
More Than a Dream/꿈보다

"That was fun," said Hyunsik as the two walked out. "Thanks Changsub."

"Awww shucks," chuckled Changsub, "It was nothing buddy."

"Wow, your body is covered in piercings and tattoos! Do you like body modification?"

"Yup, it's just my way of expressing myself."

"Okay, anyway where are we going?"

"Home, I have a surprise for you,"


They walked until they were eventually home.

Luckily for them the alcohol effects began to wear off so they would not be that noticably drunk.

"Wait here," said Changsub as he took off his shoes and dashed into the house.

Around a minute later Changsub came rushing back to the door where Hyunsik was waiting. Changsub was holding a Mashimaro toy.

"A Mashimaro?" asked Hyunsik.

"Yup," said Changsub.

"But, why are you giving me this?"

"Look, I'm really sorry that I was so mean to you and that I ripped your favourite rabbit. It's just that I wanted to be better than everybody else, and I wanted to be first place in the whole school. I did not realise how bossy I was, and I only then realised that when you do the IB you don't compete with others except yourself. My bastard of a stepdad doesn't know about all of this and s me hard and takes in all my words as bull. He just doesn't seem to see things the way mom and I see them. I just don't understand. I've been fighting with my stepdad for a very long time now. You can hate me if you want to, but I want you to have this. It's a token that we are genuinely friends and we made up and we are still as one in BtoB."

"No, I don't hate you!" said Hyunsik, "It's just that I wanted to talk to you but I was afraid you would bully me."

Changsub sighed, realising how nasty he was.

"Okay, I'm sorry once again. But this is to make up for the incident, even though Sungjae fixed it for you. I promise, I won't do this again to you."

"It's okay," said Hyunsik as they linked pinkies together, and Hyunsik set off for home, carrying his Mashimaro doll with him.

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im an IB student too! what was your final mark out of 45? c:
Chapter 1: oh my god.
The IB program. *shudders*
I.LOVE.THIS.STORY! ;w; /creys/
kimkimpuff66 #4
Chapter 100: I loooovvveeeeeeee this story!!!!!!!!!!!write more!!hwaiting!!!!^^
kimkimpuff66 #6
Chapter 50: Peniel comeback soon!!!
kimkimpuff66 #7
Chapter 32: Hell yeah this is awesome!
Chapter 6: I am impressed, you write very well, I already fell in love in this story :D And the last chapter is pretty hot o///o I really like this pairing, thought ^^ Keep writing~*
BubbleLightBaek #9
wow,this looks u get to choose your own subjects?thats dream was to be a doctor but ny stupid school made me drop biology after 1semester coz i kinda failed..i needed like 4marks left to pass the test too..-,- now im taking physics and chemistry and im super blured about my what am i rambling about..sorry..this story looks interesting..and Hyunsik is my bias!!oh god Hyunsik!!!! *fangirling* :3