Chapter NINE : GD Gesture

Sheila's Kwon



"WHERE IS HE?" Jiyong opened the door at the conference room where there was supposed to be a meeting for Seungri's activities. Seungri's manager was there with the staff, waiting on Seungri, obviously.

 "He said that he is on his way. We were just preparing for the meeting. Take a seat. We want your input on some things." He knew the look that their hyung manager gave him. It was the sit down I don't care if you are star look. He obediently sat down and listened to the things that they were discussing with him.

 A half an hour already passed and he was getting more agitated. He took the first flight out that he could get and he could have gotten here ahead of the two. But if Seungri had this meeting being late was not in his nature. He taught their maknae better than that. He started wondering if there was any problem with the plane they were on. All sorts of scenarios played in his head.

 "Relax. Seungri is on a van back. They are pretty close." he sighed in a great relief. When the door opened. "This must be him." He stood up and saw Seungri come in. Alone.

 "Where is she?" Seungri was shocked that he was there.

 "Hyung!" it was like he was caught preparing a surprise. And Jiyong knew he had spoiled it.

 "Where is she?" he slammed both hands on the conference room table. The rest were not used to seeing him like this out of control.

 "She is in the dorm. We were preparing to visit you. Did you escape from the hospital?" Seungri asked him, suspicious since he had done it before.

 "No, I was allowed to go home yesterday. I took the red-eye to see her. But I guess you were not here to know all that. You went there." Seungri went pale.

 "What did you say to her? Why did she come here with you? What are you planning to do with her?" he loved this dongsaeng but if he tried to hurt Sheila then he would have no choice but to hurt him back.

 "I showed her this." Seungri took the tablet from his manpack and gave it to him. There was a video he had opened. It was the one from the hospital. "She thinks that you are sick in the hospital. Heck, I thought you were not going to stop making songs like a monster who didn't eat or sleep well so I went to fetch her to stop you from getting yourself over-worked. I didn't do anything when Dong Hyung did it. I am not going to sit around and let you do the same thing. I love you, hyung. I can't let you fade away again." Seungri sat down. He did the same.

 "Where is she?" he asked.

 "At the dorm. You're a poor listener." Seungri looked tired. Must be from all the flights he took that day.

 "Kamsamnida." Seungri grabbed his arm and made him sit down.

 "Not enough to just see her like this." the twinkle in Seungri's eyes spelled mischief. Jiyong owed him this time so he let him continue. "This is what we will do." the maknae amazed them when he hooked up his tablet to the projector and proceded on presenting the most elaborate romantic scene Jiyong was too swag to even think of doing.

 "Do I really need to do it just like that?" he asked at the end of it.

 "Hyung, it's called the Grand Gesture." Seungri looked disappointed at him.

 "This is the GD Gesture. It's even more elaborate than that." He shook his head in defeat.

 "This is a little bit too...cheesy." he laughed at that point because it did cross his mind to do something like this while he was flying back. It would be the perfect declaration of love. It was something he was sure Sheila had dreamt of at least once in her entire life as a fangirl. "Fine. I'll take credit for this, you know that right?" he teased Seungri.

 "Of course. I have reputation to keep. If women find out just how romantic I was they would expect me to keep doing it." he laughed Seungri's rehashing of Daesung's words.

 "So, you take care of Sheila, I'll get tell the others?" Seungri shook his head.

 "We already know." on que, the other two Big Bang members came in.

 "What else was I supposed to do?" he felt like his wedding was planned out and all he had to do was arrive.

 "We needed you to just hold the mic and be awesome, bro." Yongbae said.

 "You know that this would be a big scandal, me dating a VIP." he teased his bestfriend.

 "Not as crazy as it was when I dated your girl." Yongbae teased back.

 "She wasn't really mine. At least not in the real sense of the word." he knew that they never talked to each other about the extent of his relationship with Dara. But indirectly, he wanted him to know.

 Yongbae blushed suddenly. "I...know." Daesung and Seungri were quick to pick it up and started to tease their hyung. Jiyong just laughed.

 "Congratulations, Yongbae. Welcome to the wonderful world." Yongbae got even redder.

SEUNGRI was taking way too long. She had decided not to take too many clothes and just buy them when she got in and now she wondered what she was going to do. She was staring at the designer clothes inside Jiyong's room and wondered if she had decided to love a shopaholic. She giggled because she knew that his crazy fashion style endeared him to her. She has always loved the unique and he was just too much of that to try to wear what other people wanted to wear. He didn't anticipate it but he was a trendsetter of couture caliber. Fashion senses like that ran in the family. She remembered that his sister was a stylist and a fashion designer. She made a mental note to go to her boutique and buy something for her mom and Sammie.

