

The first time it happened was when Myungsoo came back to the shared-flat with his lover, after a hectic day from the cafe he was working part-time.

He opened the door and went in their flat only to be greeted by a rushed hug from his lover, Lee Sungjong. Myungsoo smiled and was about to hug back when Sungjong pushed himself off, grinning widely with full of hope in his eyes. Myungsoo looked closely at him and sighed. A wide grinning Sungjong means nothing but disaster. The last time he was grinning this wide, he brought home a full grown cow. Yes. A full grown cow and it pooped right at the front door. Myungsoo shivers at the rememberance.

"So, I've been thinking.."

"So,you've been thinking?"

"whether or not.."

"whether or not?"

"I should get a.."

"you should get a?"

     Sungjong glares at him with the look of 'shut up' written all over his face.  Myungsoo just pokes his tongue out at him playfully.    "So, I was thinking whether or not I should get a puppy!"  A look of horror crosses Myungsoo's face.  "I'd rather go with the 'or not' Jongie..." Myungsoo says, smiling uncomfortably.  Sungjong pouts, "But Hyung! Isn't a puppy just cute?! They are small, obedient, cute and are more handsome than you!" He meant it. He really meant it. And so a huge fight occured between them the following night coz Myungsoo got stepped-in-the-face with the phrase 'more handsome than you!'  'Seriously, Lee Sungjong? A puppy is more handsome than me? If that's so why don't you just go date a puppy??!!' That's what Myungsoo always had in mind before the second time his lover brings up the topic about puppies.

  The second time it happened was when they were sharing a heated moment in the bed. Obviously it was night and innocent Sungjong chose that moment to talk about puppies.

  "So, Hyu--ng" Myungsoo pulls away and looks at his boyfriend with lust-filled eyes, smiling a little,-"about the puppy"- Myungsoo's eyes turns cold from lust, he frowns and looks uninterestingly at his boyfriend -"I've been having dreams about a puppy. You know it was a small puppy and it was really cute and it kept my face and especially my Lips!"  Myungsoo's jaw dropped. 'erted puppy' he thought. "So, will you get me one?" Sungjong asks hopefully. Myungsoo ignored Sungjong for the rest of the night. And yeah he couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, I mean who would, with an achingly painful hard-on and with his lover constanly hitting him with a pillow and kicking him in the back.

   The third time it happened was when he was making dinner for the two of them. Sungjong came in the kitchen, dragging his feet as loudly as he can, coz he knows that it annoys the hell out of 'the HIM making dinner'. And it didn't go unnoticed by HIM. Myungsoo looks at Sungjong.

  "Stop that". Myungsoo spat at Sungjong.

  "Stop what?". Sungjong spat back, in a sarcastic tone.

  Myungsoo glares at him. Sungjong huffs and speaks again, "Woah! Myungie-Hyung! You could easily make a hole in the wall with your glare! See! See! See! There are red beams coming out from your eyes!" At this, Myungsoo really losed and threw a spoon at him, perfectly hitting him in the forehead. Myungsoo smirks triumphantly, seeing Sungjong stumbling down the floor. Sungjong spoke up, again, "You know what, Hyung! Sunggyu-hyung brought a hamster, A ING HAMSTER! for Woohyun-hyung and you don't even let me have a puppy! I Hate You Hyung! Is a puppy just too much to ask?"    "Yes.It.Is. And Woohyun-hyung always complained of missing his GyuGyu when he is away from home and since Gyu-hyung looks like a hamster he bought it so Woohyun-hyung could spend time with the hamster as if it was His GyuGyu. And I don't even look like a puppy, if you missed me......" Myungsoo says the last sentence, emotionally.   "Yes. I know, Hyung. You don't look like a puppy. In fact, a puppy's more handsome than you. But still...."  And that's all it took for them to eat dinner at a nearby family restaurant.

  The fourth time it happened was at Sungjong's hometown, their family owned a pretty big animal farm and it took only a second for Sungjong to leave Myungsoo's side. In fact, he spent almost all the time with the animals. 'What's so great about animals?' He thought. 'They have no proper bathroom, no shower, no bathtub, no toothbrush, no clay plates, no fancy uniforms. They are dirty. They roam around 'all open' and my only lover is in love with these animals  especially puppies.' Thats when he remembers an incident. It was a few months ago, that he came home to find their flat full of newborn pups, some of them haven't even open their eyes and he had to live with it only because of his love for Sungjong who was in love with puppies. And he had to wake up in the morning to a stinking smell. Of course animals had to do 'their things' and he didn't like a bit of it since he was a neat and hygienic person. So, three days of staying at Sungjong's family home, it didn't take long for Sungjong to start talking of puppies again. It was on the fourth night, that he bring fourth the topic and obviously it was followed by a string of curses. It was World-War III between them. Myungsoo lose, so, he had to sleep outside. Well mainly because Sungjong brought in a HORSE in their room along with a lame excuse of 'I can't sleep without an animal near me when I'm in my hometown.' And Myungsoo spent his night in the  cowshed, making the dry straws his pillow and trying hard to sleep among the 'moo-s' and 'mow-s' of the cows. What heck of cows don't sleep at night?!

   The fifth time it happened , Myungsoo regretted not granting Sungjong's wish of having or adopting a puppy.

 Sungjong has been at his tail like a lost puppy for a whole week, following him everywhere. It was just a typical day and Sungjong was still after the idea of getting a puppy.

   "Hyung!"  "Hyung!"  "Please.."

  Myungsoo just ignored him.




  Still Myungsoo ignores him.

   "Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! Pweeeeaaaaassssseeeeee!!"

    'Not again'. He thought.

    'Why doesn't he stop?'

   Finally Myungsoo answered.

   " Sungjong. I said NO. And that's Final"

  Sungjong pouted and glared at him but then something clicked inside him. He smiled. He smirked. He grinned evilly.

Finally he found a perfect plan to get his 'Dream Puppy'.

"Fine. Let what you want be done. I won't let you"-Myungsoo looks up at Sungjong, eyebrows furrowed at the mention of 'I won't let you'-" me for the rest of your life!!".

   -----Myungsoo Dies-------


    A/N: First chapter done!! Well it's not much i it boring? Please comment!! And Thank you to those who have subscribed and commented! I LOVE YOU ALL!  Upto this for now xD I'll update when i can and my exam is still going on and i'm spending my time with my beloved computer INSTEAD of studying. Yeah this is how much i'm into InFiNiTe and mainly MyUnGjOnG<333 GoodBye Peeps!!

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32bella #1
Chapter 2: Demasiado interesante la historia, ojalá la retomaras. Is great story
rei_zha #2
Chapter 2: Wow.....
update please....
analeigh #3
Chapter 1: What a lovely threat to get Myungsoo to let him get a puppy! I wonder how long he'll be able to hold out, especially if Sungjong does stuff to make it even harder for him XD But really, if Sungjong can bring whole litters of puppies and a horse and a cow to their place, I think one little puppy wouldn't be such a big deal. Myungsoo should think things over more lol
Chapter 1: OMg, .erted puppy, seriously Myungsoo, what do you have against them? I mean personally I dislike dogs of all kind (I'm scared of them) but if Sungjong wanted one...ah evil Sungjong, you hit the right spot!
Chapter 1: soooooooo what did Sungjong do that made Myumgsoo to die?? hm..??
Chapter 1: Myung just get Jongie a puppy will ya? XD You don't want to go crazy of ual frustrate right?
AznDuckies #7
Chapter 1: Lol wow please update soon lol
misajinki93 #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^