Boy 9

Nerdy Boy??


Sunggyu broke the awkward silence between the both of them

“Woohyun?” He called the other boy but Woohyun didn’t bother to answer his call


“Woohyun? Can you tell me where are you taking me to? I need to go home, my older brother might be worry…”Sunggyu said softly


Sunggyu started to get piss because the other boy didn’t answer him… Usually the both of them will start to bicker right away but this silence Nam Woohyun was unusual from him…



“Are you deaf? Tell me where are you taking me to?”Sunggyu raised his voice a bit

Suddenly the black hair boy turned his car and stopped his car at the side of the road… Sunggyu blinked his eyes in confusion as he looked at the black hair boy in question

“Uh? Woohyun?”

The other boy didn’t answer him and suddenly he hit the steering wheel made the brown hair boy startled by it…

“Woohyun? Are you-?”

“Shut up!”Woohyun cut Sunggyu off right away, he looked up to the other boy and said,”Just go away if you want to!”

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun in disbelief and snapped angrily,”What the hell is wrong with you? You suddenly appear in front of me, forcing me to follow you and now you want me to go away? Fine!!”

Sunggyu unlocked the door and when he was about to opened the door his hand being held suddenly makes him looked up at the other boy

“Please don’t go! I really need someone with me right now!”Woohyun said softly

Sunggyu frowned at the younger boy and he can’t unnotice how Woohyun’s voice trembles in it… Sunggyu maybe didn’t like the boy much but he not heartless enough to not listening to his plead…

He let out a sighed and sit back, he didn’t know if he will regret this or not but he muttered an ‘okay’ for him

Woohyun looked at the boy in confusion as he asked,”You really won’t leave me?”

Sunggyu looked at the other boy as he said,”I might not like you so much but I’m not heartless too… So, I will accompany you but you can’t bring me somewhere weird or I will get down from this car right in the moment…”

Woohyun blinked his eyes whiles saying,”I don’t even know where we will be going…”

“What? Are you f-“

Sunggyu stopped himself to cursing at the other boy because even if he didn’t know Woohyun well he know that the boy having a hard time now and he can see that…

“I don’t know where we will be going but I don’t want to be alone…”Woohyun muttered softly

“I get it, just let me call my brother so he won’t be worried about me…”Sunggyu said

Woohyun nodded as he saw Sunggyu pulled out his phone and dialed his brother’s number…

“Hello,hyung?”Sunggyu called as soon as the line being picked up

“Yeah, no I already finished my shift here…”

“Yes, but I have to accompany my friend so I don’t think I can make it home for dinner…”

“I know and I am sorry…”

“I will be, see you later…”

Sunggyu hang up his phone and looked at the other boy at the driver seat

“I don’t know what happened to you but can I have dinner first before I have to deal with you…”Sunggyu sighed

“Of course… Where do you want to eat?”Woohyun asked as he started the engine of his car

“Let’s just go to this diner I often go with my brother…”Sunggyu said as he told Woohyun the direction…

The both of them end up sitting face to face in the diner as Sunggyu ordered the meal he wanted… The owner seemed to know Sunggyu as she smiled when Sunggyu came in…

“Do you come here often?”Woohyun asked while waiting for the food to come

“You can say so… Me and my family often go here before my parents pass away…”Sunggyu smiled a bit

Woohyun widened his eyes in surprise at the sudden news

“I am so-“

“You don’t need to apologize or pity me about it… I am fine beside I have my hyung with me…”Sunggyu said

Woohyun just stayed silent, he know that he just wanted a company but usually he will go to club for that kind of company so he basically didn’t know why he stop Sunggyu from get out from his car and asked him to accompany him instead…

“Do you want to talk about it?”Sunggyu asked after a silent for a while

“What are you-“

Sunggyu cut him right away and said,”I might be not the most sensitive people but I know there is something bothering you… I don’t want to care but I am not that heartless to not notice there is something wrong…”