The door opened and Seungri came in looking defeated. Impending bad news.

 "He left the hospital. No one knows where he is." she felt like her legs lost their strength and she had to sit down. The bed was the nearest thing to her and she half-fell and half-sat on it. Seungri sat beside her and continued to explain. "I can't leave you here though. I have an event to go to and girls are not allowed in our dorm...without President Yang giving a I have to take you to a hotel. Are you going to be okay with that?"

 She nodded then remembered that she didn't have anything but her passport and her purse. It was colder in Seoul at this time and so she couldn't risk not getting more clothes to wear soon. "Could you drop me off at the shopping district? I am sure I can buy something there to wear. I need some clothes. I don't want to have to worry about it when I go to a hotel."

 Seungri looked like was going to panic. Must be the guilt of having brought me here for nothing. "I still have a few hours before the event. Do you want me to bring you to a friend of mine and get some stuff from her store?"

 She smiled at him and agreed. "Do you think you can take me to Jiyong's sister's boutique? I want to buy something for my mom and my friend, Sammie."

 "She was the friend I was referring to." Seungri grinned. She stood up and walked towards the door. "You are way too into shopping. I am afraid you and Jiyong match all too well."

 She laughed. It was true, nothing could give her more energy faster than the thought that she was going to go buy new clothes and shoes. Oh shoes...

 "Addicts." Seungri laughed.

 "Looks who's talking? I know you are one of us, lil Seung Hyun." she winked at him making Seungri laugh even harder. "Pali, ka ja!" Hurry, let's go!

 "Just like my hyung, you are. Impatient shopaholic." He opened the door and let her come out first. "Lady first."

 "Ladies first." she corrected.

 "But there is only you." he looked puzzled.

 "Ladies first is the correct format." she stopped herself from explaining. "It's the custom." she just ended it at that. Seungri looked confused but seemed to have accepted her explanation. Well at least he doesn't need a translator when he dates those girls he does date.

 "Ah..." he seemed to be preoccupied. They rode the van and were taken to the boutique she had only dreamt of going to.

EVERYTHING was more than she had hoped for. She couldn't choose. She had a bunch of paper bags already but she saw more things she wanted to try on and buy for herself. She had long chosen the one she wanted for her mom and for Sammie. They would be delighted. She loved that the Spring collection matches with the weather at home. She wouldn't worry about wasting money on her current purchases.

Jiyong's sister showed her a little black dress that she fell in love with. She didn't want to buy it because she didn't think she would be able to use it while she was there. "Try it on first. Then tell me that it was not meant to be."

She did. And it felt like it was tailor-made for her. It seemed like a simple dress but when she wore it she found that it had those touches of unique design that made this little black dress a keepsake. She faced Seungri who hadn't stopped taking pictures of her since they got there. "Perfect." he looked at his watch. "Noona, could you try to put something on her, just a little bit. So we can go." She wondered what he meant. Jiyong's sister asked her to sit in front of a dress table and had proceeded on putting some make-up on her. It was the barely there kind of make-up and Sheila saw that it did make a different. She made a mental note to replicate it in the future. She would have to do some make-up shopping later.

"We'll be late if we don't leave now." Seungri said. She figured it meant that event he needed to go to.

"You can drop me off at a hotel on the way." she got into the van and did notice that Seungri didn't answer her this time around.

THIS is not a hotel. It was a park. It had a performance space in the middle and she figured that she would have to go to the event with Seungri because he was late. She would just have to wait for him to finish then check into a hotel or somewhere for the night. She couldn't possibly stay at their dorm and get Seungri in trouble.

"Ready?" Seungri helped her off. There were hundreds of fans waiting for the performance to start. There were chairs that were in the more enclosed area. Her VIP heart melted. It was an intimate concert. So very Seungri to do this for his fans.

"You know what? I think you are all heart, Ri." she kissed his check and Seungri blushed.

"Be quiet. Don't ruin my reputation." he winked at her.

"Oh, Panda-ssi. We already know you are all heart. We are VIP, remember." She spoke for all the VIPs at that time. And it was true, Seungri was known for his friendliness towards the fans.

"Ya. I am not a panda." he consciously touched his once darkening eyebags. Sheila laughed. "They're waiting." surely Seungri meant his fans. She walked as fast as her high heels would let her.

"I am sure this would be a great concert." she tried to give him some moral support. He looked very nervous.

"Oh, you have no idea just how great it really is." She heard the fangirls scream when they spotted Seungri and her.

"I can. I am VIP after all."



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skyryuuna #1
i'm sorry but sheila peleaz is you or who???