Dear Hea Jung, With Love Joon Oppa

A brother's sacrifice

"OPPA!!!" I dashed towards him & fell on my knees right next to him. I shook him continuously. "Oppa wake up! OPPA! Why aren't you waking up! Please, oppa, wake up! Don't leave me" I shouted, tears flowing out of my eyes uncontrollably. I shook him again. No response. I called out to him. Nothing. "OPPA!!!" 

"I'm sorry Miss Hea Jung but we weren't able to save your brother." Every word that came out of him were like daggers to my heart.

"Why? Why didn't he tell me that he was suffering from an illness? Why did he keep it away from me? Why?" I asked, unable to stop crying. 

"I am not sure but I have something for you. Joon asked me to pass you this in case he..passes away" His last few words caused a huge scar on my heart. He handed me an envelope & all I did was stare at it. "I am truly sorry for your lost." I looked at the doctor & saw sincerity in his eyes. Without saying a word, I bowed to him and left.

I sat on the couch staring at the envelope. Part of wanted to know what's inside while part of me wanted to leave it sealed. Slowly, I unsealed the envelope & opened the letter inside. Holding back my tears, I read it over.

Dear Hea Jung,

If you receive this letter, it probably means I'm not around anymore. I'm really sorry for not telling you about my illness. I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't want you to get worried. I wanted you to have a happy life instead of worrying about me. I didn't want you to suffer because of my illness. I'm sorry I left you. I didn't mean to. I wanted to be with forever. To take care of you. To protect you. Ever since Mom & Dad died, I know its been hard for you. You were so young, so innocent but their life was taken away from you just like that. So it was just me & you against the world. I didnt know about my illness till I was 14 & by then, I was already at the last stage & I knew there was nothing I could do. So I tried my best to spend every minute of my remaining time on Earth with you. You'd always notice whenever i had a worried look on my face & you'd always ask me what's wrong but everytime, I gave the same answer. "Nothing's wrong". I'm sorry for lying to you but I had to.

In a few weeks, it would be your birthday and i am praying more than ever that i at least get the chance to wish you happy birthday. I don't know how much time I have left but i'm just praying that I'd at least be able to kiss you goodbye before breathing my last breath.  How I wish I could watch you grow. Protect you when you get into trouble. Be there with you through the thick and thin. Even if I'm not there with you, I will always be in your heart. I'll be watching over you & I won't let anyone hurt you. Please, I beg you, take care of yourself. I don't want to see you hurt. I don't want you to cry. I want you to be happy. 

I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for putting you through all this. I'm sorry. We'll meet when its time but for now, please enjoy life. You were the best little sister I ever had. Every single day, I'd thank god for having you as my little sister. I'd pray to him saying, "God, in case she suffers any misfortune, please pass that misfortune to me because I don't want her to go through any pain. I want her to have a happy life, even when I'm gone" 

I love you, my little princess. I always have & always will. I'll miss you. Take care of yourself. Goodbye Hea Jung..

With Love, Joon Oppa


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Chapter 39: aish to much sadness . hmm crying crying crying . beautiful story you got here :D
Chapter 37: Omg I'm crying now! Very good story by the way Author-nim!
ohmahgawd I cant even ;;
Zeulde #4
Chapter 37: It's heartbreaking to know that Jung is dead but somehow glad that L.Joe is still breathing because Teen Top is nothing without L. Joe..
Zeulde #5
Chapter 15: The suspense is killing me..
Zeulde #6
Chapter 3: Your story keep making me to continue reading it...
I hate u author-nim . my tears won't stop falling ya know >.< and my shirt is wet already ;A; lol I love u author-nim . ur story is dae to the bak ~ /throws confetti/
Chapter 38: Gr8t fanfic Dri Unnie!! Haha was anticipating for Gongcan to win her heart :,)
rubmybananas #9
Chapter 37: So what happens to Hea Jung and GongChan?
Chapter 37: Gosh. I cried :')