Preparing For Promos

Confessions of an American Fangirl. . .


Bright and early the morning after the SHINee sleepover, six chests rose and fell under the mass of blankets on the living room floor. The missing one’s pink socked feet tip-toed over the sleeping brood, his rainbow hair still slightly damp from his shower. Yes, Key had already been awake for about an hour, and was almost completely ready for the day. He gingerly walked to the nest of sleepers and stood over them, watching them sleep peacefully.

Belle had managed to turn completely sideways; her legs draped over Onew and she had her head burrowed into Taemin’s chest. Her makeshift pillow had all of his limbs sprawled out, the blanket no longer even covering young boy. The leader was curled on his side in an almost fetal position under the redhead’s legs. His lips were in a slight pout and he clutched the corner of his blanket as he slept.

Jonghyun was beside Taemin, lying on his tummy with his right arm curled under his body and his left tucked under his chin. Key smiled at the cute scene before looking at the last two sleeping. When he had awoken in the dark earlier, he hadn’t noticed, but as he stood there, his worst fears were confirmed.

Right smack in front of him, Adriel and Minho lay together, completely asleep. They were wrapped in each other’s arms, and Key hated how perfectly they were fitting together; like puzzle pieces. Their feet were in the same place and the brunette’s head rested peacefully on the tall boy’s chest. Her arms were wrapped around his waist and his were wrapped around her shoulders. It was too much for Key, This has to stop, he thought as he took a deep breath.

“Wake up my lovelies! Rise and shine!” he sang. The sleeping bunch stirred at the diva’s loud wake-up call.

Adriel scrunched up her face, eyes still closed, and clung tighter to Minho’s warmth, “No,” she groaned in protest.

“No, no. None of that,” Key said, prying her off of his rival, “We need to get you ladies ready,” he went on as he got her standing. He kicked Jonghyun in the leg as he stepped over the dinosaur. The rainbow-haired boy nudged Taemin in the ribs as he reached down to pick up the girl on top of the other two.

Belle remained as floppy as a noodle, “Why, Umma?” she groaned as he pulled her up. She yawned hugely and slid her arms around him once he got her standing, making him support almost all of her weight because she was too tired to hold herself up.

The Umma rubbed her back, “Because San Dee Noona expects us to be presentable when we go to see her.” He took Adriel’s hand, “Plus, we all have to go to the salon and get our new hairstyles before the photo shoot.”

Jonghyun suddenly say up, “Crap, I need to get ready! Noona just about murdered me last time when I came in sweats!” He shuttered at the memory of their stylist.

Minho rolled over, still half asleep, “We warned you…”

“It was your own fault,” Onew added as he rubbed his tired eyes and stood up.

“Yah!” the puppy pouted.

Adriel spoke up, “Uh… She sounds kind of scary…” her eyes widened.

Taemin got to his feet and shook out his fluffy orange hair, “She really isn’t if you just stay on her good side.”

Belle bit her lip, “Kibum-oppa! Help us!”

Key’s eyes sparkled, “Already done, my darlings, your outfits are laid out on your bed.”

Three hours later, the seven SHINee members arrived at the salon to have their hair freshly styled. Each of the boys had been given a completely new look. Minho had lost his long hair and was now sporting a very short, almost-buzzed faux hawk. Onew’s hair had grown out a significant amount since their Ring Ding Dong comeback and was only trimmed, dyed a slightly darker color, and styled to the side. He seemed satisfied with his new appearance.

Much to everyone’s dismay, Jonghyun lost his amazing tri-colored blonde hair. His hair was dyed back to natural brown and put up in a spiky do around his head.

Taemin had received a full transformation as his puffy mushroom hair was dyed a chestnut color, then thinned out. He had was given extensions that made his hair past shoulder-length, especially when meticulously straightened.

Key had by far the most drastic change though. His colorful hair had been dyed mostly brown with the exception of the shaved right side of his head which had been bleached to blonde. The brown hair was gelled to flare sideways and resembled flames. One by one, the other boys began rubbing the bald area, much to Key’s irritation.

Finally, it was time for the girls. They had to undergo a full body makeover. Since they had never had to keep up an idol image, the stylists basically had to wipe the slate clean and remodel the girls.

