Baby's Breath.

If it takes 100 flowers to win your love, that's what I'll do.

The symbolic meanings of baby's breath flowers are pure heart, festivity, and happiness.


Chung Ae's P.O.V.

I sat on the small, green couch that sat in the middle of the living room. The flowers in one hand and the card in the other. I read the card for about the thousandth time that night, trying to figure out what it meant. If he had a longing for me, he had to be someone I knew, right? I mean, a complete stranger couldn't have feelings for me this deep. I sighed, turning the card over and looking at the large "H" on the back of the card, chewing on my lip. There was no one I knew with a name that started with H, so it clearly couldn't have been his signature. Unless, it was a fake name, of course. 

I stood up slowly, walking to the kitchen, and pulled out another extra vase from the cabinets. I filled it up with water, and placed the pink flowers into it. I set them net to the vase of the yellow flowers from yesterday, and stared at them both. I carefully took both cards, putting them with the flowers they belonged with, and let out a soft sigh. Glancing at the time, I noticed it was almost midnight, and shook my head. It was too late for this. Dragging myself up the stairs, I went into my room, and plopped down onto the bed, falling asleep right away.


Hyungseung's P.OV.

"I need something that expresses my love for her," I muttered to the short, old lady that worked at the nearby flower shop. It was six in the morning, and I was determined to get the flowers to her front door before she left for school. "I need something beautiful, extraordinary, something that will..." I paused for a while. "Blow her mind away!"

The lady nodded, rubbing her chin as she thought. "I understand what you mean.." she whispered, and then stood up straight. "Hold on for a while." She moved to the back of the shop, and I could hear her moving a few things around as she searched the area. Letting out a small squeal of delight, she came running back over to the cashier. "I know the perfect flower!" She exclaimed, and ran out from behind the cash register. Grabbing my hand, she pulled me to the front of the shop, scanning the thousands of flowers that stood in front of us. 

"Oh!" She exclaimed, letting go of my hand, and reaching up. She grabbed a small bouquet of small, white flowers, and handed them to me. "Baby's breath.~" She smiled, a wide smile on her face. "It's perfect."

I rose an eyebrow. "Baby's... breath?" I asked, and she nodded quickly.

"Yes!" She exclaimed. "It stands for a pure heart."

I stared at the flowers for a little, turning them over in my hand, and I bit my lip softly. "Alright," I said, a smile spreading across my face, "I'll take them."


I arrived at her apartment complex, pulling into the parking lot, and letting out a deep sigh. I turned the engine off, and slid the keys into my pocket while glancing at the time. 6:20, I still had ten minutes. I opened the door to my car, slipped out, and started to run towards her apartment. I ran up the stairs, reaching her door, and panted, trying to catch my breath. After a while, I kneeled down, and placed the flowers onto the doormat as carefully as I could, fixing them slightly. I pulled out another notecard from my back pocket, and read over it, making sure it was perfect. Smiling to myself, I placed the card into the middle, like always, and started to stand up. I froze into place, my eyes growing wide as I heard the door click open.


I believe this is a somewhat y chapter..

I'm not really satisfied..

I hope you guys like it, though...

; w ;



I love you guys!


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janale6 #1
if he gets caught. i don't know anymore. act as delivery man? lol. jk. i hope you update soon. cute story you have here :3
shesgoneohshesgone #2
Jagiya, you didn't lie!<br />
<br />
Ahhh, is he busted? <br />
:D I love Junhyung! XD He's so funny.
Oh, why thank you. <3<br />
<br />
Te amo mucho. <3
shesgoneohshesgone #5
Te amo<br />
This was lovely<br />
@Jiyongs-knight:<br />
Yes, it's yeobo. <3
shesgoneohshesgone #7
Yeobo?! :0
this is cute!!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon~~~
Can't wait for the next chapter!<br />
I like how you put all those meanings for the flowers!<br />
Update soon!
-neverwinter #10
Can't wait for the next chapter ^^<br />
hwaiting!<br />