Just because of your eyes

Just because of your eyes


What a long day you had… You were glad to go to see your friend whose was the amazing Yoo Youngjae. Lucky you!

Sooner on the day, Youngjae asked you if you could come to see him at his dorm. You said yes, but you were anxious… It will be the first time that you will be able to see B.A.P in front of you… See them is a good reason to be stressed!

When you arrived at the dorms, a tall boy with a baby face welcomed you. Zelo. You though that your heart had stopped beating. ”Oh, you must be Youngjae’s friend, come with me” he said with a big smile You couldn’t help but go with him.

Youngjae appeared and ran to hugs you thighly. ”Ya, I missed you!” he said ”I missed you too” you replied. “Do you know why I asked you to come?” He asked with a big grin on his face while pulling away. ”Because you wanna see me?” you answered uncertain.

Youngjae shook his head. ”____-ah, it’s been a long time now since your last boyfriend. And we can't call him a real boyfriend. But I have someone for you. I’m pretty sure you’ll fall for him” he said with an happy face. You couldn’t help but be paralyzed by his words. You just wanted to snap out Youngjae’s smirk on his face.

”What…” you finaly managed to say. ” Trust me ____-ah! You’re just perfect for each other! I even prepare a blind date for you two with my hyungs and my dongsaengs!

”You did what?!”

”Don’t be like that, I’m 100% sure it will be love at first sight!”


Daehyun’s POV


Stupid Youngjae. A blind date? With one of his friend? How could he do something like this to me? It was not like I NEEDED someone in my life right now. Ahhh…

”Faster Daehyun or else you’ll be late” Himchan said to me. ” Hyung, do I really need to do it?” I said pleadly. ”Yes! Your best friend prepared it for you!”

I sighted as Yongguk and Himchan tugged me to the place I was supposed to meet her.


Reader’s POV

You arrived at the place. It was a small, cute restaurant.

”He’s here” Jongup said ”Where?” you asked, curious to see who it was.

”He’s the one with the hat and the red shirt” Youngjae said ” Now go and  meet him!”

You sighted and walked towards him slowly. You couldn’t see his face, his hat hid it.

You sat in front of him and cought. When he looked up at you, you couldn’t believe your eyes. You froze. Same thing for Daehyun. The time had stopped. Your mind was only focussed on Daehyun eyes.

All of a sudden, Daehyun moved and before realizing it, his lips was on yours. It was a desperate kiss. Like if he was affraid of you pulling away. But you kiss him back.

”Sorry” he said after pulling away.”I couldn’t control myself…”

”It’s ok… I think…”

”I think it’s because of your eyes” he continued.

Suddenly Youngjae and the others appeared from nowhere, laughing.

”When I said that it will be love at first sight, I didn’t think that it will be that fast!”





So? Horrible?

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Chapter 1: It's not horrible,, but I can't help but chuckle a little... It's comance... kekeke... Comedy romance... LOL... So fast he fell for her~!!
lilbunny #2
Chapter 1: ITS kinda funny xD HAHA!! all of a sudden dea just kissed her haha xD
Chapter 2: my heart is thumping really fast hahaha
french or whatever is it, you're great! :) would you like to make another great story? :)))
whitetulip9765 #4
Chapter 2: interesting! more sequel plssss..
Chapter 1: hahaha...good...love it...^^
kpop4u #6
juju95lc #7
Chapter 1: Haha so funny XD!!!! I love it :p <3
Enieez #8
Chapter 1: Gosh!! Daehyun!!!! <3 <3 <3