Dorm Life

Confessions of an American Fangirl. . .


Belle was sitting by herself in her and Adriel’s bedroom on her laptop. She was laying on her stomach on the bed and had several tabs open on the internet. She was simultaneously checking her email, facebook, and randomly surfing in a third tab. She suddenly got an email about a youtube upload and logged on there too.

She almost couldn’t contain herself as very familiar faces and a very familiar song played in front of her. She sat up and watched intently.

Belle finished the video and leapt from the bed, grabbing the laptop and rushing to the living room, “GUYS!” she called, “ADRIEL! GUYS!” she found Onew, Adriel, and Taemin sitting on the couch, and Key cooking in the kitchen, “GUYS, LOOK!”

“Calm down, child,” Adriel scolded, “stop yelling,”


“Stop yelling moron, inside voice!” the Umma continued.

Jonghyun emerged from his room down the hall, “What’s with all the yelling?” he asked.

Adriel sighed, “See? You interrupted Jonghyun-Oppa, he was probably composing a masterpiece and you ruined it,” she was standing now with both hands on her hips, “If we don’t win an award, it’s your fault,”

The dark haired girl rolled her eyes, “It doesn’t matter, SM Relea—“

“Dinner is almost ready,” Key came from the kitchen, a spatula in one hand and an oven mitt over the other. He smiled innocently, unaware of the conversation he was interrupting.

“Yah! Would you all shut up and let me finish?!” she groaned. Her tone was halfway between whining and yelling.

Onew and Taemin looked up innocently, “But, we didn’t even say anything…” their voices trailed off and everyone waited for the small girl to finish her announcement.

“Thank you,” she smiled slightly, “Now, I was trying to tell you tha—“

“I’m back from my run,” Minho’s smooth voice rang out through the dorm as the sound of the front door closing and even footsteps came closer.

Belle couldn’t keep from crying out in English, “ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!” She glared in his direction until he came into view.

The tall boy’s eyes widened with shock and confusion as he entered the room, “Wh-what did I do?”

Belle sighed in defeat, “Nothing,” she set the laptop she was still holding on the coffee table a bit rougher than she should have, “SM released our official teaser,” she muttered and took a step back.

“OH MY GOSH! REALLY?!” the other six took a moment to register her words before mobbing the small table from their various locations and gluing their eyes to the screen.

Key—who somehow ended up front and center even though he had been the farthest away—quickly read the mix of English and Hangul on the screen, “Let’s see…” he pressed the start button and they all watched anxiously.

“Wooow~” Taemin’s eyes sparkled with excitement as he watched the intro.

Minho was bouncing with energy, “Skip the boring intro. Go to the real part!” Onew nodded in agreement beside him.

“I wonder what vocals they used,” Jonghyun mused just as the video froze to buffer.

“NOOO!” they all cried out in unison.

Adriel threw her hands up in exasperation, “Stupid internet!”

“Load faster!” Minho agreed.

Belle, who had gone to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water, laughed tauntingly, “I already saw it~” she teased. All six shot her glares.

“Your computer ,” the blonde girl griped at her smug friend.

“That’s your laptop,” the smaller girl replied with a shrug and took a sip of her water.

Adriel’s brows furrowed, “You have your own laptop, why are you usi—“

“IT’S LOADED!” Key cut off her question and they all returned their attention back to the screen.

Jongyun paused the video and looked at the others, “Wait—“

“WHAT?!” they all groaned impatiently.

The puppy nodded toward their television, “We can connect it to the T.V. and watch on the bigger screen.”

Onew shook his head, “No, let’s just watch it on the computer.”

“I have the cord right here,” the shorter boy smiled and held up said object.

Belle raised an eyebrow questioningly, “Did you have that in your pocket?”

“No,” the dinosaur chuckled, “It was in that drawer,” he gestured to an open drawer in the coffee table.

Taemin was getting annoyed, “Are we going to watch or not?”

