Boy 8

Nerdy Boy??

Woohyun closed the driver’s door and grabbed Sunggyu’s hand and pulled him made the other boys startle and stumbles into him…


Sunggyu already prepared to nag at the other boy but when he saw the black boy’s expression he didn’t think it was a good idea

“Ah! Good evening, Woohyun-ssi!”Myungsoo smiled

Sunggyu frown appeared when he saw how the other boy smile because it didn’t feel sincere at all

“What the hell are you doing in here? Why are you walking with him?”Woohyun almost yelled at that point

“I don’t think it was your business at the first place…”Myungsoo smirked as if mocking the other boy

“It is my business because you are taking my boyfriend here…”Woohyun said

Sunggyu rolled his eyes and about to protest that he wasn’t Wooyun’s boyfriend when he saw Woohyun’s expression so he decided to close his mouth

“You should stop thinking that you own everything in this world Nam Woohyun! Not everything in this world belong to you, so does Sunggyu…”Myungsoo talked back

“You do know it isn’t good taking someone boyfriend…”Woohyun said

“Do I? Anyway, I need to go now… See you later Sunggyu-ssi, it’s good spending time with you, we should do that again soon…”Myungsoo said and walked away

The uncomfortable silence fell between them and it was so weird for the brown hair boy because Woohyun wasn’t supposed to be like this

“Uh!Do you need-“

Sunggyu’s word being cut off as the black hair boy turned around and looked at him

“Is there something wrong?”Sunggyu asked

“Why do you go with him? I already told you to stay away from him…”Woohyun said

Sunggyu rolled his annoyance,”And I told you, you don’t own me, I can do anything I want including befriend with him… What is wrong with you anyway?”

“I tell you before Kim Sunggyu, you owe me for keeping your secret so you have to do what I want…”Woohyun said

“Why are you so annoying?”Sunggyu sighed

“Why are you so stubborn? I told you to stay away from Kim Myungsoo!”Woohyun said

“Listen here Nam Woohyun, I don’t take any instruction especially from someone that take advantage from me!”Sunggyu said

“So you want me to tell everyone about your secret? Do you want to get expelled?”Woohyun asked

Sunggyu bit his lips in frustration, he known that no one should know about his part time job! He hated it when the other boy actually saying the truth

“See, you don’t want it right? So, stay away from Kim Myungsoo!”Woohyun said as he opened his car door

“Do you know that I hate you so much, Nam Woohyun?”Sunggyu bit his lips

Woohyun looked at the boy and smirked,”Do I look like I care? Stay away from him!”

He closed the door and drove away from the other boy’s house leaving a frustrated Sunggyu alone…

Woohyun came home only to be greeted by his father

“Oh? You come home early today…”Mr. Nam said

Woohyun didn’t reply to that and just walked away

“Woohyun, your father talking to you…”Mr. Nam said

Woohyun stopped his step and looked at his father,”I don’t have any mood today,just leave me alone like you always do…”

“What is wrong with you actually? Can you be a good boy sometimes?”Mr. Nam said

“Good boy? If you want it why don’t you go to that woman place instead? That boy is always a good boy for you, isn’t he…”Woohyun said sarcastically

“Nam Woohyun! Watch your word!”Mr. Nam said

Woohyun let out a deep breath,”Whatever, dad… Leave me alone and tell that good son of yours to stay away from my property!”

Woohyun stopped his track to get into his room, instead he turned away and went into a front door once again…

“Yah! Nam Woohyun!”

Mr. Nam sighed in frustration as he sat down… He known that his son never forgave him about what happen to their family and it was indeed his fault…

“Where is Woohyun? I heard his voice…”Mrs. Nam came out

“He went out again, he said he has something to do…”Mr. Nam said

“But it almost dinner, it is rare for us to have dinner together…”Mrs. Nam said

“I know and I am so sorry… If only I never make that mistake our family will never become like this… I know that Woohyun doesn’t forgives me and he hates me because of it…”Mr. Nam said

Mrs. Nam eyes softened at the word as he patted his husband’s back gentlely

Sunggyu blinked his eyes in confusion, just a moment ago Woohyun left him alone in front of his house while threaten him and now the said boy stood in front of him with eyes full of sadness…

“Are you going to stand here instead giving a customer their way in?”Woohyun asked

Sunggyu snapped back into reality as he nodded

“Please come in…”He said politely since he was in the middle of doing his job

Woohyun took a seat and ordered Ice Americano, the brown hair boy nodded and left him alone… Woohyun didn’t know what come into his mind, usually when something like this happen he will go to the bar, drinking and maybe having one night stand to forget about everything but suddenly he didn’t want it… He found himself drive into café where Sunggyu work is, he didn’t know if the other boy will be there he just made a guess…

“When will your shift end?”Woohyun asked when Sunggyu came back to give him his order

Sunggyu blinked his eyes and looked at Woohyun in suspicion,”Why?”

“I just need to know, can you just answer my question instead asking back?”Woohyun said

“I don’t want to! Please enjoy your coffee, sir…”Sunggyu smiled politely

“Yah!”Woohyun almost yelled

Sunggyu just smirked at him before turning around only to bumped into one of his co-worker

“Oh! Sunggyu, you can go home after I finished changing… I’m sorry that I am a bit late today…”

Sunggyu cursed under his breath because now Woohyun known that he just finished his shift for today… He didn’t turn back because he known the other boy must be wearing that smug smile of him…

“Ah, yes,hyung… It is fine…”Sunggyu smiled

Sunggyu get from the back door after changing his clothes into a regular one only being greeted by Nam Woohyun… He let out a sigh

“What do you want now,Nam Woohyun?”Sunggyu asked

Woohyun approached the other boy and grabbed his hand without a word he dragging Sunggyu to his car

“Get in!”Woohyun said quietly

Sunggyu shook his head

“Get in,Kim Sunggyu! Don’t make me force you!”Woohyun raised his voice a bit

Sunggyu startled by a sudden change of Nam Woohyun decided to follow what he wanted and get inside the black hair boy’s car. Woohyun closed the door and get into a driver seat without saying a word he drove right away…




A/N : Anyone remember this? Shall we start the drama here? :)) I am so sorry I almost forget this story seriously but then i finally updating again... Sorry for any mistake for grammar or vocab! Thank you so much for all the subscriber, for comment and upvote and for all the reader! Hope you enjoy the first chapter after the long time!

Please do comment, subscribe and upvote! Do enjoy the story! Let's meet again on new chapter hopefully soon! Or at my other stories :))! ^0^

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710 streak #1
Chapter 9: still unfinished 😭
Amberrosedang #2
Author-nim please update soon 🥺 I really miss this story.
killjoy501 #3
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update! Please don't take too long till your next update! Fighting!
imsmlee86 #4
Chapter 9: Let's vote nam woohyun as the most handsome bipolar of the year xD
sunggyu_chingyu #5
Chapter 9: awww hyun you are such a tease hahaha but gyu is too cute when he is sulking lol thanks for the update!
sunggyu_chingyu #6
Chapter 9: oh my god. please be strong Silvie :( i pray for your best. get well really soon. thank you Terra for always be by her side. please tell her that we will always support and love her. don't worry, i will wait patiently until you are ready :) your health comes first :) once again, please be strong both of you !
sunggyu_chingyu #7
Chapter 9: aww hyun you are such a tease hahahaha but it's cute when gyu is sulking lol thanks for the update!
Chapter 9: Ohh thank u for update <3
poor hyunnie ^^
please update soon **
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 8: Aww...gyu...u should follow woohyun...he needs friends....poor him... Please update soon...