Chapter 10 - What A Day

Loving With All My Heart

Chapter 10

What A Day

"Hmp. Aish, always making me do stuff" said Kyuhyun, whiile he got up, quickly changed his clothes and grabbed the confused Seohyun's hand and went out of the hotel.


"Ya! Kyuhyun-sshi! Where are we going, i have to get to the library!" shouted Seohyun, while Kyuhyun drags her back to where the club was, since his car is there. 

"Shhh! You'll know soon enough, don't worry about the library." replied Kyuhyun whilng opening the door to his car

"b...b...but" started Seohyun

"Aish! Don't you remember, my mother owns the library, so i practically own it. Thus, meaning i'm part boss. So i say it is ok. As long as you're with the boss it is fine" said Kyuhyun, while Seohyun just sighs hoping he is right.

". . . Fine. . ." she says and gets into the car while Kyuhyun suddently gives a smirk like smile after hearing her answer.

"Wait..." Said Seohyun "You had your car here the whole time, why couldnt you just drive me home last night?" 

"Well the Hotel was closer and besides what would your parents think about a guy bringing their daughter at 1 in the morning?" replied Kyuhyun

"Wah...ginja...your logic, i could have always explained to my parents and they would have belived me."

"But if we did that, nothing would have happened last night" said Kyuhyun with a smirk

"Yea, nothing would have happened. It would have been better that way" said Seohyun

"Bwoh? I'm pretty sure you were the one who enjoyed it the most." said Kyuhyun with a seductive tone. "And besides nothing much happened anyways."

"Whatever. Lets never speak of this again." replied Seohyun "I do not want to be talked about being with you, an arrogant, self centered rich prince." 

"Well then, i wouldnt want to be seen or talked about with someone like you either! Poor people do not match my standards." Said Kyuhyun

"Good!! Then just let me out of the car if you dont want to be seen with me!" yelled Seohyun "Let me head to the library to the real boss then!" 

Kyuhyun sighed. "Aish! Just calm down, i am being nice for once! I am not nice often! You should be estatic a rich prince is with you right now! Not just calm down and wait a bit" 

Minutes passed in silence while they are in the car, Kyuhyun driving to a destination unknown to Seohyun. Untill finally they reached destination.

". . . A mall?" Seohyun said confused "What are we doing here?"

"Just wait and see" Kyuhyun says and walks out of the car into the mall. "Pali!" he says

"Aish! This prince" and Seohyun follows him. They stop in a big store, filled with beautiful clothes, dresses, suits, etc.

"Ok. Go ahead. Pick whatever you want" said Kyuhyun

"What?!?! Why??" Seohyun said shocked

"Because, you dont have other clothes with you right now other than that dress from the club."

"Yes. But i can always go home, i have clothes there" replied Seohyun

"I thought you wanted to go to the library, you cant go into my library dressed like that" said Kyuhyun

"But i ca.." Seohyun started but was cut off my Kyuhyun

"No Buts. I dont have time to drive you home and back to the library and so on. That is too much work. Besides, just take this as a apology for spilling Coffee on your skirt before" Kyuhyun said

" remembered...but i spilled Coffee on you too, so shouldnt i repay you?" Asked Seohyun

"AISH, this girl! I'll do the same as last time, you will just  repay me by doing something i tell you too" 

"So now i have to repay you by listening to your request...twice?" 

"Deh!!! Now hurry and go pick something out!" said Kyuhyun

Seohyun reluctantly agreed, but did not konw what to pick out, everything was so pretty she could not decide. While Kyuhyun stands there watching her.

"She seems like she doesnt know what to pick...hmp...i guess she really is poor, probably never been in such a store before." Kyuhyun thought, and then went around the store looking for some dresses. 

"Here." Kyuhyun said and shoved a dress into her hands. "Try that on" 

"umm...ok..." Seohyun said and went into the dressing room. After trying it on she comes out and shows Kyuhyun

(The Dress)

" does it look?" Seohyun said, while Kyuhyun turns around, his eyes widen in shock in how beautiful she looks in that dress

"Kyuhyun.....Kyu.....Arrogant, rich, Prince....Self-centered person....Hello??" seohyun yelled to get Kyuhyun's attention

"" asked Kyuhyun

"So...does it look ok? 

"D...d..deh, it does. should get it" replied Kyuhyun getting back to his senses

When suddently Seohyun looked at the price tag and her eyes widened "110,000 KRD?!?!" she yelled (approx. $100.00 USD) "Umm...this is pretty but i think i should look for something less expensive" and she started heading to the changing rooms again

"Anyio!" Kyuhyun yelled and followed her, grabbing her wrist. "Come on"

"But i need to change first!" Seohyun innocently said

"Aish! just follow me" said Kyuhyun as he is still holding onto her wrist, and dragging her to the counter

"Annyoeaseo" bowed the worker "How may i help you?"

