The YG family

We Got Married Real Edition

E p i s o d e 1 2

20th June 2013 02:27 PM

At the YG Entertainment building

"How does that sound?" Jiyong asked after showing Jieun the track he had composed. However, she lounged on the couch with her phone in hand, playing about. "Yah. Were you listening?"

“Wah, it’s G-Dragon!”

"Hm? Yeah, sounded good." Jiyong had been working since morning with Teddy until the producer had to leave which is around the time when Jiyong started feeling lonely and called up Jieun for company. "Well, I don't know, I'm no musician."

"Bull, how many times have you helped me out in the studio? Just because you're feeling lazy..." Jiyong muttered, making Jieun laugh and force herself off the couch to head closer to where he was sitting by the tech.

She leaned against his swirling armchair before telling him to play it again for her, this time listening properly. The unfinished demo track ended and Jiyong gazed up at her, waiting for a response or some sort of reaction. “It’s good. I like it.”

He nodded, acknowledging her compliment and twirled the chair towards her as she began to make her way back to the couch. “So why did you come here with cameras? I don’t think I requested that when I called you over.”

“Today’s filming for the We Got Married. That means, Junhyung is coming here, or at least that’s what he texted me.” Jieun explained vaguely, focusing back on what was being displayed on her phone. Just when Jiyong was about interrogate her further on the topic, the door was pushed open and in walked a tall man with almost no skin revealed and shades to cover his eyes.

“Yo!” He hollered, greeting the two individuals that were already in the studio. He plopped down beside Jieun and pinched her cheeks. “Where is he?”

“Oh! He’s so attractive!”

“Why can’t I be on this show with him...”

“Ah, what a man.”

“He’s not here yet, he still at the studio, recording.” Jieun replied to the infamous cold-chic-city man that goes by the name of Top. “Where’s everyone?”

“Who’s everyone?” Jiyong inquired, fishing out his phone for his own business.

“The family.” Too lazy to list out names, she simply pointed out ‘everyone’ with two words, knowing that they will understand who she means.

“I think we’re the most important ones here. You don’t need anyone else, Junhyung doesn’t need to meet anyone else.” Seunghyun proclaimed with Jiyong backing him up with a nod and an air high-five to add on to their dorkiness.

As always Jieun could never find the words to insult them because they always manage to grow a smile on her face at the end of the day. Hence with a roll of the eyes from Jieun, the boys could only snickered to themselves. Before anyone could say anything else, her phone went off, vibrating against the flat surface of the couch, right beside her. Already knowing who was calling her, she picked up the call straight away, standing up to walk out of the studio for some privacy. “Hello?”

“Hey, I’m here. want to come down and get me?” The familiar husky voice spoke out to her bringing a grin onto her face while her stomach did flips at the anticipation of finally seeing him again after a week. She made her way down the elevator after hanging up the phone call. Once the doors of the elevator opens up, she was met with Junhyung standing right in front of her. “Oh.”

She giggled at his surprised reaction and pulled him into the elevator by grabbing his wrist. Scanning his outfit, she realizes the uniform that cladded his body fittingly. “Why are you wearing your drama’s costume uniform?”

“I have filming after this, soon, later.” He mumbled, observing the little screen that showed which floor we were in. Anyone could easily tell how nervous he is, simply by how he was acting. She notices his anxious antics and kept in her giggles about it. She understood why he would be nervous. Hell, if she was him, she would be hell of nervous as well. “Ouh, I’m damn nervous.”

“Don’t be. They’re all just a bunch of dorks.” She tried to calm him down but it had no effect on him. She knows about how much he actually looks up to Jiyong but in all reality, the guy is nothing but a massive goofus.

“Yeah but...” From there everything he said was in mumbles and she couldn’t comprehend anything he said. Jieun shut him up once the elevator doors slide open and she led him out by going first.

With a look of reassurance on her face and her hand on the knob, Junhyung gave her a final nod to open up the door. But who was in the studio didn’t only surprise Junhyung but Jieun as well considering the studio wasn’t how she had left it. “Ay! Brother-in-law!” Everyone cheered once he was on sigh and everyone was there - everyone meaning Lee Hi, 2ne1 and the rest of Big Bang. “Come in, brother-in-law!”

“Wahh! It’s the infamous YG Family!”

“They really look like celebrities.”

“That’s because they are...”

“Hello, I’m Junhyung.” He introduced himself, bowing as he made his way into the studio, presenting himself as politely as he could.

