The Trick


 Okay, now we can say it was Myungsoo's turn to tail around Sungjong begging for 'you-know-what'. Its been two weeks and Myungsoo still hasn't given up. He was constantly tailing around him. And it started to annoy Sungjong. He started to think of something new, like a change of plan coz he knew that his current situation was getting him nowhere near his 'Dream Puppy'.

 It was just a day, and it was evening. He was just relaxing on the couch when something popped up inside his head. He sat up and thought about it. He smirked and spranged up from the couch heading upstairs, smiling all the way to their room. 'I hope it works' Sungjong murmered to himself before enveloping himself inside his closet.

 On the other side, Myungsoo was being, you know Myungsoo. He was currently sitting in a cafe along with his bestfriends Hoya and Sungyeol, whining about how unlucky he was. And all Hoya and Sungyeol could answer was 'Yeah' 'Uh-huh' 'Mhm'. They were getting tired of hearing their bestfriend whine about his heck of a life.  Well, they were interested at first but after hearing for about 4 hours of continuous blabbing, they were getting tired, sleepy and bored.

  "--and so I asked him again, No! I was actually begging---" Myungsoo was rambling on and on when suddenly, Sungyeol and Hoya shouted at the same time.

  "Stop!" They shouted.

 All eyes, including Myungsoo's, were looking at the two of them. Both of them stood up and bowed their heads a little, apologising to the people and turned to Myungsoo.

  "Wow, That was uncalled for" Myungsoo said, smirking.

    "Your rambling too, was uncalled for" Sungyeol snapped back at him.

   Myungsoo glared at Sungyeol and Sungyeol glared back at him. Myungsoo smirked and spoke up, "Yeolie-hyung, are you glaring at me or are you trying to pop a baby out from your tiny little hole?"    Hoya bursted out laughing at that while Sungyeol was turning red but regained his composure through a fake cough.


"So, you were saying,"Sungyeol started "that you haven't had 'it' for two weeks?"

Myungsoo nodded.

"Then why don't you try wanking off in the shower?" Hoya winked at him ;)

       Myungsoo facepalmed himself, why hadn't he thought of that before? He was about to die from the frustation and all he could remember was Sungjong's mouth working on his length and the kisses..steamy nights...that he forgot he actually has Hands that would relieve some of his frstrations....'All because of a stupid, ing, erted puppy...' He was broken from his train of thoughts when Sungyeol suddenly said, "I've got an idea!!"

 Two pair of eyes curiously looked at him.  "And may i know what maybe the plan?" Myungsoo asked.

  Sungyeol smirked and said beamed, "If you don't get what you want, get it by FORCE!!!!"

"Force?" Myungsoo enquired "Like Push or Pull is called Force?"


  Hoya and Sungyeol looked at him as if they just saw a Dead man brought back to life.   "What?" Myungsoo innocently asked.

"Seriously, Myungsoo?" Hoya looks at him. eyebrows raised "Push or pull is called Force?"

 Sungyeol sighed and slapped Myungsoo Lightly, "You can be so dumb sometimes.....By force, i mean all the stuffs  like tie him up on the bed,  till he gives in then him hard and raw and blah blah blah, Got it?"

  Myungsoo's eyes glistened at the sudden realisation, he sat up straighter and began to dream of it. Hell! He could do it. He was stronger than Sungjong and he could easily control or overpower him. Myungsoo slowly looked up. grinning like an idiot to see two faces smirking at him.


    Sungjong was panting now. It was nearing 5 o'clock , 'No sign of him yet' he thought. He looked around and smiled, "All done", he said to himself after lighting the last of the candles. It took him a lot of time to prepare everything. Collecting every candle stands he could find, putting them at the right places, making the shiny silver pole in the middle of the room steady and erect so it wouldn't fall on him when he start danc..........nevermind, scattering rose petals on the Bed, giving their room a flowery and sweet smell, perfuming the bed and last of all. placing a lube near the bed (wink wink). He decided to take a shower first so he went to the bathroom and stripped himself, stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. He was a pair of sweaty limbs , he sighed and the shower. He took one last glance at the mirror before stepping in the shower.


   Myungsoo couldn't count the number of times he thanked his friends. After talking or more like discussing for an hour or so, he was out from the cafe. He waved his friends Goodbye and headed home. He was smiling and smirking to himself all the way back home, happily thinking about his 'Plans'. But something was bothering him, he got an uneasy feeling like something was going to happen to him or someone was following him. "I'm just being paranoid.." He said to himself shaking his head before grinning widely and running back home still thinking about what he was gonna do to his little boyfriend...........Little did he know that Sungjong beat him to that.



 Myungsoo opened the door to their flat and was surprised to see all the lights turned off. Confused, he slowly the lights, scanning the surrounding. As he took a step forward, he heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor. He snapped his head back and gasped when he found the source of the sound. His jaw dropped. Eyes opened wide. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.




Finally, i updated!! Its been a long time, sorry guys :( -bows down- Well...i think this chapter is quite boring and very short, i appologise for that and i at writing too. And Thanks to the new subscribers and all others too! :* Love you all<3 And pleasseeee Comment, i wanna know what you think of this chapter. Bye all! Wait, one more thing, Should i put in the next chapter? Just wanna know :)

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32bella #1
Chapter 2: Demasiado interesante la historia, ojalá la retomaras. Is great story
rei_zha #2
Chapter 2: Wow.....
update please....
analeigh #3
Chapter 1: What a lovely threat to get Myungsoo to let him get a puppy! I wonder how long he'll be able to hold out, especially if Sungjong does stuff to make it even harder for him XD But really, if Sungjong can bring whole litters of puppies and a horse and a cow to their place, I think one little puppy wouldn't be such a big deal. Myungsoo should think things over more lol
Chapter 1: OMg, .erted puppy, seriously Myungsoo, what do you have against them? I mean personally I dislike dogs of all kind (I'm scared of them) but if Sungjong wanted one...ah evil Sungjong, you hit the right spot!
Chapter 1: soooooooo what did Sungjong do that made Myumgsoo to die?? hm..??
Chapter 1: Myung just get Jongie a puppy will ya? XD You don't want to go crazy of ual frustrate right?
AznDuckies #7
Chapter 1: Lol wow please update soon lol
misajinki93 #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^