"I would like the buy this dress" and he points to Seohyun's outfit

"Sure. One moment please" said the worker

"Kyuhyun! i can not except this! This is way too expensive!" yelled Seohyun

"Aish! Don't you remember i am a rich prince! This is nothing" replied Kyuhyun

"But" said Seohyun, but was cut off by the worker

"Here is the recipt sir. Thank You and come again"

"Too late now! Like i said you will do me 2 favors/listen to my orders twice"

"Aish! this arrogant, rich prince" mumbuled Seohyun.

"Now lets go." Kyuhyun said and starts walking away back to the car. When they are both in the car Kyuhyun drives away, but does not drive to the library, as Seohyun thought he would go

" passed the library. I thought you were going to bring me to go to work...that is why you bought me this dress??" Seohyun said confused

"Ani...The library is closed today. The storm made it lose power and cant open" Kyuhyun replied camly

"Bwoh!?!?! You knew the whole time it was closed and didnt tell me? And what was the clothes for then??" Seohyun yelled

"Well i told you you didnt need to worry. And i was being nice for once, would you rather walk around in that wet and dirty dress from yesterday?? I'm not nice often so your lucky you got to see my nice side."

"Aish...fine...T..t..Thank You" Seohyun quietly said, although Kyuhyun herd and smiled a bit.

Later that day Seohyun and Kyuhyun arrived at a cafe to have a bite to eat.

"You know...i never thought i would be spending most of the day with a rich, self centered, arrogant prince...who was actually nice for once" said Seohyun

"Bwoah?!?! How can i still be self cenetered and arrogant if i was nice to you all day?" shouted Kyuhyun

"Just you said you were being nice for once, you wont be nice forever" Seohyun teasingly said and stuck out her tounge. 

"Tsk. Wow. Jinja. This girl" 

As Seohyun and Kyuhyun were chatting and somewhat enjoying their meal 4 customers walk in.

"Omo!! Hyunie~!!!" Shouted Sunny from behind a man

"Seohyunnie?!?! Where?" asked Jessica who poped out from also being hidden by another man

"Hm? Unnies?" Seohyun said and looked over, causing Kyuhyun to also look over as well

"Wait...Is that Kyuhyunie?" said Sungmin shocked

"Yea! That is Kyuhyun!" replied Donghae

"Hyungs..." Kyuhyun said 

Jessica and Sunny ran over to Seohyun squeling and gave her a big hug. "Hyunie~! We are sorry about last night! We completely ignored you!" said Sunny

"Yea we are sorry, we didnt even notice you leaving. We didnt see the text till late at night and we assumed you went home a while before that and would have been home asleep." continued Jessica, who is still hugging onto Seohyun with Sunny

"Kyuhyun-ah, what are you doing here?" asked Donghae

"Yea, are you and Seohyun...." Sungmin said and started to trail off

"What! We are just having a bite to eat. And i could ask you guys the same thing, what are you guys doing here with Jessica and Sunny?" Kyuhyun retorted causing the guys to look away and rub their necks. 

"What we cant get a bite to eat either"  said Sungmin with aeygo. "Oh yea, by the way what happened to you last night? You left pretty early" 

"Did you and...whats her name...that girl in your class..umm Krystal right? You know" Donghae said wiggling his eyebrows 

"Anyio Hyung!" Kyuhyun shouted making the girls look ever at him 

"What really? Shocking, we would have thought the biggest playboy would be up to something last night, if you left early" smirked Donghae

"So then if you were not with Krystal yesterday...what happened?" wondered Sungmin

"Aish! I was out with another girl" Kyuhyun said, and looked at Seohyun giving her a smirk. When she saw him her eyes widened hoping he wouldnt say anything embarassing

"Bwoh?!?! You were with our Seohyunnie!!!" yelled Jessica, causing Seohyun to look down covering her face a bit so they wouldnt keep staring at her

"Awww nice Kyuhyun-ah!! You never do fail at girls do you" said Donghae, causing him to be slapped in the arm by Jessica

"Watch what you are saying!" yelled Jessica

"Kyuhyunnie, nice job!" said Sungmin smiling, also earning Sungmin a punch in the arm from Sunny

"Owww" whinned Donghae and Sungmin "What was that for?!" they said in sync

"If you did anything to our Seohyunnie we will hurt you!" threatened Jessica 

"Seohyun is our best friend, we wont allow anyone to hurt her again! Especially a playboy male" yelled Sunny

While Donghae and Sungmin were scared from how the girls are acting, Kyuhyun sits there not afraid of what they are saying and just smirks. 

