Chapter 3



-Still DongHo's P.O.V-
I turned and saw a small Asian girl with long black hair running to catch up to us.
JR, MinHyun and Aron were trying to keep up with her.
"OMG JaeHyun!! You're with other human beings!! It's a miracle!! "
JaeHyun didn't look up she just kept walking.
The girl caught up and linked arms with JaeHyun.
"So how'd it happen?"
"How'd what happen?"
JaeHyun asked still not looking at the girl.
"You being with other people!"
"Teacher, I'm sposed to show them around."
The girl laughed.
"Lemme guess, Mis. Cho?"
JaeHyun nodded.
"Trying to make you socialize?"
She nodded again.
Then the girl turned to Minki and I.
She said with a grin.
"I'm RiHyun, JaeHyun's Sister and best and only friend,
she doesn't really get on well with other humans."
"She has friends?"
Minki said raising an eyebrow.
RiHyun laughed.
"Just me, She tends to scare people. Don't you JaeJae?"
She said nudging JaeHyun.
"There to human. They feel to much.
There stupid, they see things right in front of them and still don't understand."
She mumbled.
RiHyun rolled her eyes.
"And you guys are?"
She asked turning back to us.
"I'm Dongho and this is Minki."
I said. "And it looks like you've already met the others."
She smiled. "Yea I'm a lot more friendly than JaeHyun." 
-JaeHyun's P.O.V- 
I rolled my eyes.
"Friendliness is useless.
You can have all the friends in the world and you'll still die alone."
I mumbled.
"JaeHyun can you at least pretend to be nice for five minutes
so I can introduce you to these people?"
RiHyun asked.
"What's the point?"
"Give us just a second."
RiHyun said and dragged me around a corner.
"JaeHyun." She started but I cut her off.
"There just going to turn on you when you need them most,
they'll run away because when it comes down to it no one else matters
people look out for themselves no matter what the cost to everyone else.
It's a cruel world out there RiHyun
the sooner you realize that the better.
People are selfish and evil.
No good will ever come of them."
"JaeHyun not all people are like that!"
"Yes they are."
"What about me?! Huh!?
What about me?!"
"Your young and naive,
you have you head  stuck in a fairy tail.
Life isn't like that."
"Kang JaeHyun you know thats not true!
My life hasn't been a walk in the park either,
now you will be nice to these people and not scare them away!
Despite what you think you need other people in your life.  
Now you are going to walk out and introduce
yourself like a civilized human being.
Do you understand?"
I rolled my eyes.  
"Do you understand JaeHyun?"
She said forcing me to look at her.
I nodded.
She smiled.
-DongHo's P.O.V- 
I was stunned.
The guys and I had snuck along the wall so we
could hear what they were saying.
I know that we shouldn't have been eves dropping
but I was curious about Them and one look at the guys told me they felt the same.
So we snuck over and listened in.
JaeHyun had such a hateful outlook on life and humanity.
I wondered why.
People can't just be born like that can they?
Maybe it had something to do with whatever happened to her eye. 
"Do you understand JaeHyun?"
RiHyun asked, She nodded.
"Fine." She mumbled.
RiHyun smiled.
She grabbed JaeHyun's arm and they headed back.
The guys and I scrambled back to where we had been standing before.
RiHyun walked back to us dragging a reluctant JaeHyun behind her.
"Jae?" She said looking pointedly at JaeHyun.
JaeHyun rolled her eyes.
Gosh does her expression ever change?
She stepped forwards.
"Hi I'm JaeHyun."
Aron decided to begin the introductions.
"Hey I'm Aron,
that's MinHyun and that's JR."
He said indicating the other two.  
MinHyun smiled at her and said.
"Let's be friends ok?"
She blinked at him for a second then turned to RiHyun.
"He's joking right?"
She asked.
-JaeHyun's P.O.V- 
 "Let's be friends ok?"
I blinked. How bout no.
What the hell is with this guy?
Lets be friends?
Yea right like that'll ever happen.
I held back my snappy comments and turned to RiHyun.
"He's joking right?" i asked.
RiHyun  facepalmed. 
A/N I hope you liked my update,
sorry it took so long i had a lot of stuff going on ><
i hope to have more time soon to write more :) 
I Love you all :D 
your feedback is much apriciated :D <3
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Chapter 1: I'm just gonna sit here and flail. <3
Chapter 1: I like (luv) it. >.< I like the bigness of the writing as well. Though I might be thw youngest, I probally have the WORST eye sight
Chapter 2: Awwwhhh Jae it's cute so far!!! And ASSHDKSBSKDJLABEODBLXNDOS:828:$94!: BAEKHO MY BABY /drops to ground and cries/