
The Quiet Ones


Sehun should’ve been one of those guys who pissed girls off because of his lack of presentable emotion. Completely should have been. But that didn’t stop girls from flocking to his side like an annoying group of squawking chickens every day at school. He wasn’t nice enough to let them down easy or give many of them a chance like his friends did. So he chose to keep silent a large part of the time, only really talking when he was among the refuge of his friends or when he generally felt like it. That’s usually why his romantic relationships never really lasted that long.

He was one of those guys who spent multiple class periods staring out of the classroom windows with a dazed look on his face. He was a straight A student with a photographic memory, so it wasn’t like his attention span needed to be wasted on the droning sound of his teacher’s voice. He much preferred other ways of wasting his attention span. And thus, his pastime of gazing out of the windows every class period had become a set routine. 

If anyone had asked him what he looked at out the window each day, he would probably shrug and tell them that he wasn’t looking at anything in particular. Even if the sun was shining, or the girls were outside begrudgingly participating in another day of physical education, he didn’t care. They weren’t things he wanted to look at. But lately he had taken an unusual amount of interest in something. In…someone.

She always seemed to catch his attention, wherever she was. Though she never directly did anything to make him notice her, he always did regardless. In his mind, she kind of stuck out from the others.

She was a normal fair-skinned beauty who probably thought herself to be an ugly duckling. She was incredibly pale and frail looking, and was always the one sitting out on the sidelines, probably due to medical reasons. He couldn’t tell exactly what she looked like from the distance he was from her. But he didn’t need to see her to know that she was different.

He never saw her interacting with the other girls. She usually kept to herself, taking refuge under a shady tree with a sketchbook as her only companion while the other girls in his class sweated it out during P.E.

He may not have known her personally, but Sehun had practically made up an entire story about her in his head. And regardless of the fact that he made it up, he probably would have never learned otherwise.

He never planned to have any contact with her. She just became his distraction.

His lovely little mystery of a distraction.


She was a girl who rarely spoke unless spoken to, which wasn't very much in the first place. Many girls seemed to dislike her for some reason, and most boys were much too intimidating to her, so she had a hard time making friends.

But she was pretty content on her own. She enjoyed the silence, but didn't so much enjoy the loneliness. She had a hard enough time convincing herself that she wasn't lonely. But she had never been the most socially inclined girl out there, so she put up with it. Because she had such trouble conversing with others, she had trouble relating to their common interests as well.

She heard the many excited shrieks of the girls in the seats around her as they watched the boy's while they had their P.E. class. The girls were currently in the middle of an art class, so the teacher didn't really care very much.

"So cute!" They would coo to each other, staring at a certain group in particular. They were a group of twelve boys, all of different ages, but close friends nonetheless. They seemed to enjoy P.E. class, and were always playing around and messing with each other in good fun.

And the other girls couldn't get enough of their childish antics. She, on the other hand, didn't care as much for them. She didn't hate them, of course. She just didn't see the point of obsessing over them. They were, after all, normal human beings with attractive faces and physiques. That much she noticed.

Because one of them in particular always caught her interest.

She could only guess that he was one of the youngest members of the group, probably around the same age as herself. They were in separate classes, so they didn't really know each other. All she knew was that his name was Oh Sehun.

The girls in her class were completely smitten with the boy, though he apparently didn't speak or smile very much. But when he did talk, usually around his friends, he was apparently pretty spoiled since he was the youngest in a group of hyungs. But that didn't deter the girls from fawning over him like they did so religiously.

In a way, she did see how they thought he was appealing. He did have a nice face, and she could tell that he was pretty tall from a distance, which girls generally liked. But if his personality was as they described, she wasn’t sure if she would like him very much.

But even then, she couldn’t understand was why her gaze was constantly being drawn towards him like a magnet.

They were from two entirely different worlds. They would never be together. It would just throw off the balance of the universe or something.

So why was she always looking at him?

She knew that there was probably more to Sehun than her classmates knew. There had to be. There had to be something behind his quiet and supposedly spoiled persona. And that’s what must’ve attracted her to him. He was such a mystery.

Before she realized it, her hand was moving without her permission. And soon, the familiar image of his face was making itself apparent on her paper. A sigh made its way past her lips as she came to realize that she had just created another portrait of him to add to her collection.

Maybe that was it.

Maybe to her, he was just an art subject.

An attractive little art subject.


It was another day that Sehun had to suffer through. Class was especially dull today because of the raging storm that was going on outside. The gloomy weather was kind of a direct reflection of his current mood.

Since the girls were taking refuge in the gym today, his distraction was nowhere in sight. He hadn’t realized that he had looked forward to her presence that much each and every day. And he couldn’t help but wonder what it was that he did before she ever caught his attention.

So he instead chose to distract himself by starting at the clock.

It wasn’t as entertaining, since the hands seemed to be moving at a snails pace. But at least it was something.

The slow ticking became almost hypnotic as he became more aware of the drowsiness that was threatening his eyelids. He was beginning to realize why his friend Jongin had already fallen asleep, because the action seemed really tempting. The stormy weather going on outside wasn’t making things any better since the rhythmic patter of raindrops was practically lulling him to sleep. He didn’t even attempt to stifle his tired yawns anymore.

He was pretty much startled out of his ministrations when the loud tinny of the school bell ringing over the intercom system indicating that it was lunch time made him jump in surprise. He knew what that meant. Time to deal with those annoying girls who insisted on offering him their lunch by nearly shoving it in his face. Even though he always declined, they never seemed to take the hint. Who knows what kind of creepy love charms they might’ve tried putting in there.

