhyung, who already knew it was him.

“Hurry, open it!” Doojoon exclaimed, slowly but surely getting exciting at the slight chance that he has in his mind that he could be the one getting married. When Hyunseung’s finger lifted up the flap of the envelope, Yong Junhyung was written in thick black marker neatly. “Ah! It’s Junhyung!” Doojoon announced again to everyone in the room in disappointment, resulting everyone to back away from the little huddle that all of them had made, groaning out loud.


Introduce yourself and tell us what you expect.

Junhyung: Yes, everyone hello. I’m Beast’s Yong Junhyung. Nice to meet you (bows head low).

Do you have an ideal type?

Junhyung: Ideal type... For me, a girl shorter than me, mature looking and small face, soft hair... Something like that? Very kind and gentle. I’m more attracted to the bad type though, I feel like I’ll be a bad influence to the good type girls (snickers).”

Is it true that out of all Beast members, you’ve dated the most?

Junhyung: …(Laughs, looking away with hands covering face) Yes...

Any expectations?

Junhyung: Expectations... Since this edition is real, I hope she does this whole thing honestly and sincerely. So I can trust her and depend on her. It’ll be great if she can make me smile, and genuinely happy.

“Wah! Beast's Junhyung! How handsome.”

“Ahh, I'm jealous of whoever the wife is!”

“For real this time!”


Hyunseung turns around to pass it over to Junhyung who had been waiting for it from the start silently in the back. He looked through the envelope before looking inside of it to find a bigger sized card and two other smaller sized cards. Pulling out the bigger sized first, he read it out as he glanced at the expectant looks from the members. “Congratulations, Yong Junhyung-ssi! You are getting married and you will see your wife in a week time. But to meet her, you will have to find her. Here are your clues. PS You will need to prepare a gift.” He read out loud clearly as the kids ‘oh’-ed at the words of the card. Chuckling, he pulls out the other two cards to realize that it was a picture of Kim Jaejoong and a card that says 'Something she likes'. "Kim Jaejoong-hyungnim and ‘Something she likes’?" He questioned out to the members.

“Are those the hints? Ay~ what kind of hints are those?” Yoseob bleated, putting his attention back to the screen of the television. The only attention Junhyung had on him was coming from Gikwang and Dongwoon whereas the others had glued their eyes back onto the screen.

“So I have a week to figure it out?” Junhyung asked the PD and he simply nodded. “I have to give her something as well right, along with a letter?” The PD then nods again to Junhyung’s words.

“You should give her something of yours.” Hyunseung suggested and though at first Junhyung was thinking against it, it would actually be kind of acceptable - if she isn’t too high maintenance. “That one cap you always wear...”

Junhyung snapped his index finger against his thumb and pointed at Hyunseung. “You’re smart.” He countered before looking back at the card, reading through the words once again. “Who do you think it will be?”

“I don’t think it would be an idol.” Gikwang thought out loud for everyone to hear. “Actress or model.”

“Woah! Hyung!” Dongwoon exclaimed, clearly much more excited than Junhyung. “You should show a sign if you like her or not so only we know when we see.”

“Well now, everyone will know what it is because they’ll air this part.” Doojoon remarked wittily with his eyes not leaving the television screen even though it was the commercials.

Junhyung chuckled at the two of them. “This - what should I do? Hm... If I like her first impression, I will... My cap will be backwards but if I like her first impression, I’ll turn it forward.” He stopped to hear their agreement before going on. “If I like her after talking to her for a while, I’ll give her the cap, okay?” They all agreed again before going into the discussion of how to act around his future wife.


9th April 2013 7:53PM (Jieun)

At the same time, the wife’s location...

YG Building

Three knocks came from behind the door of YG’s office room in the YG building. “Come in.” YG himself called out from his boss size leather armchair behind his desk. The door proceeded to open slowly, stopping suddenly not long after. Timidly a head pops up but only exposing the eyes of the owner - eyes which immediately widen when they noticed the cameras in the office. “Come in, come in.” YG repeated with laughter tangling his words. Slowly then, the door was pushed further and in walked the awaited young lady, Han Jieun, with a sneaky grin plastered on her face.

“Ah! Han Jieun! How nice! She's on top right now, isn't she?”


