In Love

More Than a Dream/꿈보다

"Changsub," called Minhyuk on the phone one day, "Let's go out to hang out,"

"Okay," agreed Changsub in excitement.

He dressed in some warm clothes and headed out his house to meet Minhyuk in the mall, where they agreed to meet.

He dashed in the mall, past several stores until waiting near the escalator was Minhyuk.

"Hey man!" said Minhyuk.

"Hey!" said Changsub, forcing him into an embrace, "I love you!"

"I was so glad you were able to make it," said Minhyuk, "Let's go,"

Changsub's face dropped.

"We're not staying here?" said Changsub.

"Nope," said Minhyuk, "I have somewhere special to take you,"


Minhyuk hailed with Changsub for a taxi once they were out of the mall and they drove on.

"Okay, so where are we going?" asked Changsub.

"You'll find out," said Minhyuk with a grin.


They drove on until they reached a boat, waiting for them on the Hangang as the passengers boarded.

"Be my guest," said Minhyuk as he took Changsub into the boat.

Changsub was puzzled.

They walked in the boat until they eventually came to a restaurant.

Changsub gasped.

"We're eating here?" he exclaimed.

"Yup," replied Minhyuk with a smile.

"Wow......" gasped Changsub in amazement, almost tearing up from happiness, "I never had anyone do this for me like you......but how did you?"

"I just wanted to do it to show that I love you," said Minhyuk.

"To show that you love me?" asked Changsub in astonishment.

"Of course," said Minhyuk.

They gazed out the boat as they watched the late afternoon, but the cherry blossoms were still in full bloom and visible to see. They were going to Yeouido, where the 63 building was standing tall, and walking around.

Before they knew it, their orders came; sirloin steak with spinach, potatoes, gravy and tomato soup.

"This is amazing!" said Changsub as he ate his food.


After they were done with their dinners, they stepped out the boat to take a walk through the island. It was the Yeouido Spring Flower Festival and the cherry blossoms and ginkgo trees were in full bloom. As they passed by the many different colours the petals continued to shower on them as they were blown by the wind.

"I've never seen such beautiful flowers," said Changsub as they strolled through the park. "I'm glad we got to be here,"


After heading back to the boat and arriving on mainland, Minhyuk told Changsub that there was another place he wanted to go to with Changsub.

"Where are we going?" asked Changsub.

"You'll find out," said Minhyuk.

They drove on for about half an hour through a mountain trail until they were eventually greeted by a tall tower.

It was the N Seoul Tower.

Changsub gasped in amazement.

"You were going to take me here?"

"Yup," said Minhyuk.

"Oh wow," said Changsub.

"Since it's night time, I thought it would be the best time to take you out, because you have something wonderful ahead of you!"

The boys disembarked the taxi and made their ways into the tower.

They boarded the elevator, where on the ceiling was a 3D screen, giving an illusion of the elevator shooting into space as it went up the tower.


Once they were out, Minhyuk asked Changsub to close his eyes.

Taking his hand, he lead him outside until they met with a glass window.

"Okay, open,"

Changsub opened his eyes and stared in amazement.

It was night and from the top he was greeted with such a beautiful sight.

He was greeted by the view of Seoul, embraced by Namsan and other surrounding mountains, as he observed the many different colours of lights and skyscrapers standing tall. Down below he saw the thin streets filled with tiny cars still moving about.

"It's so beautiful!" he said.

They stood at the top, hand in hand as they gazed at the view of the city of Seoul.


They then headed to the adjacent Teddy Bear Museum, where they stared at the many different teddy bears set in different scenarios.

Minhyuk and Changsub then each decided to buy one teddy bear for each other.

As Changsub was looking at the teddy bears so many thoughts were going on in his mind. He remembered how he was nasty to Sungjae and Hyunsik, but he wanted to do something for his other members.

The seven then decided to buy seven teddy bears; a Gangnam Style bear for Hyunsik, a Be The Reds bear for Minhyuk, a Hanbok wearing teddy bear for Sungjae, a school uniform teddy bear for Changsub, a Baroque Prince bear for Eunkwang, a Playful Kiss teddy bear for Peniel and a Boys Over Flowers teddy bear for Ilhoon.


They bought the teddy bears before heading back home.

"Thank you so much, for everything," said Changsub to Minhyuk as they went home.

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im an IB student too! what was your final mark out of 45? c:
Chapter 1: oh my god.
The IB program. *shudders*
I.LOVE.THIS.STORY! ;w; /creys/
kimkimpuff66 #4
Chapter 100: I loooovvveeeeeeee this story!!!!!!!!!!!write more!!hwaiting!!!!^^
kimkimpuff66 #6
Chapter 50: Peniel comeback soon!!!
kimkimpuff66 #7
Chapter 32: Hell yeah this is awesome!
Chapter 6: I am impressed, you write very well, I already fell in love in this story :D And the last chapter is pretty hot o///o I really like this pairing, thought ^^ Keep writing~*
BubbleLightBaek #9
wow,this looks u get to choose your own subjects?thats dream was to be a doctor but ny stupid school made me drop biology after 1semester coz i kinda failed..i needed like 4marks left to pass the test too..-,- now im taking physics and chemistry and im super blured about my what am i rambling about..sorry..this story looks interesting..and Hyunsik is my bias!!oh god Hyunsik!!!! *fangirling* :3