While the boys had been waiting for their various hair dyes to set, they had periodically heard shrieks coming from the neighboring room. The girls were being waxed head to toe with the exception of the tops of their heads and their eyebrows.

When they were finally done, they were red and tender. It was now time for their hair. Belle had always been familiar with dying her hair; in high school she had gone through at least four different shades of red and brown before returning to her natural color. But none of that prepared her for what they did to her orangey-red locks.

Belle’s hair had been dyed jet black and had been chopped into layers. The ends of her hair were still red, but nothing close to the natural-looking color it was before. They were bright crimson. Her hair had been straightened meticulously; making the ends look sharp and the girl herself look almost dangerous. She stared wide eyed at her reflection after the reveal. She couldn’t believe it.

Adriel was in a similar trance in her own chair. She gaped in the mirror and saw that her short dark brown hair had been bleached platinum blonde and no longer fell to her shoulders. She had been given extensions which made her hair fall clear down to her waist. She ran her fingers through the waves of blonde and wondered how such a transformation could have occurred.

“If this is how we look,” Belle mumbled and flipped her bangs to the side, “I wonder what the guys look like…”

Adriel didn’t answer but one of the hair dressers interrupted both of their thoughts, “It’s time for both of you to go to the fashion stylists,” she checked the girls’ hair one last time before sending them to a new room.

As they walked down the hall, following the directions they had been given, there were no mirrors and the two became engrossed in figuring out everything that was changed in the other. They soon reached a door with SHINee’s name on it and paused for a moment.

“Here goes nothing,” Adriel said, her hand poised on the handle. Both girls took deep breaths before opening the door and finding five boys they almost couldn’t recognize. Their jaws dropped as they saw the changes in their friends. Adriel immediately went over to Key and began petting the shaved side of his head.

“Wh-what are you doing?” the diva asked, not realizing who the angelic blonde girl petting him was.

“It’s us…” Belle said, still taking in the new appearances before her, “Minho-Oppa, your long hair is gone,” she giggled as she looked to the youngest of the boys, “I think they gave it all to Taemin-Oppa!”

As they all were getting used to the new looks, their lead stylist walked in. She was a woman of average height, but taller than both SHINee girls. Her chocolate brown hair was long, curly, and pulled away from her face with a shiny silver headband. She was wearing a very nice light pink blouse with a matching knee-length black and pink skirt with hints of silver designs. Black pumps adorned her feet.

Taemin was the first to notice her entrance, “Noona!” he bounded over and gave her a hug.

“Ah,” she smiled and ruffled his hair, “How’s my Taeminnie? You grew! You’re becoming a real man!” He beamed at her compliments and was almost overflowing with pride.

“Hi San Dee-Noona,” Onew grinned, “How are you today?”

She returned his eye smile, “I’m great!”

Jonghyun awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, “H-hey, Noona.”

“Well,” she looked over him, “It seems you learned your lesson, haven’t you, Jonghyun? Good,” she smirked triumphantly and turned her attention to the tall boy, “Minho dear, you look very handsome today.”

“You look nice too, Noona,” he replied with a nod.

“Noona!” Key finally took the spotlight, “I brought you some gifts!” he gestured to the girls who were on each side of him but very close to hiding behind him.

San Dee smiled, “Kibum honey,” she gave him air kisses on each cheek, “My, my. You’re as perfect as always.”

“As are you, Noona, but look what I have for you,” Key looked to each side to find the girls were now both completely behind him, “Now now, come out and let San Dee-Noona get a look at you.” He gently pushed them forward.

The stylist’s eyes widened slightly, “What do we have here? Are you boys smuggling fangirls into my dressing room?” she joked and the younger girls blushed deeply.

“This is Belle and Adriel, the newest SHINee members,” Taemin jumped into the conversation, gesturing to each girl as he said her name.

The tall woman’s brows furrowed, “New members? Why didn’t I hear about this?”

“We only found out about three weeks ago,” Onew shrugged from his spot on the small couch in the room. He rested his elbow on the armrest and laid his head on his fist, watching the others tiredly.

