Boy 7

Nerdy Boy??

Sunggyu blinks his eyes in surprise when he sees a boy standing in front of his school gate at the early morning like this… The other boy smiles brightly at him as he waves his hand

“Good Morning,Sunggyu-ssi…”The handsome black hair boy greets

 “Morning too,Kim Myungsoo-ssi right??”Sunggyu asks politely

The black hair boy smiles widens at the mention of his name which showing Sunggyu still remembers his name

“What are you doing in here??”Sunggyu asks as he titles his head cutely

“Just come by to asking you something…”Myungsoo says

Sunggyu blinks his eyes cutely in confusion making the other boy wants to squeal at his cuteness

“Do you have any plan this Saturday??”Myungsoo asks

Sunggyu thinks for a while before shakes his head as the answer; he doesn’t have any work this Saturday so he is free

“I have free movie ticket for this Saturday but I don’t have anyone to go with…”Myungsoo says

Sunggyu just looks at the other confusedly because why he is telling him that and he doubt that Myungsoo doesn’t have anyone that wants to go with him…

“Sunggyu-ssi, I’m indirectly asking you to go on a date with me this Saturday…”Myungsoo says finally

Sunggyu blinks his eyes before the fact sinks in and a blush appear on his cheek make the other boy look at him in amusement


“He is not available this Saturday…”

A deep voice says make the two boys look at the source of voice

“Oh and who are you to say that?? Because I believe that I ask Sunggyu about that and he said that he doesn’t have anything to do…”Myungsoo says

“Because he forgets that he will go out with me this Saturday…”Woohyun says as he grabs Sunggyu’s hand

The brown hair boy frowns at Woohyun’s sudden touch and tries to pull his hand out of Woohyun’s grasp... He failed though since Woohyun just hold Sunggyu’s hand tighter


Sunggyu’s word cuts of as Woohyun clamps his mouth and mutters,”Remember the secret,Kim Sunggyu!”

Sunggyu glares at the boy in anger as Woohyun just lets Sunggyu go and a victory smirk can be seen on his face


Sunggyu turns away from Woohyun to looks back at another boy in there and smiles politely as he says,”I guess I did have something to do I am terribly sorry,Myungsoo-ssi…”

Myungsoo looks disappointed which make Sunggyu feel really bad about it

“You heard that Kim Myungsoo so leaves my boyfriend alone…”Woohyun says

“Are you sure you can’t go Sunggyu-ssi?”Myungsoo who is ignoring Woohyun asks once more to the brown hair boy

“I would love to go but-it-just-“

“Don’t you dare to ignore me!!”Woohyun growls lowly which finally earning some attention from Myungsoo who looks at him lazily

“Hyung, I am trying to ask someone on a date with me here, so can you please not disturb us here?”Myungsoo says which suppose to be polite but there is a challenge can be hinted on those words

Woohyun growls angrily as he says,”Didn’t someone ever teach you to never touch or asks someone else boyfriend on a date…”

Myungsoo looks at Woohyun and says,”I believe Sunggyu-ssi is still single here that’s why I can ask him…”

“He is not! I already tell you he is my boyfriend…”Woohyun says as he puts his arm around the brown hair boy which makes him startle

Sunggyu looks at Woohyun and then at Myungsoo before he elbows Woohyun’s torso which makes Woohyun let’s Sunggyu go

“It hurt, Gyu…”Woohyun whines at the boy which breaks a tension between the three of them

Sunggyu lets out a sighs before Myungsoo’s call of his name makes him turns around to look at the boy

“Sunggyu-ssi? So,how about this Saturday?”Myungsoo asks once more

Before Sunggyu can answers again Woohyun who already get through his pain grabs Sunggyu’s hands and drags him saying that they already late for their class and leaving Myungsoo alone

Sunggyu tries to take his hand from Woohyun’s strong hold, before he suddenly being slam against the wall… Sunggyu lets out a whine of hurt since his back practically slam against that wall and sends Woohyun a glare…

“What do you want actually?”Sunggyu huffs angrily

“Do you forget about our term? You are mine,Kim Sunggyu so don’t you dare to casually go out with someone else especially that ing Kim Myungsoo…” Woohyun asks

“I am and never will belong to someone especially you Nam Woohyun!!”Sunggyu glares at him

“Oh but you are, you are belong to me! Even if I have to pay for it, you are belong to me…”Woohyun says before he crashes his lips against Sunggyu’s soft one

