

Trust no one, because eventually everyone will turn on you, everyone will hurt you, bruise you, try and break you. It's best not to let people in. Its safer that way. Safer to not depend on others because they will always fail you. Safer not to feel because feelings distract from reality.



Kang JaeHyun

Age: 17

Birthday: Feb.25.1995 

Hair Color: Naturally Brown, Later Blue/Purple

Eye Color: Brown

Distinguishing Features: Scar across her Right eye. 






Kang RiHyun

Age: 16(almost 17)

Birthday: July.3.1996

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green




Ahn NaRa


Birthday: March.13.1995

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown



Choi Minki



Birthday: Nov.3.1995

Hair Color: Naturally Brown, currently Blonde

Eye Color: Brown





Hwang MinHyun


Age: 17

Birthday: Aug.9.1995

Hair Color: Brown 

Eye Color: Brown





Kang DongHo

Age: 17

Birthday: July.21.1995

Hair Color: Naturally Brown, currently Blonde

Eye Color: Brown


Kim JongHyun

Age: 17

Birthday: June.8.1995

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown







Kwak Aron

Age: 18

Birthday: May.21.1993

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown





"Friendliness is useless. You can have all the friends in the world and you'll still die alone."


"JaeHyun." She started but I cut her off. "There just going to turn on you when you need them most, they'll run away because when it comes down to it no one else matters people look out for themselves no matter what the cost to everyone else. It's a cruel world out there RiHyun the sooner you realize that the better. People are selfish and evil. No good will ever come of them." "JaeHyun not all people are like that!" "Yes they are." "What about me?! Huh!? What about me?!" "Your young and naive, you have you head  stuck in a fairy tail. Life isn't like that." 


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Chapter 1: I'm just gonna sit here and flail. <3
Chapter 1: I like (luv) it. >.< I like the bigness of the writing as well. Though I might be thw youngest, I probally have the WORST eye sight
Chapter 2: Awwwhhh Jae it's cute so far!!! And ASSHDKSBSKDJLABEODBLXNDOS:828:$94!: BAEKHO MY BABY /drops to ground and cries/