Three is a Crowd

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“My baby’s coming back from the States. AHHHH!!!” I screamed like a fangirl as I fixed my unkempt hair in the mirror, scaring Jack Jack in the process.


“Mianhe, Jack – Jack ah. You know how excited mommy is, right?” I comforted him, playing with his paws. “Today’s our very first date as an official couple. Hihi.” I kept on playing with Jack Jack until my phone vibrated, revealing Victoria’s message.


Victoria unnie


Have fun on your date with Krystal!

But remember to keep things on a down low, okay?

At the end of the day, you guys are still idols.


I can’t help but smile at Victoria unnie’s short but strict message. Even if she’s in another country, she still manages to do her leader roles for us. Tapping on the screen, I typed my reply.



Recipient: Victoria Unnie


Neh! I rented out a private restaurant like we talked about.

Don’t worry, umma. Detective Llama’s going to be sneaky.

Anddd… Don’t be too stressed for us, okay?

I can smell your stress from a 1,000 miles away.

It’s going to give your wrinkles. You’re going to be 30 in a few years.

It’s going to be hard to cover up.


In less than a minute, I received a reply.


Victoria unnie


YAHHHH!!!!!! I still have 3 years left of me before I reach 30.

And you’re the second unnie of the group.

That means you’re a runner up… In being old!!!


I smiled at her reply. That’s Victoria unnie for you, always defending her age. She looks pretty young to be 27 though. I’ll reply to her later after the date. I punched another set of numbers, calling my friend.


“Hey, Solomon? That reservation still up?” I asked as I tried to fix the creases of my white shirt.


“Yep. Anything for our Coreanos VIP! See you later, man.”


“Later dude”. Putting the phone into my jeans pocket, I grabbed my skateboard before heading towards the door.




“Take care of Jack Jack, Scottie.” I said to my friend who was hanging out in the living room.




“I will. Enjoy your date! Will you be gone overnight?” He asked as he flipped the channels indifferently.


“Depends on the mood, if you know what I mean?" I implied, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Will text you later. Byeee~” I waved at him one last time before closing the door.








My hands kept on tapping the table as I was getting anxious about my first date. Where is she? Planning to freshen up, I stood up only to be put to a halt as I heard the door open.


“We’re here!” Looking up, I saw Luna enter the café, to be followed by Krystal. Did I mention how effortlessly beautiful she looks in her white tee? How lucky am I to have her? Krystal took the chair opposite mine while Luna sat beside her.


“Couple Tee~” I heard Luna say in the distance but I made no reaction since my eyes were fixed on Krystal.


“…Hi.” I managed to say as I rested my chin on my hand, staring at her flawless face.




“So you’re just gonna stare at each other all day? Aww… Make out or something to make my couple-sitting worthwhile!” We both looked at Luna, who just made a zipping action with .


“But really, you’re just going to stare at me the whole date? After not seeing each other for almost a month?” She let out a pout. Cute.


“Well… I’m contented with that.”


“I’m not.” She said firmly. A blush crept up my face as I felt her hand sneak up, intertwining with mine. “I miss you, Amber.”


“I miss you too, Krys.” I raised our intertwined hands, placing a light kiss on her hand. “But first, let’s order.”


“Rico?” I raised my hand, trying to get the attention of the server.




“One order of Al Pastor quesadillas for Luna here, One Shrimp Burrito for me and one order of Carne Asado Burrito… with additional beef for this lovely lady at my front.


Krystal giggled. “Dork.”


“Correction.” I cleared my throat. “Your Dork.”


“My Dork. Urgh… I could so kiss you right now.” She leaned in, only to stop midway as she remembered Luna’s existence. Her lips trailed to my right ear instead.


“…Maybe later. At home. In my bed.” She whispered ily before pulling away with a smirk.


“I’d like that.” I bit my lip as we stared at each other intensely.


“Yah! What would you like, Amber? What’s going on?”


“Shh! It’s a secret.” I replied, making Luna pout.




“I hate Mexican food…” Krystal said after munching on a piece of her burrito.


“…but I’m loving it now, thanks to you.” My heart melted as she smiled at me.


“I love you too, princess.” I replied, wiping off the excess cheese on the side of , it off my hand. She looked at me weirdly.


“Cheese is cheese.” I shrugged before taking a bite out of my burrito. “So, any ‘suitors’ I should know of while you were in New York?”


“Well… Some of my co-models kept on bugging me. You know, the typical Abercrombie guy. Blonde hair, Baby Blue Eyes, Hot Bod.”




“And? Of course I turned them down! Told them I’m in a committed relationship with an alpaca.”


“Seriously though Am, you don’t have to be insecure of anything. Even if I’m surrounded by thousands of hot guys, my eyes will only see one person. You.”


“Even if it’s Johnny Depp?”


“Well…” She paused for a while, thinking deeply.


“YAH!” I playfully slapped her hand, making her laugh.


“Kidding! Even if it’s Johhny Depp. Besides, I already have my own ‘Johhny Depp.’ Right, Johnny? So your eyes better see only me too, arasso?”


“Arasso, princess. Aigooo… You’re really overflowing with cheesiness today, Krys. But I like it.”


Krystal stuck her tongue at me. “Must be the cheese.” She then leaned closer. “Hey, Luna has been awfully quiet for past minute. It’s weird. What is she checking?”


I shrugged. “I don’t know too.”  Out of curiosity, I called her attention. “Luna”.




“LUNA!” Krystal gave her a light shook to get her attention. She looked at both us, wide eyed.


Krystal asked. “What are you checking? It seems serious.”


“Well… It’s a dating scandal.” Luna simply said, still in a daze.


“Meh… Dating scandals today are so cliché. It’s like everyday a new scandal awaits.” I tried to lighten up the mood but Luna still felt tense. “Who are the unlucky stars?” I asked, quite curious.






“Well… It’s about Krystal and Myungsoo. And they said they have evidence.”




(A/N: DUN DUN DUUNNNN~ Hello! I just received my 4 walls album today so I'm in a mood to update. Tehee. n_n)

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I'm really sorry guys that I'm not able to update. I've been really busy with school. But I'll try to update as soon as I get free time. :)


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niconico12 #1
Chapter 42: 2021 fighting
axel0048 #2
Chapter 42: I know the mood is still there so imma wait a little bit more hahahaha
jasonds #5
Chapter 42: thank u for the update Author nimmm
yonggies_vip #6
Chapter 13: Crying my eyes out rn
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 41: Thanks for the update! I totally feel you, but I'm pursuing a science degree right now. You'll get through it I promise!
reader90 #8
Chapter 41: Wow krystal, you seems like cant get enough of amber, hahah, kryber forever and happy holiday author
Chapter 41: A-a-aah...What did I just read? It's so freaking amazing chapter Author-ssi that it makes me crave for more. Please update more cause this is so damn *sorry for the word* great but take your time, don't eanna make your christmas stressful.

By the way Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Author-ssi ^__^.