Never Have I Ever

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“! Put on your clothes, Krys!” We panicked, hearing Victoria – unnie’s voice. I handed Krystal some of her clothes before picking out mine.


“Quick! Here!” I pointed at the large rock nearby as I ran, still in my underwear.


“You’ll be the lookout, Krys.” I whispered harshly as I put on my remaining clothes as quickly as possible.


“Llama~ Soojung-ah! Where are you guys?” Hearing the proximity of Luna’s voice, I’m guessing they are near.


“Can you see them?” I asked, putting on my pants.


“Yeah. Hurry!” She said, pulling me up.




“AMBER! KRYSTAL! What are you guys doing here?” They ran to us as they caught sight of us.


“Uh… We just looked around and stopped by to check this amazing view.” I pointed at the view of the sea from the cliff. “Isn’t it amazing?” I smiled at them.


Victoria and Luna walked near the cliff, observing the view. “Yeah! It looks so peaceful here.”


“Ow! What was that for?” I rested my hand behind my head as Victoria smacked me.


“I told you guys to be home by 7. And now you’re here enjoying this wonderful view by yourselves!” She pouted at me.


“Sorry unnie.” I scratched the back of my head as I hid behind Krystal.


Luna cut our conversation. “We should head back now. Sulli should be awake by now. She might burn the kitchen if she gets hungry.”


“Or the whole house! Can’t let it happen again!” Victoria unnie panicked. We all ran back to the house.






“Why are you all looking at me like that?” Sulli said, rubbing her eyes. She just got out of her room when we met her.


“Aww… We just missed you, Sulli – ah!” I said, proceeding to hug her.


“Missed me? But you just left me here to sleep while you guys roamed around!” She pouted before looking at Victoria. “Unnie~ I’m hungry.”


“Don’t worry, Sulli-ah! I’ll cook something yummy for our baby. You just sit right here.” Victoria led her to a seat in the dining table.


“Luna, assist me in cooking. Amber and Krystal… set the table.” Victoria said before heading in the kitchen.




“Yah! Let me help you, Amber!” Krystal kept on following me as I laid down the plates. She took the utensils from the cabinet but I also took it from her gently.


“It’s my job to do this, princess I’m your servant, remember?” I winked at her before laying down the utensils carefully.


“Someone’s happy.” Sulli said, looking at both of us.


“Well, it’s surely not her.” I pointed at Krystal who was giving me a glare before smacking my .


“I’m happy you guys have made up now. And because I’m so happy, I’ll let you share the room with Krystal, hyung. I’m sure you two have a lot to catch up to.”


“What? Are you sure, Sulli?” I gulped. Krystal and I in a room alone? That seems a bad idea. I mean, how can I control it having a goddess sleep next to me? I’m sure I can’t.


“Why? You don’t like, hyung?” I looked at Krystal who sent a deathly glare at me, with arms crossed.


“No, I like it! Thanks, Sulli.” I smiled at her before looking back at Krystal, whose face changed to an angel in an instant, smiling sweetly at me.


She leaned in, whispering in my ear. “The bed will be rocking hard tonight.” I was stuck in my spot, still shocked from her words.




“Yah! Get out of the way, Amber! This pot is boiling hot!” Victoria unnie shouted, placing the pot in the middle of the table. Luna then followed, holding two dishes in her hands.


“Eat up!” Hearing the signal, all of us started attacking the dishes.


“Mmm… Unnie this is so delicious!”






“Now that we’re all stuffed up. Let’s play a game!” We were all seated in the living room floor as Victoria unnie brought out 5 bottles of soju and 5 shot glasses from the kitchen. She then put down each shot glass in front,  filling it with soju.


“What game?” Sulli asked.


I raised my hand. “Can I excuse myself? You know what happens when I drink.”


“Yah don’t be a wuss Amber! This will be fun! Besides, We’re here to watch over you, okay?” She smiled at me before pouring some for herself.


She then looked at the other members. “Do you guys know ‘Never Have I Ever’?” All of us nodded in reply.


“Each of us will say a statement and if someone has done that already, they should have a shot of soju!” Some of the contents spilled as she raised her shot glass.


“What’s fun about that?” Luna complained.


“Being drunk, of course! Now shall we begin? Let’s start with the maknae. Then it goes counterclockwise.” All of us looked at Krystal.


“Uhh… Never Have I Ever… Had a dog!” Krystal blurted out.


“Ughh… Really, Krys?” I looked at her as I took my shot. She just gave me air kisses in reply as she mouthed ‘sorry’.


“Next, Sulli!”


“Hmm…” She rubbed her chin in thought, contemplating.


“Never have I ever… had a boyfriend!” I raised my hand.


“Do girls apply to this question?” All of us looked at Victoria for confirmation as she shook her head in reply. I pouted as I took another shot, feeling a little wobbly after. Am I unlucky or what? Why do I keep on drinking on each freaking question? Argh!


“Okay, my turn!” I excitedly raised my hand.


“Never have I ever had a crush on my managers!” None of us took a shot.


“Really, Luna?” Victoria teased.


“Aish!” She exclaimed before taking a shot. We all laughed. We knew how she’s so in love with Mr. Park, one of our managers. We now looked at Victoria, since it was her turn already.


“Never have I ever… Had a crush on Amber!”


“What? Why me?” I looked at my other members as Sulli and Krystal took their shots.


“Woah… Sulli?” I looked at her, shocked.


“What? You’re so handsome, I can’t help it, okay? I got over it now though. Hey, why aren’t you questioning Krystal? She took a shot too!” She pointed at Krystal.


“Well… She might kill me in my sleep so… no.” I looked down, hiding my blush. If only you guys knew.


“Stupid.” I heard Krystal mumble.




As the game progressed, the questions got more reckless. I guess it’s from the fact that we were all intoxicated. Sulli had the most to drink so she was being all hyper, dancing along to no music. Luna kept on singing her favourite song while Krystal was just staring at the bottle in front of her, finding it weirdly interesting. Victoria seemed pretty much sober, though.


“Yah! It’s my turn!” Sulli shouted, pounding the bottle on the floor to gain attention.


She let out a chuckle before asking her question.


“Never have I ever… Slept with Amber!”




“Yah Sulli-ah! Are you drunk?” I asked. Looking at the other members, they seemed to have been awakened by that question.


“Why would-”


“Krystal…” As my eyes landed on Krystal’s direction, I saw her down her shot. She then looked at us hazily.




“What? I’m being honest here. I. Slept. With. Amber! And it was soooo good.” She chuckled, looking at us hazily before passing out.




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I'm really sorry guys that I'm not able to update. I've been really busy with school. But I'll try to update as soon as I get free time. :)


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niconico12 #1
Chapter 42: 2021 fighting
axel0048 #2
Chapter 42: I know the mood is still there so imma wait a little bit more hahahaha
jasonds #5
Chapter 42: thank u for the update Author nimmm
yonggies_vip #6
Chapter 13: Crying my eyes out rn
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 41: Thanks for the update! I totally feel you, but I'm pursuing a science degree right now. You'll get through it I promise!
reader90 #8
Chapter 41: Wow krystal, you seems like cant get enough of amber, hahah, kryber forever and happy holiday author
Chapter 41: A-a-aah...What did I just read? It's so freaking amazing chapter Author-ssi that it makes me crave for more. Please update more cause this is so damn *sorry for the word* great but take your time, don't eanna make your christmas stressful.

By the way Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Author-ssi ^__^.