Key swept the laptop off the table and carried it to the entertainment unit, “Just hurry and set it up.”

Minho and Jonghyun rotated the T.V. to plug in the cord and set it to the right channel.

“Finally,” Onew sighed as everyone sat on the floor and prepared to once again press ‘play.’

“Yay,” Taemin clapped his hands happily as everyone settled in.

Key reached over and clicked start but the web page had refreshed and was buffering all over again. Five pairs of eyes turned icily on Jonghyun.

“Yah! I didn’t know!” he threw his hands up in surrender as they threatened to hit him.

Another smug smile danced across Belle’s lips because she was still the only one to have seen the teaser, “Why don’t we go eat and watch after dinner?” she suggested.

“NO!” they all shot back.

The dark-haired girl muttered under her breath and crossed her arms across her chest as she still stood behind them all.

“I’m impatient,” Adriel said with a less sharp tone, “I want to watch it now.”

Belle shrugged, “Well, I’m hungry so I’m eating.”

Onew, Minho, and Taemin rose to their feet, “I can be patient,” the tallest grinned at the thought of food.

“We’ll eat with you,” Onew smiled as well.

Taemin nodded, “We can’t let you eat alone.”

Belle beamed, “Aww thanks oppas!” She hugged Minho, then Onew, and then stopped in front of Taemin. He also made no move to hug the girl and both stood awkwardly for a moment as she remembered what happened that day.

The four went and got bowls of food before returning to the living room and sitting on the couches.

“Yah,” Key nagged, “No food in the living room,”

Belle, still slightly flustered about all the ruckus, just glared and took a pointed bite.

“Tch,” Key scoffed, “ Since when does my child have so much attitude?” he turned back to face the TV as the video was about finished loading.

Belle muttered under her breath, “Since she couldn’t get a word in any other way… “ only Onew heard her, and he chuckled.

“Dang right she’s your child,” Adriel answered the diva’s rhetorical question, “My children are well behaved,”

“Yah!” he protested, “ She’s yours, you brought her into my family!”

“It’s done loading!” Jonghyun grinned, ceasing all talking as he pushed ‘play’.

They all had their eyes locked on the screen for the minute and a half teaser. As it ended, they all sat, still staring at the screen.

“Told you it was good,” the shorter girl shrugged and continued eating, “Did you see we have new stage names, Adriel?”

Good? That was amazing!” Adriel finally said after a moment of silence except the sound of Belle’s chopsticks tapping her bowl. She didn’t even hear the second part of what her best friend had said.

Minho looked at the maknae, “A-Are you crying?

“No!” the blonde quickly covered her face to hide her blush.

“She cries at all your teasers and new music videos,” Belle shrugged again.

Adriel flung a pillow at the older girl, “Shut up!” she yelled.

“Yahh!” the smaller girl reflexively jerked and tried to dodge the attack, “You’re going to make me spill!” she whined as she threw the pillow back with one hand.

Key gave the eating girl a reprimanding look, “That is why you’re not allowed to eat in the living room.”

Minho, Jonghyun, Taemin, and Onew were completely oblivious to them as they re-watched the teaser.

“Key~” Jonghyun sang, “You messed up here,” he paused the video to be sure Kibum was watching.

Key whipped around to face the screen, “Yah, no I didn’t!”

“What, where?” Onew clicked back in the video and played it again, “I didn’t see… “

“Ha!” Taemin pointed and laughed, “I saw it,”

Key rolled his eyes and scoffed, “Of course you saw, you dancing prodigy child. You would notice even the most miniscule error,”

Adriel joined in, mocking the youngest boy in a high, falsetto voice, “Oh, you didn’t turn your hand two more degrees to the left,”

“Yah, my voice is not that high!” Taemin whined, “And I don’t talk like that… “ he muttered and pouted.

“Taeminnie, Minho smirked, “You kind of do,” he patted the boy’s head lightly as Jonghyun just laughed.