“You guys knew three weeks ago and didn’t tell me!?” San Dee was about to smack the closest boy to her, but Key managed to dodge just in time.

Adriel was the first of the shy girls to finally speak, “It’s not their fault, we were busy preparing for the comeback. Belle and I had a lot to learn.”

San Dee’s mood flipped completely, “Omo! You two are so cute,” she lightly pinched Adriel’s cheek and ruffled Belle’s hair as they both blushed, “You have an adorable little accent,” she clapped her hands happily, “Both of you call me ‘Unnie’ from now on!”

“Kibum, you lied,” the blonde turned to the boy, “She’s not scary at all!”

“What?!” San Dee looked at him, shocked, “You said I was scary?!”

Key threw his hands up with his palms out in surrender, “No! No! I didn’t!”

“He did, I heard it,” Minho smirked and received a death glare from his rival.

“Come here,” San Dee glared and dragged Key out of the room.

Belle watched the whole scene with a look of confusion, “Well, that clears up whether or not she’s scary,” she muttered sarcastically.

“I know, right?” Adriel agreed as they both continued to look at the long closed door.

“Don’t worry,” Taemin came up and threw an arm over each of their shoulders, “Just act cute all the time and she can’t stay mad at you,” he stage-whispered.

“Hey!” Jonghyun had overheard the young boy’s remark, “That never works for me!”

“Because your face isn’t cute,” Adriel replied matter-of-factly and shrugged out from under Taemin’s arm.

Jonghyun’s face turned shocked then defensive, “I am cute!”

Belle shook her head, “No, you’re not cute. You’re—“

“Yah!” Jonghyun yelled, cutting her off and pouting.

“Pabo,” Belle glared at him and went to stand beside Adriel who was once again looking at her blonde hair in one of the mirrors, “You didn’t let me finish. I was going to say more, but now I won’t.” her tone was borderline childish, but the dinosaur was acting like a child too, so it fit.

“Wait, what?!” he rushed over to her, “Tell me! Tell me!” he tugged her arm repeatedly, “Please?”

The dark-haired girl shook her head, “Nope. You don’t want to know or else you would have let me finish in the first place.” She leaned away from the whining boy and whispered in Adriel’s ear.

The younger girl grinned, “Yes, exactly! That’s what I thought too.”

“See? We do share a brain,” her best friend chuckled.

The puppy’s eyes widened and his face was shocked, “Please! I want to know!”

Belle shook her head indignantly before going over and whispering to Taemin, “You don’t thinkI am?” the boy responded, his voice sad.

“No, no,” Belle shook her head, “You’re both,” she smiled at the now-beaming boy.

“Hurray!” the chestnut-haired boy rejoiced and went to finish getting ready.

Jonghyun crossed his arms in a pout, “No fair,” he grumbled.

Adriel smirked at the boy’s childish actions, “Hey, Onew-oppa, do you want to know?” she called to the leader, who had fallen asleep on the couch along with Minho after both had finished getting ready. They were tired after the long night before.

“Eh?” he rubbed his tired eyes and shook his head, “No, I don’t care.” He laid his head back on the armrest and closed his eyes again.

The door to the room opened then and a smug San Dee entered with a pouting Kibum following behind her. Adriel went over to him and whispered, “Key-oppa, what happened?”

“Oh nothing,” he threw on a smile after seeing her concern. San Dee stood nearby, eyeing the girls and trying to decide what she was going to do to dress them.

“Belle-ah?” Jonghyun continued to pester the girl, “I really want to know, please tell me,” he pleaded with his cutest face.

“Aish, you’re such a bother,” she rolled her eyes and lightly shoved his shoulder, “Fine, I’ll tell you, if—“

“Yay!” the dinosaur accidentally cut her off again with his mini celebration. She glared at him and raised an eyebrow; he was really testing her patience, “Sorry, continue,” he gestured for her to keep speaking.

“I said that you’re not cute because you’re—“

The girl was cut off by someone else this time, “Belle-ah! It’s time for you to come with me so I can dress you up!” San Dee had come over and threw an arm around the girl; Adriel was on her other side. The older woman began to drag the younger two away. Belle looked over her shoulder and shrugged at the dumbfounded Jonghyun.

