Flip of a Coin


He'd acquired a wealth of knowledge he had no recollection of attainting. It was like he'd woken from a coma, the last six years of his life all but obliterated the moment he woke in the bed of a notorious drug-dealing kingpin.


There was only a moment to breathe before his lips were caught between those of the other man's. The kiss held so much fervor that it stole away what little breath he'd managed to draw in. Jun Ki raised his hands to cover the back of the pair that cupped his face, pulling them down hastily and staring wide-eyed into the stranger's face. The other man had a wolfish grin on his face, his eyes twinkling not with a predatory glint like the others, but almost happy and...relieved.

"It's been too long," the man's tenor resonated, his smile flooring Jun Ki's refutation for the moment. But he gathered his wits quickly and stepped back from the other, face set in a dark scowl.
The other man couldn't miss it and his smile crumbled rather than faltered. "I told you I was sorry," he pleaded. He sure has hell wasn't sorry for that kiss, Jun Ki thought angrily.
"You have the wrong damned guy!" The delicate-looking young man's roar startled the other man, including those in the immediate area. Jun Ki ran the back of his hand roughly across his mouth, the action smearing his lips to the side a little. He was sick and tired of the world going in the wrong direction and random strangers molesting him in the street. He was tired of running into people he couldn't remember and who couldn't tell him what the hell had happened to him. And this man was most likely no different from the rest.
"Get the hell away from me," Jun Ki spat. He didn't even wait for a response before he melded with the city crowd.


I promised myself I wasn't going to post anything else until I've updated, but I'm almost done with the others in terms of updating another chapter for each, and so I'll just put this up here for now. I know I'm going to have fun with this. 

This is a sort of project I'd done to test myself and bring my writing back on track. And it's a testament to drakeissocoolxx who's always loved Stephen King about as much as I love Sidney Sheldon. This particular writer motivates me every so often to get back into my old writing style. So I hope you enjoy this as mcuh as I enjoyed thinking it up. 

The foreword is up! Can't wait to figure out how to actually start this thing xD


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Wasurenagusa #1
This story has rrally caught my attenion. I'd really like to read this one. So I'll be waiting for an whenever you will update. ^__^
Oh! You do have a knack for intriguing forewords my dear. It should (almost) be a crime how easily you can pull one into your story but that little tidbit is definitely more than enough to snare my interest. I am eagerly awaiting the first chapter and I wish you and your Muse much progress and just a teensy bit of luck. haha ;) *sits and waits patiently*