“Hey, why are you even mocking me!?” the victim turned to Adriel, “I’m older than you, you should respect me!”

The blonde raised her eyebrows questioningly at him, “Really? Are you forgetting who cooks half the meals in this house, cleans up after you, and buys you Pikachu stuff? Huh?” she had her hands on her hips as she spoke.

Her list had rendered the boy speechless.

“I give you tons of love,” she continued, “I could even say you’re my favorite,” she smiled.

He blushed and grinned brightly as everyone else erupted in yells of protest.

“I thought I was your favorite!” Belle yelled with semi sad, shocked eyes.

Adriel looked down and scratched her head guiltily, “Uh… you’re actually… fourth… “

The dark haired girl’s mouth dropped open, and her eyes grew impossibly large, “Fourth?!

The younger chuckled awkwardly, “Yeah… Taebaby is first, Minho and Key are tied for second, and Onew and Jjongie are my third place cuddle buddies… “

The smallest’s voice rose about four octaves, “I’m in last place?!” she squeaked.

“You’re number one on my girls list,” Adriel tried to cheer her up.

Belle scoffed, “I’m the only girl on your girl list!” she yelled.

“There’s Alice-Noona too,” Taemin piped in.

“See?” Adriel smiled, “Taemin’s right,”

Belle rolled her eyes, “She’s your sister, she doesn’t count. You have to like her,” she was now pouting with both arms tightly across her chest and her legs crossed on the couch.

The blonde changed tactics and turned the argument around on her friend, “Why are we only talking about you? Where am I on your list?” she put her hands on her hips and looked at Belle questioningly.

The dark haired girl didn’t miss a beat with her response, “You’re all my favorites for different reasons. All of them are number one,” she beamed.

“Aish, that’s exactly what I was saying!” Adriel threw her hands up.

Belle ignored her and continued talking, “See, Key-Oppa is my favorite Umma,” Adriel shouted in protest but was ignored again, “Onew-Oppa is my favorite cuddly dubu, Jjongie-Oppa is my favorite puppysaurus, Minho-Oppa is my favorite giant, and Adriel is my favorite sister, BFF, person,” the smile never left the girl’s face as she spoke.

Adriel went over to hug Taemin, who had begun to pout. She clutched his head as he was sitting down, “What about my Taebaby?”

“Yeah,” Key agreed, ruffling the younger boy’s hair lightly, “The poor child,”

“Poor me… “ Taemin’s lower lip protruded cutely as it trembled slightly, and his eyes were large and sad.

Everyone looked expectantly at her for an answer, but she could only flush bright pink.

Jonghyun chuckled, “Oh, leave the poor girl alone,” he threw an arm over her shoulders, “We all know where she stands with him,” he smirked as he drew her into his embrace.

Belle had hidden her face in his chest to conceal her flushed cheeks, “What’s that supposed to mean?” her demand was muffled.

“Wait, what?” Taemin slapped his hands down on top of the coffee table.

“Don’t worry about it Minnie,” Minho said.

Onew’s face was blank for a moment before he cried out, “Oh, you mean to say that she – “ he stopped mid sentence as Belle shot him a death glare.

Adriel patted the leader’s arm, “Yes, dear, we all know. No need to announce it,” she chuckled.

Key chimed in, “Quiet down Appa,” he said with an affectionate smile as he made eye contact with the blonde girl.

Onew dipped his head in a submissive manner and smiled, “Okay… Ummas… “ he giggled playfully.

Belle giggled, “Yah, Dinohead, can you get off me now?” she pushed on Jonghyun’s broad chest.

Jonghyun tightened his grip, “I don’t know, can I?” he said cheekily.

Belle’s eyes narrowed, “I know where you’re ticklish,” she grinned evilly as she wiggled her fingers dangerously close to the dino’s ribs.

He immediately released his hold, “Okayokayokay!,” he turned towards Key, “Yeobo,” he whined, “I’m being bullied,” he unleashed his crocodile tears as he threw his arms around the diva and nuzzled his face into the other's neck.