“No, wait!” the persistent boy tried to stop them but San Dee had already gotten them out of the room. He turned around and scanned the room. Onew and Minho were sleeping on the couch, Key was in the adjoining changing area getting dressed, and Taemin was sitting at the make-up table. The boy was absently fiddling with some of the random containers in his boredom. Jonghyun smirked and mustered up his cutest voice, “Oh Taeminnie~”

The maknae turned to look at his hyung with an arched eyebrow, skepticism clear in his features. His voice was flat when he replied, “She said you’re hot.”

Jonghyun was overjoyed, “Really?! They said I was hot?”

“Yes,” Taemin rolled his eyes at how easily the older boy’s mood swayed, “Go get dressed in your outfit before San Dee-Noona comes back and kills you,” the maknae had already changed, as well as Onew and Minho. Even Key was just emerging from the changing area, ready with everything but his stage makeup, “Again,” Taemin added, nudging his hyung.

“Oh it was one time,” Jonghyun rolled his eyes did as he was told.

Key chuckled at the two and walked over to the couch to rouse the pair sleeping there (A/N: omg that rhymed xD), “Minho, Jinki-Hyung, time to wake up. Noona will be back to do our makeup soon.”

“Okay,” Minho sat up and stretched, Onew nodded and yawned.


“Alright, ladies,” San Dee had brought the girls to a room almost identical to the one they had just left, “Let’s see what I have for you two…”

Belle looked around, “So, have you been the stylist for SHINee for very long, Unnie?”

She watched as San Dee began taking measurements of Adriel, “Oh yes, I have been their main stylist since their debut. Although, I’ve had several assistants come and go through each comeback,” she smiled as she went over to Belle with the measuring tape drawn.

“You must know them pretty well,” Adriel smiled.

San Dee returned a warm smile, “Yes, those guys are rascals, but I love them.”

“We can see that,” the blonde replied with a chuckle.

San Dee was still taking Belle’s size, “Honey, you’re so small; so itty-bitty,” she patted the girl’s shoulder.

“I’m not that small, Unnie,” Belle blushed.

Adriel smiled, “Yeah you are,” she went over and squeezed her friend in a hug, “But you’re so cute!”

San Dee watched the girls and suddenly snapped her fingers, “I got it! I know exactly what your concept will be!” with that, she skipped over to one of the many clothing racks adorning the room and began sifting through the hangers without another word.

“Care to enlighten us, Unnie?” Belle had managed to free herself from the now blonde’s death gripping hug.

“I hope everything fits me,” Adriel fidgeted awkwardly.

San Dee stopped and turned toward the girl, “Nonsense, no talk like that! Just let me work my magic,” the youngest didn’t reply as the woman went back to the clothing racks.

“Yah,” the shortest girl nudged her friend, “don’t be starting this insecurity crap now,” she turned her friend to face her fully, both hands firmly on her shoulders, “How many times have we had this conversation?”

The blonde sighed, “Yeah, but I’m – “

“Beautiful,” her friend smiled reassuringly, “Everyone thinks so, except for you,” she tucked a lock of blonde hair behind Adriel’s ear.

“Now girls,” San Dee interrupted their serious moment, “change into these,” she out a set of clothes to each girl.

Adriel eyed the small pile she was given warily, “B-but, Unnie…”

“No questions; just go put these on,” she shoved them to the changing area. As they were changing, they found themselves increasingly self-conscious.

“Oh my gosh,” Belle held up an undistinguishable piece of fabric, “First of all, what is this? And second, how do you even wear it?”

Adriel examined her own clothes, “There is definitely a lack of fabric in my outfit…”

“All done ladies?” San Dee came in after reorganizing the clothes she had messed up during her searching in the other room.

Both girls were slightly tangled in their outfits, “Uh… a little help?” they both looked at their unnie helplessly.

San Dee laughed at the girl’s cute innocence and went over to them, “Here,” she began pulling and straightening the girls’ clothes, “There, better?” she nudged them towards the full length mirror. Their eyes widened at their appearances and San Dee sighed with satisfaction, “Sometimes, I even surprise myself…”

“W-we don’t look weird?” Adriel asked apprehensively.