“It doesn’t matter anyway…”Woohyun muttered

“If you really don’t want to talk about it then it is fine…”Sunggyu said

The food come at the same time so they just eat in silence as Woohyun looked at the beautiful boy in front of him

“Why are you with Kim Myungsoo this evening?”Woohyun asked as he remembered when he saw both of them in front of Sunggyu’s house

Sunggyu blinked his eyes in confusion and let out a sigh

“I don’t see why it concern you…”Sunggyu said

“I already tell you that-“

“You don’t have to blackmailing me all the time, Nam Woohyun! Here I am kind enough to accompany you but you just have to ruin it don’t you!”Sunggyu said

“I am not asking you to stay!”Woohyun said even though it was contradicting for what he has done earlier in his car

Sunggyu rolled his eyes in annoyance as he said,”I am too nice to you! I am going now!”

Sunggyu stood up from his seat and grabbed his bag but Woohyun stopped him by grabbing his wrist

“Let me go! What the hell do you want actually?”Sunggyu asked angrily

“I don’t know what I want but I don’t like you hanging out with that Kim Myungsoo… He already ruined my life and I don’t need it to repeat again…”Woohyun said

Sunggyu blinked his eyes in confusion all the anger in his face vanished and replaced by confusion

“What are you-“

“Stay here!”Woohyun cut him off

Sunggyu take a seat once again as he looked at the boy in front of him… Nam Woohyun seemed hurt? Lonely? He known he wasn’t that sensitive about someone feeling but he can saw how the boy seemed need someone to talk into right now...

“You know,Woohyun…”He talked slowly as the other boy looked at him,”We might not starting good or something and I know we kind of in this situation because you blackmailing me but you can tell me everything if you want… I won’t tell anyone about it…”

He stayed silent as he waited for the other boy to talk only heard a muffled laugh… Sunggyu widened his eyes at that… He really is way too nice to this jerk!

“What the-“

“You don’t have to look that serious you know! I am fine! Why won’t I be! If you want to go, just go… I will pay for these…”Woohyun said as he muffled a laughed

Sunggyu pouted as he stood up once again,”You are a jerk Nam Woohyun!” as he started to walked away from the black hair boy

“See you tomorrow, baby!”Woohyun shouted loud enough

When Sunggyu finally disappear from the sight, he sat alone at the diner while smiling widely at the brown hair boy word, he didn’t know why but the word make him felt warmth that he already forget before… Kim Sunggyu does interesting!




A/N : Hello again! It has been a while again... Thank you so much for your comment and i have been quite sad about the news that Hoya leaving Infinite but let's just support both of them shall we? Anyway I am so sorry for any mistake in here, and of course a kind of late update... Thank you so much for all the reader and i hope you still enjoy the story!

Please do comment and subscribe! I will see you guys on the next chapter then!

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707 streak #1
Chapter 9: still unfinished 😭
Amberrosedang #2
Author-nim please update soon 🥺 I really miss this story.
killjoy501 #3
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update! Please don't take too long till your next update! Fighting!
imsmlee86 #4
Chapter 9: Let's vote nam woohyun as the most handsome bipolar of the year xD
sunggyu_chingyu #5
Chapter 9: awww hyun you are such a tease hahaha but gyu is too cute when he is sulking lol thanks for the update!
sunggyu_chingyu #6
Chapter 9: oh my god. please be strong Silvie :( i pray for your best. get well really soon. thank you Terra for always be by her side. please tell her that we will always support and love her. don't worry, i will wait patiently until you are ready :) your health comes first :) once again, please be strong both of you !
sunggyu_chingyu #7
Chapter 9: aww hyun you are such a tease hahahaha but it's cute when gyu is sulking lol thanks for the update!
Chapter 9: Ohh thank u for update <3
poor hyunnie ^^
please update soon **
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 8: Aww...gyu...u should follow woohyun...he needs friends....poor him... Please update soon...