The other boys paid their skinship no mind; it was normal to them. But the girls immediately looked at each other, grinning like maniacs.

“O-T-P!” they cried in English.

Taemin joined in on the hug, starving for attention, “Aw, poor Hyung,”

The two hugging boys welcomed the smallest boy with grins before returning to their cuddle puddle.

The two girls were huddled together, also watching them interact as they giggled quietly.

Minho came up behind them, “What are you doing?” he asked, raising a brow.

“SHH!” they the tallest boy simultaneously before turning back.

Minho sighed and turned towards the leader, “Hyung?”

Onew merely shook his head, smiling knowingly, “Don’t even ask, I gave up understanding girls years ago, especially fangirls,”

The two observing boys shook their heads,” Women,” they said.

The girls had taken out their phones and were snapping pictures of the three boys who were in their own little world.

Suddenly, Key’s camera senses tingled, “Who’s fangirling right now?” he snapped his head to the girls.

Adriel and Belle hid their phones behind their backs and waved simultaneously, smiling sweetly.

The boys just eyed them suspiciously.

“I know what they were doing,” Minho wiggled his eyebrows.

The girls tackled him to the ground, “SHHH!” they screamed.

Adriel pressed her index finger to his lips, “Don’t say a word,” she whispered like a e.

Belle stood up and dusted herself off, pulling Adriel up with her, “You’re both such creepers,” she said through her laughter.

Before Adriel could respond, Key spoke up, “I’m hungry,” he grabbed the blonde girl, “Let’s go get our food since these meanies didn’t wait for us,” he stuck out his tongue at the rest of them.

“Yah,” they all complained.

Jonghyun followed them, his virtual tail wagging excitedly, “I need food too~”




^O^ how'd you guys like it? 



kayyy, time for the gif spam that's longer than the actual chapter!! xD








*laughs evilly*


Keep reading for the scene you've all been waiting for!!!






After the SHINee members finally calmed down, the dorm was at peace once again. Belle and Adriel were stationed at the sink on dish washing duty. Adriel was elbow deep with suds as she washed, and Belle stood brandishing a dish towel as she dried.

“So tell me,” Adriel began, “What happened between you and Taemin?”

Belle almost dropped the glass bowl she was placing on the drying rack, but she saved it just in time, “Wh-what?! I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she looked away.

Adriel narrowed her eyes, “Yah, I know something happened, don’t lie to me girl. You two have been acting like magnets who’s opposing poles are facing each other,” she flicked some bubbles at her best friend.

The dark haired girl squeaked at the sudden wetness, “Yah, how do you always know?” she asked, irritated.

“Because I know you, I’m practically your sister,” Adriel made a face at some stubborn grease she was scrubbing furiously off a frying pan, “I can read you like a book, honey. Now, tell me,”

Belle sighed, “Well, Taemin asked me to ditch with him at the recordings that one day, and I agreed, because, you know, what’s the harm in that? It sounded like fun and we weren't really doing anything anyway,” she gripped the edge of the towel.

Adriel nodded, “And then what happened,” she passed the clean pan to Belle.

“We were running down the hall towards the elevators when one of them opened, and then… ” she paused, concentrating on catching every bit of moisture from the pan.

“And then…?”

“Taemin pulled me into this little storage closet because it was the managers coming out of the elevator, and we had to hide from them, you know?”

Adriel shut off the water, grabbing the towel from Belle, “So you two were in this small closet… alone... “

Belle nodded mutely.

“I think I know where this is going, continue,” the blonde leaned up against the counter, watching her friend intently.

“It was dark, so I couldn’t see very well. I was asking where he was when suddenly he..." she couldn’t finish.

“What did he do?”

“He... kissed me,” Belle's voice was barely audible and she gave her friend a pleading look as she bit her lip.