Sunggyu tries to struggle free from the said man hold but Woohyun’s grips only get tighter than before as he feels Sunggyu tries to get free… Woohyun bits Sunggyu’s lip which makes Sunggyu opens his mouths in surprise and he takes that opportunity to slide his tongue inside the warm cavern… Before Woohyun can explores that warm inviting mouth of Sunggyu, with a new-found-strength Sunggyu pushes the other boy away while panting hard because of the kiss… He glares angrily at Woohyun before he slaps the boy’s cheek hard…

“You are such a jerk, Nam Woohyun…”Sunggyu says before wiping his lips and walking away

Woohyun looks at Sunggyu with a dumbfounded expression before he chases after him, he grabs his hand right away and spins him around to face him and he feels really guilty as Sunggyu gets teary eyes

“Sunggyu I am so sorry, I don’t know what come over me…”Woohyun says

Sunggyu glares at him and says,” Even though I don’t have that much money like yours let me tell you something Nam Woohyun, I don’t belong to anyone, I belong to myself… You can’t buy a person with money!”

“I know and I am so sorry...”Woohyun says

Sunggyu just glares at him and says,”just leave me alone for now, Nam Woohyun…”

Woohyun lets Sunggyu’s hand go as Sunggyu walks away from him… He knows that it was his fault for saying that and he feels really bad about it

Sunggyu startles to finds Kim Myungsoo standing once again on his school gate after he finishes his classes for today

“We kind of being interrupted this morning, so mind if I walking you home?”Myungsoo asks

Sunggyu looks at Myungsoo while contemplating the answer, he doesn’t have to go to café for today and his friends have something to do so they can’t walk home together so it won’t hurt he guess…

“Are you sure? I mean if your house is on another direction you don’t need too…”Sunggyu says

“It’s okay I don’t mind… So can we go now?”Myungsoo asks which Sunggyu nods as the answer

The next thing Sunggyu knows he sits on one of the café with Kim Myungsoo in front of him, Myungsoo says that they should grab something to eat before he walks Sunggyu home so that’s why they ended up in there… The both of them talk easily and Sunggyu finds that Myungsoo is quiet a sweet person and so polite too…

“So,what is your connection with Nam Woohyun?”Sunggyu asks

Myungsoo startles at the question as he looks at the boy in front of me

“What do you mean?”Myungsoo asks

“You guys seem in a really bad term that’s why I just want to ask, I am sorry if you feel I asking too much you don’t have to answer that…”Sunggyu says

“No it’s okay, you can say that we have a common thing and there is something happen in the past that make both of us don’t like each other…”Myungsoo says

Sunggyu looks at Myungsoo confusedly but he doesn’t have a gut to asking more since he knows that it isn’t his business at all…

After they eaten Myungsoo walks Sunggyu home with their talking about anything like a basic thing to know about someone… As they near Sunggyu’s house, Sunggyu notices there is a car in front of his house which makes him frown and the driver of the said car also widens his eyes when he sees a boy that comes together with Sunggyu…

“Woohyun?”Sunggyu mutters confusedly




A/N : Hello? It has been 2 years isn't it? I am so sorry, all my file is gone >< and i have to remember how this story goes but i kind of forget about yunjae,eottoke? But anyway thank you so much for all the reader, subscriber, also for those who comment and upvote... Once again i am so sorry for not updating, i will try to update frequenty along with another stories of mine...

Comment, subscribe, and upvote are loved! Thank you have a nice day/night!

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707 streak #1
Chapter 9: still unfinished 😭
Amberrosedang #2
Author-nim please update soon 🥺 I really miss this story.
killjoy501 #3
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update! Please don't take too long till your next update! Fighting!
imsmlee86 #4
Chapter 9: Let's vote nam woohyun as the most handsome bipolar of the year xD
sunggyu_chingyu #5
Chapter 9: awww hyun you are such a tease hahaha but gyu is too cute when he is sulking lol thanks for the update!
sunggyu_chingyu #6
Chapter 9: oh my god. please be strong Silvie :( i pray for your best. get well really soon. thank you Terra for always be by her side. please tell her that we will always support and love her. don't worry, i will wait patiently until you are ready :) your health comes first :) once again, please be strong both of you !
sunggyu_chingyu #7
Chapter 9: aww hyun you are such a tease hahahaha but it's cute when gyu is sulking lol thanks for the update!
Chapter 9: Ohh thank u for update <3
poor hyunnie ^^
please update soon **
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 8: Aww...gyu...u should follow woohyun...he needs friends....poor him... Please update soon...