Introduce yourself and a little bit more.

Jieun: Hello, I’m YG model Han Jieun. (Bows head deeply)

Do you have an ideal type?

Jieun: No. It all depends on the person. (Chuckles) I’m not too picky but I do have unspoken standards. Some people who knows me would say I prefer manly men but... It depends of the person.

High standards?

Jieun: (Laughs covering mouth with hand) Possibly.

“Of course, high standards. She’s a model, it’s no doubt.”

Your husband would like it if you do this seriously. What do you think?

Jieun: I talked about this to Jiyong-oppa. I asked him whether I should really do it honestly and put my feelings into it. “Of course!” He said. So... I will if he does. I will try to anyway since it’s different this time around.

“I keep forgetting that this time it’s for real.”


Once she closed the door behind her, she approached his desk hesitantly. “What is this? You even said so yourself, I have an image to keep up. What if this gets aired and my bare face is everywhere for everyone to see?”

“Ay~ that’s how she looks like with no makeup on? Wah~!”

“It’s okay, your image can be ruined for a while.” She chuckled at her boss’ joking side that comes out more often than it’s supposed to, considering his profession. “Jieun-yah. Do you have a boyfriend?”

Without holding back, she scoffed at his blunt question. “Why? Is there a rumour going around?”

“Do you or do you not?”

“I do not.”

“Do you want one?”

“You’re going to buy me one?”

“You kid.” She laughed at his response, receiving laughter from him as well before asking him again what this is all about. “You’re getting married.” He announced as he passes her an envelope.

“Arranged marriage?” She continued with her jokes, accepting the envelope. He looked at her, holding back his smile but she showed hers proudly. “Is this that We Got Married show?” She inquired again, looking at the crew members and at the cameras. One of them nodded with the camera nodding as well. She then slowly opened the card to see a message on it that she then read out loud. “Han Jieun-ssi, congratulations on your marriage! You will find out who your husband is in a week when you will then be given more information.” She beamed up anyway and turned her gaze towards YG-appa who simply beamed her fatherly smile at me.

Just right before she turned around to leave the room and end the small meeting, one of the most respected person in the building walked in without knocking - which was normal for him. “Oh. What is this?”

“She’s getting married.” YG simply announces with no hesitation.

Taking in the words that came from YG’s lips, Jiyong - or G-Dragon burst into laughter. “Yah! How come you’re getting married before me? TOP-hyung and your Dara-unnie will be mad.” He joked, petting her on the head, making sure not to mess up the hair.

“What do you think, Jiyong?” YG asked straightly for his opinion and thoughts.

“Hmm...” He gave it a thought, looking at me, trying to come up with an answer. “She’ll do fine. Do you know who it is?”

“No, I don’t. None of them will tell me which is actually really frustrating.” Jieun complained with a slight whiny tone to her voice, making Jiyong and YG break into small laughter.

“Make sure you do it honestly because I think it’s an idol.” Jiyong predicted out of nowhere.

“Of course I’ll do it honestly, when have I ever lie- wait, why idol?”

“I don’t know, I just do. Now get out, I have some business to do.” He pushed her towards the door playfully but Jieun went along with it anyway and left out the door after bowing goodbye to everyone in the room.

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Chapter 7: sooo..none of your house links work..i'm sorry i really wanted to see them! and it looks like you put in so much effort to find them but none lead to pictures
Sherlynygfam #2
Chapter 22: update authornim.. love ur story
Choi_jaehwa #3
I love your story!!! :)
Can't wait for your next update ^^
Chapter 22: The best birthday ever that he can ever get..
Chapter 15: Aww this is cute^^ hope they don't get cut out of WGM :(

This is almost like a mini drama it's perfectly written <3
Chapter 21: That is so bad.. Hope they will not be cut out from wgm...
jellozelo_ #7
Chapter 20: Ohhh. Jeju Island sounds interesting, it almost reminds me of Taemin ♥ Naeun's story :)
Chapter 20: i really love your story author nim and cant wait for the next chap....
Chapter 20: I've never been to Jeju island XD
Can't wait to see what their gonna do !!!!!!!!
Chapter 19: awwww mann. damn sweet. she called Jun Oppa ^///^