“I think you know who everyone is, so there’s no need for that kind of introduction.” Jieun declared, skipping all the unnecessary basics.

“I should’ve made you meet 4minute, BtoB and as well.” He whispered into her ear secretly, while everyone was trying to settle down, making space for the newlywed couple as well. She giggled at her husband’s remark but ignored it anyway.

“So, Junhyung-ssi.” Jiyong started as the leader though he himself was unsure of what to say, really. “How’s our Jieun treating you?”

He glances at her for a split second before actually responding. “She treats me very well.”

“Has she cooked for you yet? Her cooking is good right?” Daesung perked in with his eye smile and a cheeky grin.

“Yeah, she is very good at cooking.” Junhyung awkwardly replies. He didn’t know how to act around Jieun’s company family. She never really talked much about them to him, at least nothing in specifics. She has shared funny stories but no legitimate information.

“Wait, did you come here empty handed?” Seungri’s sudden words slipped out of his mouth, resulting all the guys to hit him in attempt of scolding him. “What? Why?”

“Yah, he’s still older than you. Watch your mouth.” Taeyang remarked, protecting Junhyung’s pride who had his head down. Even though Seungri had said that out of character, it didn’t mean he was wrong. Junhyung did come in empty handed and that was his first mistake. Thus he bowed and apologized sincerely but was brushed off by everyone. “Don’t worry about it, Jieun told us about how you came straight from the studio.”


How was it meeting Jieun’s “family”?

Junhyung: I could’ve died. Not only are they my in-laws but almost all of them are my sunbaes and I really look up to all of them. It was very pressuring, especially Top-hyungnim and Jiyong-hyungnim, seriously...their stares could kill.


“Wah, I seriously never thought Jieun-unni would introduce us to a guy.” Minzy spoke out loud which everyone agreed to but it only intrigued Junhyung.

“Does she not usually?” He asked, timidly.

“Not boyfriends or anything of the sort. So this is the first time to have this kind of meeting.” CL explained. “You’re probably feeling very pressured, aren’t you?” He nodded sheepishly, not really knowing what to do or say. Even though CL was younger than him, he still felt so intimidated by her. “We should lighten up the mood!”

Jiyong, who had been sitting on one of the armchairs nearest to the desktop, started to play some relaxing music everyone could talk over. “Anyway, Junhyung-maeje. What do you think of our Jieunnie?”

Jieun and Junhyung had their eyes on Jiyong before gazing into each other’s pupils. “She’s very lovely.” Hearing his words, she shies away from his eyes. For some reason, he always knew exactly what to say to make her feel something she rarely feels. She knows she’s getting drawn to him way too much, more than she should be.

“Is that it?” Top , though he was already content with his answer as he knows how much of a compliment that is to Jieun. A frantic look appeared on Junhyung’s face all of the sudden and tried to think of something else about his onscreen wife. His boss had hoped that through this program, he would feel better after the whole situation with Hara. And he was right. He did feel better, much better. Instead of thinking about female idol from broad daylight to the night’s darkness, the model took her place in his mind. But for all he knows, it was professional work to her. “I’m playing with you. She is lovely, isn’t she?”

“How’s Beast doing?” Lee Hi finally spoke out of her shy appearance. She was secretly a fan of Beast but it wasn’t a secret between the YG family. Everyone in exception of Junhyung snickered at her question, knowing her fangirling side was slowly exposing.

Junhyung chuckled, but responded kindly anyway. “We’re preparing an album for a comeback around next month. But right now, we’re all on individual schedules.”

“Yah, keep your fangirling-ness to yourself.” Bom reproached her with a soft tap on her back. She grinned widely in a cheeky way like a little girl she is inside. “You must be hungry. We ordered some food before you go for your filming.”

“Ah, you shouldn’t have-”

“No, you’re part of the family now.” Just as Jiyong had stated that, Junhyung immediately felt more at ease. Especially when a fast tracked song started playing through the speakers and Top jumped up from his seat and started dancing the way Bingu Top would. Everyone started laughing despite how many times they’ve seen him do the same thing almost every day. Just then the door to the studio open and an unknown man with two massive metal box walked in.

He placed in on the table in the middle of the studio to open it up and distribute the packed food to everyone in the room. Top fished out his wallet from the back pocket of his pants in order to pay for the food until Junhyung stopped him. “Wait, hyungnim, I’ll pay.” Top patted him on the back, thanking him silently as everyone around them cheered about how manly Junhyung is, thanking him as well. Together they all ate in the studio, casually talking amongst themselves, creating laughter and memories.