Finally, Seohyun wanting to stop this awkward and scary situation, she says as an excuse "Unnies, Donghae-shi, Sungmin-shi, and Kyuhyun-shi, ummm i think it is time for me to head home now. My parents may be worried about not coming last night, so i should go see them now" 

"You're right Hyunie, go on home. But, we will be talking about this later, arraso!" Said Jessica in a mother like stern tone

"Buy Hyunie, how will you get home? Do you need one of us to drive you?" said Sunny

"Ani, i can just take the bus. You guys just got here, so stay, i will head out first." Seohyun said as she grabs her stuff and heads to the door "Anyio! Unnies!! I will remember to text to you guys later!! Bye Donghae-shi, Shungmin-shi!" Seohyun says waving heading out thr door, but she stops thinking if she should say bye to Kyuhyun, instead she didnt and walks out the door. 

"Seohyun-ah!! Call me Oppa!" yelled Donghae 

"Yea!! Me too! Call me Oppa!" Yelled Sungmin as well. And Seohyun just smiles and leaves the cafe

"Wait! She didnt say bye to me...." Kyuhyun said with a pout

"Ha, man, Kyuhyun, you sure are playing with an interesting one" said Donghae with Sungmin nodding his head cutely agreeing. But causing Jessica and Sunny to slap both of them in the arms. "Owww" whinned Donghae and Sungmin.

"Aish! I should go too! Ha, Have fun with your dates....You guys found some violent ones" Kyuhyun said smirking, making the girls upset about to  yell and hit him, but he runs off out of the cafe saying "Bye!!" 


Once Kyuhyun got out of the Cafe he went to find Seohyun. He spots her sitting at the nearest bus stop.

"Anyio" Kyuhyun says standing in front of Seohyun and ruffling her hair

"Aish! What are you doing!" Seohyun yelled

"What are you doing here? Don't you know i have car? Remember, i drove us here?" replied Kyuhyun

"And? You were busy talking to Donghae and Sungmin, so i left" said Seohyun 

"Aish, this girl" Kyuhyun said and suddnetly grabbed her wrist and took her to his car

Seohyun signed and said "I knew the outcome would turn out like dragging me by my wrist and driving me home" 

Kyuhyun smirked and said "Well you know me too well then" in a seductive tone. Causing Seohyun to blush a bit 


Once Kyuhyun reaches Seohyun's house, "Umm...Thank you Kyuhyun-shi for driving me home and the dress, and well everything i guess" said Seohyun shyly, as she looks down at her twiddling fingers. Causing Kyuhyun to smile.

"Ehem...shouldnt you be calling me Oppa?" 

Seohyun just looks at him innocently, and shyly says "Thank You...o..oppa" making Kyuhyun give a big happy smile. "Good girl" he replies and pats her head

Seohyun bows and opens the car door to get out. However, once she is outside the door, before even closing the car door, she looks up and sees a guy leaning against her mail box, with his arms crossed, staring at her. 

"O...o...oppa" Seohyun says in shock, causing the guy to smirk. 

"Long time no see, Seohyun"


Hi everyone!! So i finally updated! Sorry i took so long though! But i tried to repay you with a somewhat long update. Is that ok? Forgive me please? :D Kyuhyun and Seohyun's relationship seems to be getting a bit better, she can somewhat call him oppa now! And Kyuhyun even patted her head and ruffled her hair....hmmmm doesnt seem much like a playboy here! xD BUT...who is the guy? Can anyone guess who? ^_- The drama will offically begining now! :) So please stay tunned!!!

Thanks For Reading!


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I'm sorry I have not updated in a while!! Please don't worry, I will update real soon!! Sorry!


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eugenenni #1
Chapter 11: Author-nim update soon please~~
julie-61 #2
Chapter 11: Hai author please continue to update.
I love this story hope you can update soon.
Chapter 11: Aigoooo... yonghwa is such a bastard huh? Update soonn..
Chapter 11: I told you it was him! I knew it! Why does he always arrives in the less apropiate times? Anyway, Kyu is such a dear! He loves her, that's all! Loved it! Update soon!
snarkyu #5
Chapter 11: That moron cheated on seo and he still has the guts to appear in front of her? He even scold my ever so gentle Kyu? What a MORON!
Popopo #6
Chapter 11: Update soon please:)
I love your story:)
Chapter 11: hehe..daebak!!!!1 author-nim...chukkha-e
julie-61 #8
Chapter 11: That's what you get yonghwa for what you did to seohyun. Hope kyuhyun and seohyun become couple.
Lyzza1726 #9
Chapter 11: Another update..