
配對無誤 Matching Good (Mandarin Fic)
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31/10/2016 updated Chapter 15


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OMG!!! :DD

這聽起來是一個不錯的fanfic :DD

Hi imsosofia,
yah, u are right. But my ongoing story is going on slow...hehehe...yeah, she wasn't outstanding in apperance but having a gold in heart.
Do you like my other stories as well?
imsosofia #3
Eh? Interesting. So now she's abt to become their personal assistant? :D good thing she was so kind and hardworking emough to attract the attention of their former personal assistant ^^ I honestly don't know of anyone who would be as kind as her :)<br />
lol at Yoochun, so insistent that he's right haha XD <br />
Yup Happy New Year to you too ^^ keke ok ok will go c ur other stories
Hi imsosofia,<br />
I believe a lot of them here come from SG. :)<br />
Thank God, so you won't be missing out my story then~<br />
you can learn some from over here. Yah, watching dramas and shows really do improved one's understanding. And also, you can learn a little bit of information from it too as not all of them were talking about rubbish or unreal stuffs. <br />
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I am overjoyed with your honestly and details comment...^-^<br />
That's right, DBSK in this story of mine equals to only 2 persons in it. <br />
Then Junsu will be Han Neul's Oppa and Yoochun be the blur matchmaker who actually create chance for them to meet in the first place. <br />
Anyway, there IS jerk around, ALWAYS as pretty gals are plently and guys just can't find enough in just one. <br />
Hahaha...Changmin NEED to do it cause if not he will be bugging by his mum for even more upcoming matchmaking session and who knows Mrs. Shim might get worst. It's just a makeup for his mum. He doesn't even want to know more about Han Neul firstly. So why bother how she is looking at the moment? <br />
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Here another chapter and hope to see your comment again~<br />
Enjoy! <br />
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Oh yah, here is my seasons greeting and happy 2012 early in advance.<br />
Feel free to browse through my other stories too, maybe you will like it as well.
imsosofia #5
Oh finished reading the updates! Hmm so Changmin is in DBSK but Junsu and Yoochun aren't? ?-? That's weird :D<br />
Aiyo she met a jerk >-< What kind of a man...?? No pity in him, and so rude, sheesh. To think Sun Neul thought him a good person -_-<br />
Lol wait so Changmin took a photo with Sun Neul even though she was, like, bedraggled and crying? 0.o Okay... Weirdo! *cracks up laughing*<br />
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Hmm can't wait to read more! So fluffy and cute keke ^^ <3
imsosofia #6
Om! I'm from Singapore too! ^^ Don't worry, my grandma's always watching them HK dramas and the subtitles are in fan ti zi too... I should think most Singaporeans can read fan ti zi ^^ Hmm, well, my Chinese compared to my English so I guess we're quits :B
Hi kahkahkahkah,<br />
<br />
對,我來自新加坡。 <br />
你好同鄉~<br />
希望繁體中文你還看得習慣。<br />
kahkahkahkah #8
Oh you're frm SG? Haha me too! I've always thought that you're frm taiwan coz of the traditional chinese.. Haha
Hi imsosofia,<br />
thank for commenting...<br />
nope, i am from Singapore, but currently my work falls on China. <br />
But my English really seemed to wander far away as a results. <br />
Can't really write well in traditional chinese wordings but not a problem i can read, type and recongize well. <br />
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Hahaha...lolz...anyway not gonna change the name for the story again, cause it will be quite troublesome and confusing as i need to change the poster name as well. <br />
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What matter most is the story itself which i am always working hard for. <br />
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Hope you will like the new update as well.
imsosofia #10
Eh btw i figure the more accurate translation for your title would be either "A Flawless Match" or "The Perfect Match" instead of just "Match Good" ^-^