“Have Jieun sang in front of you before?” Dara asked after she swallowed the amount of jjajangmyun she had slurped into .

Junhyung peeked at Jieun with one of his eyebrows raised questioningly. “No, she hasn’t. Is she good?”

“I keep asking her why she isn’t a singer whenever she sings.” CL retorted, wiping her lips with the napkin she had in hand. “She’s really good at singing.” Everyone agreed to her statement despite the food in their mouths.

“Yah, perform for us.” Jiyong ordered her, handing her the guitar by the corner of the room. The music was stopped and Jieun sighed inwardly, accepting the guitar from him after sipping some water. She was always self-conscious of her singing despite how many compliments she gets from the people around her and how many times her boss wants her to feature in someone’s song. She was just never confident in her singing.

With the guitar placed on her lap and a strum of the acoustic instrument, she cleared , preparing herself to sing. “Ah, I can’t do this...” She muttered, avoiding all the pairs of eyes on her. She cleared once again and started to play certain notes on the guitar one after the other, creating a string of melody as her angelic voice began to sing.


Jieun: I have always been able to sing. But the first person out of my family for me to show my singing skills to was YG-sajangnim. He had asked me before if I wanted to debut as a singer or continue as a model and I chose modeling. I was never confident in my singing.

Junhyung: I never knew she could sing that good. I was really impressed. I want to hear...her sing more.

“She’s really good though!”

“She could do well by being a singer.”


After her little performance of a medley, she set the guitar down beside her on the ground, leaning up against the couch. Everyone applauded her along with calls of cheers. Though she thought she didn’t do that well, everyone was impressed with her hidden talent especially Junhyung. He never thought she had that in her and to say she blew her mind was an understatement. His eyes were glued on her yet hers were on anyone’s but his. “ expected, our Jieunnie.” Daesung expressed out loud as he put his hands together to cheer Jieun on.

By the time everyone finished their own bowl of jjajangmyun, Lee Hi and 2ne1 had to leave due to their schedules. “Let’s take a picture before we leave!” Dara declared, requesting Jieun for her polaroid as she had it with her wherever she goes. She takes it out of her backpack and hands it over to Dara. Jiyong had asked Kush to come in for a bit to take the picture for them to which he accepted to do with no hesitation. They all gathered up together into a position where everyone could be seen and had the couple in the middle of the group. Once the flash went off, the instant camera was returned to Jieun and the group of girls were about to leave along with Kush.

“Make sure we meet again soon, Junhyung-hyungbu!” CL declared excitingly.

“Very nice to meet you at last, hyungbu~!” Minzy joined along.

“Take good care of our Jieun, Junhyung-jebu! Or else~” Bom threatened adorably that Junhyung can’t help but to chuckle at. He bowed as they all take their leave out of the studio and wished them well.

Everyone sat back down in their own spots; with Jiyong, Junhyung, Jieun and Top on the couch while Daesung, Taeyang and Seungri were on their own armchairs. “To be honest...” Jiyong started, stirring up Jieun’s anxiety. You can never really tell what these boys are going to say. “Jieunnie has told us a lot about you.” Junhyung was starting to get intimidated again, not really looking forward to any sort of interrogation. “And we’ve watched the episodes as well.”

“Yeah, you’re doing well.” Top commented randomly, cracking smiles on everyone’s faces.

“What do you mean ‘doing well’?” Jieun remarked. She knew the guys would try to interrogate Junhyung as much as they could, especially since they never really get the chance to since she never really any guys to bring to them.

“We have to do this, Jieun-ah.” Daesung pronounced, “Because we’re your brothers. So are you in contact with a lot of female celebrities?”

“Right, do you stay in the house with Jieun or do you go spend your nights at your dorm?” The boys continued to bombard Junhyung with the most ridiculous questions that surprised him at first until he finally into laughter as he was lost at words.

“Yah, quit it!” Jieun scolded them, jumping up to her feet yet the boys just chortled at how adorable she comes off unconsciously. Junhyung gentle wrapped his fingers around her wrist and slightly pulled at her to sit her back down. “Seriously...”

