
More Than a Dream/꿈보다

The seven eventually came to a point where they could not take it anymore. Ilhoon decided to invite other BtoB members over to the kitchen office for another midnight snack.

Hyunsik, Sungjae, Minhyuk and Changsub headed out silently with their flashlights, waiting at the next dorm until Eunkwang, Peniel, and Ilhoon, who had a large pink silk box tied with green ribbon came out.

"What's in it?" whispered Sungjae.

"You'll find out," replied Ilhoon with a wink.


Quietly, they all headed down the stairs until they reached the kitchen. Ilhoon however told everyone that everything they were going to eat was in the pink box, so they made a campfire of their own by laying their flashlights all in one spot.

"This is fun," said Hyunsik with a grin. "It's like we're camping."

"I know right?" said Peniel, "Thanks Ilhoon for inviting us!"

"It's nothing," said Ilhoon, chuckling, "Now, are you ready for the surprise?"

"Yes!" the six whispered.


Ilhoon smile as he undid the ribbon and opened the box, revealing something stunning all the members.

Inside the box were chocolate chip cookies, cookies covered in icing of different colours as well as icing from a complementary colour writing a message on the cookies, as well as tiny chocolate muffins and fruit tarts.

"Holy crap," said Sungjae, "You made all of those?"

"Uh huh," replied Ilhoon with a wink. "It's easy to make so many in one go, once you practice."

"You couldn't have made all of those!" said Minhyuk, "How did you?"

"I did this since I was seven." said Ilhoon.

"Seven?!" exclaimed Eunkwang. "You mean, in the kitchen, actually?"

"Of course," boasted Ilhoon, "Anyways, there's enough for everyone. Dig in!"

The seven boys shoved their hands into the cookies and cakes, each taking their fair share. Each was sweet but light so there was just enough to fill everyone up. Before long everyone felt cool.

"That was delicious!" exclaimed Hyunsik, almost too loudly.

"Shhhhhh!" hissed Ilhoon, "But thanks."

Once Ilhoon put his box away, he had another surprise for the seven.

"Do you guys wanna play a game?" he asked.

"Sure, what is it?" asked Eunkwang.


Hyunsik was muddled. "What?"


"What's that?"

"Gwiyomi. You know, dervied from gwiyeopda. You do anything to make yourself look cute and adorable!" said Ilhoon. "I just invented it myself last night but I thought it would look awesome."

"Okay," said Sungjae, "How do you do it?"

"Listen." said Ilhoon. He cleared his throat.

"Il deohagi ileun gwiyomi," he said in a high pitched squeaky voice, poking his self-puffed cheeks together.

"I deohagi ineun gwiyomi," he continued, pretending that the two fingers opened on each hand were antenna ears.

"Sam deohagi sameun gwiyomi," he continued, spinning his six exposed fingers in a circle.

"Sa deohagi saneun gwiyomi," he said, fluttering his eight fingers, whilst his two thumbs were tucked in.

"O deohagi oneun gwiyomi," he said, shaping his hands into the shape of a heart.

"Yook deohagi yookeun......"

Jjuk jjuk jjuk jjuk jjuk jjuk, Ilhoon went, kissing each of his six exposed fingers,

"Gwiyomi! See, that's how you play the game!"

"Oh I see!" said Hyunsik.


The seven all continued to play the gwiyomi game, giving their best shots at being adorable, until they were all a laughing mess.

They rolled on the floor laughing until they heard two male voices.

"Is someone in there?" called the voice of a male teacher.

"Crap," muttered Ilhoon, "Everyone, hide in the cellar, quickly!"

Ilhoon quickly opened the door leading to the basement where the food ingredients were and shut the door after the seven collected their flashlights, locking it, just when the door opened.

"That's strange," said the other teacher, "I thought I heard voices in here. Maybe it was a pigment of my imagination."

"Do you think we should check all the dorms right now?"

"No! What if there were girls in here? We can't just barge in their rooms particularly like that. It has to be a pigment of my imagination then, it has to be teachers or crowds walking and talking outside."

"Very well," said the teacher as the two left and shut the door.


"Whew," said Ilhoon, "That was close."

"From now on, do these sort of games quietly!" said Eunkwang, "We were nearly screwed,"

"That was pretty risky," said Sungjae, "But we loved the game! Can we play it again once we have a midnight snack again?"

"Yes, of course!" said Ilhoon, "Anything you want to do."

"Speaking of that, have any of you started personal statements?" said Peniel.

"Thanks a lot!" chuckled Hyunsik, "Killjoy."

"When's the World Lit Essay due?" asked Eunkwang.

"Friday." said Hyunsik. "Oh no, it's midnight and today is Thursday! Let's get cracking!"

"Yeah!" said Sungjae, "What about the TOK presentations?"

"In two weeks time," said Ilhoon.

"In that case," said Eunkwang, "Best of luck to us all."

The seven all put their hands in one place.

"We are.......BtoB!" they whispered as the left the kitchen.

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im an IB student too! what was your final mark out of 45? c:
Chapter 1: oh my god.
The IB program. *shudders*
I.LOVE.THIS.STORY! ;w; /creys/
kimkimpuff66 #4
Chapter 100: I loooovvveeeeeeee this story!!!!!!!!!!!write more!!hwaiting!!!!^^
kimkimpuff66 #6
Chapter 50: Peniel comeback soon!!!
kimkimpuff66 #7
Chapter 32: Hell yeah this is awesome!
Chapter 6: I am impressed, you write very well, I already fell in love in this story :D And the last chapter is pretty hot o///o I really like this pairing, thought ^^ Keep writing~*
BubbleLightBaek #9
wow,this looks u get to choose your own subjects?thats dream was to be a doctor but ny stupid school made me drop biology after 1semester coz i kinda failed..i needed like 4marks left to pass the test too..-,- now im taking physics and chemistry and im super blured about my what am i rambling about..sorry..this story looks interesting..and Hyunsik is my bias!!oh god Hyunsik!!!! *fangirling* :3