For once in his life, the appeal of sleeping for an hour was really starting to outweigh the idea of spending the lunch hour eating with his friends. In his best attempt at being discreet, he ducked out of the room without getting caught by any of his female classmates.

Since school wasn’t necessarily designed to be a place of comfort, he really had to weigh his options for a bit. The only place he could really think of was the nurse’s office, but then he would’ve had to go and fake sick or something, which was too troublesome in his mind.

He nearly missed the all-too-colorful sign that blurred past his line of vision while he was mulling over his options. 

Art Club.


He had known the Art Club room to be an extremely quiet and comfortable place. There were a few plush couches and chairs here and there where club members spent countless hours sketching or planning the next school event. And the only time that anything really went on in there was whenever there was a club meeting or school activity going on that needed decorations, which wasn't very often. Nonetheless, it seemed like a good enough place for him to escape and take a nap.

Sliding the screen door open, and taking a quick glance to make sure no one was behind him, he entered the room. Taking a look at his surroundings, he was fairly pleased at the vast amount of open space that was dotted with various couches and chairs, just like he had expected.

He was about to take his pick when the clattering noise of multiple items spilling across the floor made him pause in his actions.

He froze, momentarily thinking he hadn’t been successful in escaping. But when he looked to the source of the noise, his breath was caught in his throat.

It was her.

His distraction. And she was even more striking up close.

And she was looking just as stunned as he was, staring at him with wide, alarmed eyes.

Taking note of the girl’s surroundings, he noticed numerous colored pencils and papers strewn across the floor. She must have dropped them in alarm since she probably wasn’t expecting anyone to just waltz into the room during that lunch period.

After awkwardly breaking eye contact with him, she decided to go to work and attempt to pick up the fallen objects, some of which had shot across the floor and rolled close to his feet. Though Sehun might’ve been rude to girls (and others in general) sometimes, he was raised in a household built on manners, and wasn’t about to let her go about picking up the pencils on her own. Especially when he was the cause of her butterfingers.

She offered him a small bow in thanks when he silently handed over the few pencils that he had picked up. While she busied herself in putting the pencils back into their original place, an image on one of the fallen papers caught his attention.

Now he wasn’t one to be incredibly dense, but he was fairly sure that was his face almost perfectly sketched out on one of the stray pieces of paper. Cocking his head to try and get a better view, his attempts were cut short when the girl hastily moved another stack of papers to cover the drawing.

Her actions only just about confirmed his suspicions.

That was most definitely a pretty detailed drawing of him. And why she had done a drawing of him was clearly a mystery.

But before he could even ask her about it, she was out the door in an attempt to avoid a bombardment of questions, hurriedly crumpling the papers to her chest protectively.

Failing to realize that a few pieces had fluttered out of her grasp.

He stood there for a while even moments after she was gone, a newfound look of interest playing on his features.

He could no longer consider her to be a distraction anymore, since she was clearly noticing him as well.

Upon closer inspection of one of the drawings, he noticed that although the picture was almost a perfectly done recreation of his face, there were a few mistakes or discontinued markings on the page, probably from not having a proper reference.

The next idea that popped into is head was probably the craziest he had ever come to consider. But he was far too interested now to even care anymore.

It was time for Sehun to turn on the charm. He had a girl to learn about.


Mari really should’ve learned her lesson during the next day, and should’ve at least thought that going back to the Art Club Room was a bad idea. But she had to find those drawings before someone else got to them. It would be the death of her if anyone else did.

She immediately froze first stepping foot into the room.

Sehun was perched on the windowsill with one of her sketchbooks open on his lap, absentmindedly leafing through the pages with an unreadable look on his face.

Oh no.

The color must’ve completely drained from her face, because she was more or less feeling a little lightheaded at the moment.

She wanted to run. To run far away and never look back. Of course she would leave her sketchbook full of her secret Sehun sketches out in the open. Only she would be so stupid as to do that.

Her heart was pounding so hard that she could feel the pulsations in her ears. The temptation to run was dangling on a thread right in front of her, daring to take the chance. But the fact that Sehun chose to speak was what stopped the girl in her tracks.

“You know,” he started, finally glancing at her with an amused stare, “there have been multiple tactics that girls have used to catch my attention, but I think this the first one that has worked.” 



A/N: Like I said in the foreward, I don't know how long this story will be going on, but it will be brief, so I hope you guys just enjoy it for now. :D

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sorry for the wait new chapter coming soon! (10/28)


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Chapter 1: Must be nice to have a photographic memory
Uuuuuuh this seems like a bery interesting story
spaghetti_soda #3
Chapter 12: I love it. It was a great story ^.^
junmenpapi #4
Chapter 11: this is so beautiful omygahd

i loved it authornim :D
Chapter 11: omg i cannot with all the ssehun feels like omg author-nim stamp im dyiinggggg~ omg i cant xDDD i love this story~~ thank you so much for writing this~~<33
I actually forgot that i did bookmark this story because the last time i read, you havent updated it. Glad this actually completed, now i'll finish reading this. Thank you for your story
MILKYcouple321 #7
Chapter 12: I lovedddd this story!!!! You truly have a very different way with words!!! I hope you become a writer one day!!!
Chapter 12: author 님~~~^^ 안녕~~^^ thanks for posting this ^^ i reread this fic 20x no kidding and i cant get enough of it now it's time for a new one~~^^ will subscribe to it~~~
Estellelovesyou #9
Chapter 11: It was poetic at times and was a very gentle, quiet read! Loved it! And thanks for writing ^^
Miemela #10
Chapter 11: This is a nice fantastic debooom fanfic!,