“I don’t contact that many female celebrities and I spend some nights in the dorm, and some in the house.” He answered genuinely, slipping out a few chuckles here and there. He should’ve known they would interrogate him like this. Jieun have mentioned before about how protective they can be of her. “And my ideal type is Jieun-ssi.”

“Ayy, man!” They all cheered with wide grins on their faces, exposing their dorky sides. “Have you kissed her before?” Daesung asked childishly.

“Her hand...” He mumbled almost fearfully.

“Wah, what is that, dude!” They all roared while Taeyang bursted in laughter, holding onto his stomach.

Jieun covered her face with both her hands in embarrassment at how high school her ‘brothers’ sound like right now. “Why are you all talking as if I’m not here?”

“Sh, girl!” Top shushed me by hitting me with one of the small pillows he had been holding onto. “Try now!” He encouraged his hoobae while the rest were practically dying of laughter.

Junhyung sat there, speechless and more or less frozen, not knowing how to take in his furtherance. “Try it, maeje!” Taeyang pushed further, influenced by the excitement oozing out of the other members.

“Like this.” Top yanked Seungri’s wheelchair over to him as he was the only one that he could reach. He clutched his chin and left a quick but obvious kiss on his cheek that Seungri was too slow to dodge. Everyone cracked into laughter once again while Seungri pulled his knee up to his chest to hug and cover his face behind his knees.

Once the laughter died down, Jiyong tapped the back of  Junhyung’s shoulder a few times to urge him further. Junhyung acknowledged his push, finally gazing towards Jieun who looked back towards him with timorous eyes. Everyone was quietly watching the couple as the young man progressively makes the move. Slowly he leans towards her side and gently placed his full lips on her soft cheek, taking his time before finally pulling away as everyone started to jump around, shrinking their fingers inwards and sequeling about. Jiyong began his celebratory dance with Top in the middle of everything while Seungri and Daesung start couple-dancing right by them. With the back of his hand, Junhyung hid his grin while Jieun shielded her smile with both her hands and Taeyang laughed loudly, watching everything unfold in front of him.

“I should go now, because of my filming schedule.” Junhyung pushed himself off the couch slowly. They all then followed to stand up. “Thank you for welcoming me warmly.” He bowed down low to show his respect to his sunbaes lined up in front of him.

After a few selca-shots and some exchanging of numbers, they all said their proper goodbyes. “I’ll take him down.” Jieun sportively pushed him out of the studio room towards the elevator. “That must have been hard for you.”

He chuckled. “Not at all, I got to meet my sunbaes and your family, I think I’m good.” The two entered into the elevator together with Jieun leading the way. “Do you think I was alright?”

“I think they loved you. Honestly.” She answered truthfully. She knew they did from all the eye contacts she made with almost all of them, receiving their approving looks. “I’m just glad everyone got along.”

The bell of the elevator went off and the black metal doors opened in two, allowing the two to step out. “You don’t need to me out, just go back up. I’ll call you later.” Junhyung stopped her from exiting the elevator all the way. “Do you have schedule today?”

“Later, tonight.” She leaned by the door of the elevator, keeping it open. “Go, you’ll be late. Have fun filming. Call me later.” He nodded, caressing her head tenderly before turning to depart from her.

Hi! How you guys enjoying the story so far? I have a lot of plans for this one so look forward to some really cute, exciting bits! ;) On the other side, I have a new story up about Super Junior's Kyuhyun! Check it out and see how it is and make sure to tell me how it is. Same with this one! Tell me your thoughts and comments people~ Don't be silent readers! Thank you guys x

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Chapter 7: sooo..none of your house links work..i'm sorry i really wanted to see them! and it looks like you put in so much effort to find them but none lead to pictures
Sherlynygfam #2
Chapter 22: update authornim.. love ur story
Choi_jaehwa #3
I love your story!!! :)
Can't wait for your next update ^^
Chapter 22: The best birthday ever that he can ever get..
Chapter 15: Aww this is cute^^ hope they don't get cut out of WGM :(

This is almost like a mini drama it's perfectly written <3
Chapter 21: That is so bad.. Hope they will not be cut out from wgm...
jellozelo_ #7
Chapter 20: Ohhh. Jeju Island sounds interesting, it almost reminds me of Taemin ♥ Naeun's story :)
Chapter 20: i really love your story author nim and cant wait for the next chap....
Chapter 20: I've never been to Jeju island XD
Can't wait to see what their gonna do !!!!!!!!
Chapter 19: awwww mann. damn sweet. she called Jun Oppa ^///^