
The Quiet Ones


Though they may not have always looked like it, Sehun’s friends weren’t stupid. They weren’t blind either. Especially Luhan.

Even though Sehun barely spoke enough sometimes to have his presence recognized, Luhan usually noticed when he wasn’t there, which was becoming fairly often. They were incredibly close, after all.

He certainly noticed the way Sehun would duck out of any situation, high tailing it out of the room and disappearing for multiple intervals of time. But he just didn’t know where the younger male was going.

It didn’t take very long for his curiosity to hit a certain peak to where it wasn’t bearable anymore.

It also didn’t take much for him to decide that he should try and follow Sehun.

Even though it was a little difficult for them to get around the school without being noticed, he somehow managed. It was, after all, for the sake of his best friend.

Excusing himself from the group of girls that usually pined after his attention during the lunch hour by saying he had to use the restroom, he stealthily followed after Sehun when he saw him walk past his classroom window.


Sehun readjusted himself on the windowsill for the umpteenth time when Mari looked at him with her lips pursed. Even the girl had practically gone back to rarely speaking, he could tell when she wasn’t satisfied. He could see it all on her face.

Her lips went back to normal after that, but there was still a slight pinch between her eyebrows that indicated how she still wasn’t entirely satisfied. But she seemed to get over it and went back to making draft sketches of his face in her book.

She would occasionally look up to get a better reference at his features before continuing. But every time she looked up, the frustration seemed to return a little bit more.

She eventually sighed, putting down the sketchbook and pencil to make her way over to him. She tilted her head to the side slightly, not quite looking at him directly in the eyes, but instead taking in his pose. But while she may not have been looking directly at him, he was analyzing her movements, taking in every detail. From her long, silky hair that was moved over on one shoulder so that it wouldn’t get in the way of her drawing, to her incredibly long eyelashes. He noticed everything.

That’s why, when she finally did look him in the eye, he was hoping to every higher power that his heart rate did not momentarily speed up.

“May I?” she asked quietly, raising a hand close to his face.

It took him a moment to realize that she was asking if she could readjust his position in some places.

While he didn’t usually like letting people touch him, he figured she could be an exception.

He nodded slightly, albeit a bit robotically, and she went to work.

Starting under his chin, she tilted his head slightly more to the side before softly pushing against the top of his head, silently asking him to put it against the wall that he was next to. She eventually had him set up to where he looked like he was peering out of the window at something.

Or…at someone.

And he was getting an incredible sense of déjà vu.

But he also just felt lucky to be in a position that wasn’t uncomfortable. With the new way she had him set up, Mari looked almost completely satisfied. Almost.

That is, until she tentatively reached up to slightly brush his bangs away from his eyes, revealing more of his face and causing their eyes to meet simultaneously.

The door to the art room flew open, slamming into the wall with an audible clang.

“AHA! So this is where you’ve been!” Luhan shouted excitedly, feeling like a detective who had just cracked the ultimate mystery.

“Hyung!” Sehun said in surprise, pulling himself free of Mari’s hands and surely messing up the work she had put into posing him.

“Don’t move!” Mari said loudly.

Well, it wasn’t exactly loud, per say. But it was the loudest Sehun had ever heard the girl speak. That’s why his eyes flew from Luhan to stare at the girl in shock as she held a hand up to since she seemed to regret the words she had just spoken.

“I’m sorry,” he said sincerely, trying to get a good look at her face to try and figure out what was wrong. But she refused to look at him.

“…Mari?” Luhan asked, finally noticing the girl who his best friend apparently seemed close to.

Mari jumped as if she had just taken notice of him being there. A look of recognition dawned on her face when she turned to look at him.

“Luhan sunbae?”

“You two know each other?” Sehun asked, unable to comprehend which kind of relationship the two of them would even have.

“Well we’re in art club together but how do you two know each other?”

Luhan looked between the two of them with interest when neither of them could seem to formulate a reply. He grinned.

“Never mind, I see how it is.”

“No, I’m pretty sure you don’t,” Sehun said, sighing. He was fairly sure what Luhan was thinking. Then again, due to their previously (somewhat) compromising position, anyone would probably think the same thing.

They weren’t dating.

But Luhan wouldn’t listen to excuses.

“No no, don’t mind me.” Luhan said, still grinning, backing up towards the door.

“As you were,” he said before ducking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

As if the air between them wasn’t already awkward, Luhan had jus made things exceptionally worse.

In an effort to make things better, Sehun tried to re-position himself back to the way he was before. He even brushed his bangs out of the way a little bit so that she wouldn’t have to.

“It was like this right?”

She bit her lip, nodding slightly before making her way back over to her sketchbook.

Neither of them were very aware of the rapid oncoming changes that were going on within one other. 

But Luhan noticed.

As it was, the older teen was fully aware that there was actually nothing going on between Sehun and Mari. But he had a feeling that there was something different in the way that Sehun looked at the girl.

It was completely different than the way he ever looked at one of his fan girls. It wasn’t a look of disinterest this time. It was different because...Luhan had never seen Sehun so flustered because of a someone before. A girl nonetheless. 

For once, he was pretty sure that his quiet friend was allowing himself to open up to someone other than his friends. Even though Mari rarely spoke, he knew enough about her to know that she was a good girl.

And from what he did know about her, he had a feeling that she would really be good for Sehun. Because in a way, they kind of suited each other in Luhan’s mind.

All he had to do was give his friend a few little pushes along the way to make him realize that. 


A/N: I don't know how I feel about this chapter...but I felt like I had to get something out since it's been forever since the last update. Hopefully I will be more satisfied with future chapters...

Anyway, Thanks for reading! Sorry for the long wait for another short chapter, I will try and make them longer in the future T.T


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sorry for the wait new chapter coming soon! (10/28)


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Chapter 1: Must be nice to have a photographic memory
Uuuuuuh this seems like a bery interesting story
spaghetti_soda #3
Chapter 12: I love it. It was a great story ^.^
junmenpapi #4
Chapter 11: this is so beautiful omygahd

i loved it authornim :D
Chapter 11: omg i cannot with all the ssehun feels like omg author-nim stamp im dyiinggggg~ omg i cant xDDD i love this story~~ thank you so much for writing this~~<33
I actually forgot that i did bookmark this story because the last time i read, you havent updated it. Glad this actually completed, now i'll finish reading this. Thank you for your story
MILKYcouple321 #7
Chapter 12: I lovedddd this story!!!! You truly have a very different way with words!!! I hope you become a writer one day!!!
Chapter 12: author 님~~~^^ 안녕~~^^ thanks for posting this ^^ i reread this fic 20x no kidding and i cant get enough of it now it's time for a new one~~^^ will subscribe to it~~~
Estellelovesyou #9
Chapter 11: It was poetic at times and was a very gentle, quiet read! Loved it! And thanks for writing ^^
Miemela #10
Chapter 11: This is a nice fantastic debooom fanfic!,