Husband and Wife

Recorded Memories
Henry laughed seeing Amber drinking her milktea. Lips around the straw, “What’s so funny? Is it already the time of the month that everything is funny to you?”
“Is it the time of the month that you easily get mad?” He used his arms and hands to protect himself from Amber, moving them like he knew martial arts.
“Ugh. Stop doing that.” 
She pinched his ear. “Aww! My ear! Let go!”
“It’s annoying that you laugh when I drink.” They were back to the real topic.
“Well, it is funny.”
“When I drink? What’s so funny about that?”
He touched her pinky of the the hand that was holding her milktea. “When you drink, your pinky is up like this.” He help her pinky up, showing her how it looked like. “This happens every time you drink, whether it is soda, beer, water, energy drink, tea.”
“Then I won’t do that anymore.“
“You won’t drink anymore?” 
“You are really asking me that stupid question?” 
He smiled. “I was trying to make you laugh.”
“Well, try harder. It wasn’t funny at all.” Her pinky up again when she drunk.
“You are doing it again.” He said as if he was singing, teasing her.
Her hand was over the other, not letting her pinky move, drinking the remaining milktea in the cup. “So you bought me this milktea just to tease me.”
“No. I am here because I miss you.”
“Really? And...I know there is another reason.”
“And I need your help.”
“There it is.” She gave the plastic cup to Henry.
“Why are you giving that to me? It’s already empty.”
“Throw it to the garbage can..”
“You have feet.”
“And you don’t have feet?”
“I am a guest.”
“Guest? Who are you kidding? You practically live here. And I need enough energy to give whatever help you need”
Henry aimed at the trash bin, planning to throw it from where he was sitting. 
“Stand up and throw it properly. The garbage can is like ten steps away.”
He stood up, walking towards the thrash bin. “Do you remember where I left the video camera?”
“Charging it earlier. Above the bedside cabinet.”
They stood in front of video camera and its stand. He adjusted the camera’s settings when Amber asked “Why are we doing this exactly?”
“Hyungs were laughing at me.”
“Should I talk to the principal and call their parents?” She was implying her Super Junior oppas were acting like pre-school kids.
“Because on how I interact with my female fans.”
“Oh, that.” She remembered seeing some pictures of what he was talking about. 
“Does it bother you? Are you jealous?”
“Excuse me. I don’t get jealous. How lucky are you that your girlfriend don’t get jealous?”
“Liar. Stop denying you don't get jealous.”
"You could just save the photos found online and show the pictures to them."
"I already did that. And still making fun of me. I want to see what you guys are noticing." Henry cut a sticker paper. Placing the paper on her chest, part where her heart was. “My #1 WIFE”
She read the her name tag. It was another way of saying “My #1 Fan” since he calls his fans, "wives". “Wait, you could just say to the camera that I am a fan" Amber hit his hand for him to stop touching her .
She cut about the same size of the sticker paper on her chest, got the marker, biting the cover, wrote on it, and knelt down.
“Whoa! Whoa! What the-?” 
She placed the paper on his crotch, “Stay still, Henry,” tapping it. making sure it sticked properly. She put down the marker and stood up.
“You really put it here.” He touched that part of his pants. "What the ?" Seeing what was written.
“What? ‘HENRY’. There is a heart in the end. You know what heart means.” She actually wrote ‘HENRY‘s family jewels ♥’.
“I have should written on yours, ‘WIFE’s right ’  then a down arrow” - ‘WIFE’s right ↓’
Fan # 1: A fan saw him walking down the street, “May I take a picture with you?” “Sure.” He placed his hand over her shoulder and stood closer to her. He was even the one holding the phone. They looked at the picture. He said, “Let’s take another picture since it was blurry,” hand still on her shoulder.
Fan # 2: Too happy to see him that she couldn’t help it to cry. “Aww! Don’t cry. I am here for you.” He hugged her, hand patting her back.
Fan # 3: Holding his CD, smiling at him, telling him she has supported you since the beginning. His hand touching her cheek, thanking her, smiling, signing the CD, and kissing it before giving it back to her.
Fan # 4: Nervous fan since she had the chance to see him and be this near to her idol and shake his hand. “Miss, pardon. I couldn’t hear what you just said.” She repeated what she wanted to say to him. “I love you too,” then showed his nostrils to her.
Fan # 5: A fan asked for his signature. He wrote his message with his signature in the end. 
To my wife, I will always be loyal to you because I know you will be too. 
I love you, 
Your handsome husband, Henry
They were watching the videos they recorded. “See, they were wrong.” Henry paused the video.
“What? You’re kidding, right?”
“They can’t be right.”
“What will happen if they are right?”
“Remember the time when you gave me dares.”
“Yes, a dozen dares.”
“Now, it will be their turn. More embarrassing than your dares. I could wear a slipper and a leather shoe for two days” He told her a possible dare. 
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Chapter 5: I really do love your Henber drabbles!
Chapter 1: hahahhaha, kyeopta... i really thought something else....:D...i mean another good thing :D
hopelesslover4268 #3
Chapter 5: Why am I grinning so much?????
ShidaM #4
Chapter 5: I love yooouuuuuu!!! Thanks for the great chapter XD
Chapter 5: Fight n bikering like an old married couple...
HenBer^^ <3
ShidaM #6
Chapter 4: The best thing is I can see them doing this in real life LOL. Too adorable ;-;
Chapter 4: So funny
They always make fun to each other like that???
I mean in the real life
Chapter 3: Aaaaawww cute amber teasing her chef haha and I know henry keeping what he feels. Hot kitchen with hotie amber chapter unnieLau ;>
Chapter 3: Omo.. Omo.. I Like it every chapt in their live, looks like a newly wedd couple.. If all this is real, I will steal henry's camera and blackmailing them with the prize is they have to become a real couple or something hahahaha devil mode is ON!!! This is fun to read, simple but memorable :) ;) NEXT
Chapter 3: Ohohoho, flustered Henry is cute xD