Adriel stared at her for a moment, “I knew it!” she exclaimed, taking her by the shoulders and grinning, “So? Did you kiss him back? How was it? Is he a good kisser? Then why are you guys acting so weird? Shouldn’t you be together now?”

Belle squeezed her eyes shut at the sudden onslaught of questions, not knowing where to start, “I didn’t kiss him back,” she said softly, “After the initial kiss I... kind of... pushed him away because I was surprised. I couldn’t really say anything so he must have thought I rejected him,” she had a sad look on her face.

Adriel’s face dropped, “So, what happened?”

“He let me go and apologized. That’s when we returned to the recording studio. He’s been acting like it didn't even happened ever since,” Belle sighed for the third time.

The younger girl pulled her friend into a warm, squishy hug, “Oh, I’m so sorry baby,” she rubbed Belle’s back, “Hey; I say you go confess to him. I mean, he kissed you. That has to mean something to him,”

Belle pulled away and smiled, “Yeah... I guess you’re right,”

The girls giggled excitedly, “You better tell me everything after it happens, got it?” Adriel said.

Belle grinned, “Of course!”


okay, now it's the REAL ending!! xD


mwahahaha i bet when the first part ended you guys were like "Why is it endingg?? What happened to TaeBelle???"


And then, when I was like JUST KIDDING,  you guys were like:


so yeah, forgive me, i couldn't resist >:D


love you guys!


~OTB out~

 Hahaha it was totally my idea to trick you all >:D

Aren't I evil???? Haha but you all love us, so you forgive us, right? Right???

Hope you all like the chapter that breaks all our records for length~~



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TL's username is now anythingkpop so don't freak out and think she left. She didn't^^


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Chapter 60: sorry for the slow comment; no internet access TT
but I'm so glad you updated! ^^
Onew is so so so so so cute!!! ahh asdfjskdfjsdlf <3333
I can't wait for the next chapter ^^
lisapyon #2
Chapter 60: *sees "story updates" alert on profile* Ooooo, an update! *clicks button* O.O They updated?!?! *floored*

*quickly clicks link to make sure she isn't dreaming* They updated!!! *reads chapter* I'd forgotten how amazing this story was. *floored again*
Chapter 60: Yay~ I can use this for my update in ICOLY!
For my finale *sobs*
And this was just soo... *rolls around* its so cute my cute little dubu <3
Chapter 59: Oh god I love you xD
I'll have to go back through and edit this next time we update....
Djowjdnebsicosmbdjekd hahaha
Chapter 59: whoa an update!! yay!! :D
but a cliffhanger?! noooo!!! ><
now you must update again soon!!! <3 or else I will die of curiosity!!
Onew's being sketch...and a little bit ghetto with that hoodie. xD
ahh I have missed this story; it brings back good memories ^^
please update again soon!! love you! <333
Chapter 59: Lol, suspicious behavior *wiggles eyebrows*
Anyways, I was surprised when I saw your update I was all O.O
Hahaha, but I'm so glad to see these characters again, I missed it terribly, you have no idea (even if they're in my story I can't write them like you can, sooo.... xD)
But yeah, I loved the update, as short as it was. Like I said, I love the characters <3
Okay.... I'm done....
Love you girl!
Chapter 59: Oh. My. Gosh.


*does happy dance of extreme happiness*


Really short...




But I'm not complaining! *glomps you* Thank you for continuing this work or art!

*dies of happiness*
Chapter 56: So... I think it should go into introducting Onew's... well, yeah and also... maybe fast forward to Minho's?
Idek... I used to know where you guys were going with this... and then there's catching up with my story... lol
Which, you really don't have to hahaha
Chapter 56: NOOOOO!!!! OTB-Unnie! You're back!!! *glomps a bagillion times and more* I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!! Did you get your notebook back? I still can't find you. T___T I honestly have no idea where to go with this. I suggest asking heartykeykeke. She's a great writer and I think she could probably think of something. Unnie's, fightinG!!!