“Not at all,” the brunette woman replied sweetly, “You girls look gorgeous,” Belle blushed at the compliment, “Now you need to stay here while I go check on those silly boys. Some of my assistants will come to help you with the finishing touches.” The girls nodded as their unnie left.

Only a minute or two later, three stylist came in to finish the girls’ looks. They chatted kindly with the girls until San Dee’s return, about twenty minutes later. Adriel and Belle were both completely ready for the photo shoot.

“Time for the big reveal!” the head stylist sang as she took each of the girls by the hand, “Let’s go show those boys their made-over band-mates.” She took them back to the SHINee dressing room and motioned for them to wait in the hallway as she slipped inside, “Presenting,” they heard her dramatic voice, “the girls of SHINee~” She swept her arm in a flourish and widened the door, revealing the girls beyond.

The pair took a couple shy steps in. Every boy’s eyes widened and their jaws dropped.

“Ah!” Belle jumped behind her friend, “We look bad!”

“Don’t hide behind me! I should hide behind you!” the blonde struggled to slip behind the shorter girl, but the latter was latched onto the former’s back.

Key was the first to break the spell of shock, “No! Don’t hide. Let Umma get a good look at you,” his voice was soothing.

“I’ve already seen us,” Adriel sassed and stuck her tongue out at him.

The diva rolled his eyes at her childishness, “Me, Umma,” he clarified with a sigh as he tried to separate the girls to see both clearly. Adriel blushed and Belle clung to her like glue.

“Yah! Stop that!” San Dee put a hand on her hip and scolded the girls in their native tongue, “Be confident! Don’t hide your hotness! You’re fabulous; flaunt it!”

The dark haired girl cocked her head to the side and looked to Adriel, “I wonder if she always talks in audible alliteration…” she said, also in English. (A/N: Alliteration: repeated use of a letter/sound at the beginning of words in a sentence).

Adriel burst into laughter; as did Key and Onew, who understood.

San Dee stopped to think for a moment, “Hmm, I guess I did,” she chuckled.

Jonghyun, Minho, and Taemin stood dumbfounded, “What?” they all said. They were ignored as the blonde girl took this opportunity to slip behind her short friend.

Belle quickly moved behind San Dee and Adriel followed.

Minho rolled his eyes, “Would you two man up and let us see you for real, please?”

The girls didn’t move as San Dee tapped her foot and had her arms crossed across her chest in irritation.

Jonghyun and Key exchanged a mischievous look before slithering to each side of their stylist. Each boy grabbed a girl; Jonghyun grabbed Belle by the shoulders and Key slid an arm around Adriel’s waist. They dragged the shy pair into full view as the girls yelped in protest, their faces flushing bright pink.

Onew spoke reassuringly, “Girls, don’t be shy, you look great!”

“Not just great,” Jonghyun smirked, “Hot~”

Key, Minho, and Taemin all three reached over and smacked the Dinosaur. San Dee raised an eyebrow before realization dawned on her as she looked between the girls and the violent trio, “Oooh, so cute!” she clapped her hands happily as the others looked at her like she was crazy.


IK, IK... this was kinda late..... 




9 pages on Microsoft Word.... OTL

you guys better be thankful.... it took us THREE class periods during school to type this... and each period is about an hour and a half long >.<


lol jk~ we love youuuu~~


We'd like to take a moment to appreciate our most frequent commentors:

vocbirdpic~ you're super cute xD we love hearing your opinions~


shininglucifer~ UNNIEEE!!!! we love you, as always <333


Unmei474~ Nee-Chan/Eommonie~ you know what we're thinking ;D


anyways... all you other subbers: WE KNOW THERE'S MORE THAN JUST 3 OF YOU~!


xD <4 (4 is greater than 3... omfg lame pun.... OTL)


<3 Love, TL and OTB

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TL's username is now anythingkpop so don't freak out and think she left. She didn't^^


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Chapter 60: sorry for the slow comment; no internet access TT
but I'm so glad you updated! ^^
Onew is so so so so so cute!!! ahh asdfjskdfjsdlf <3333
I can't wait for the next chapter ^^
lisapyon #2
Chapter 60: *sees "story updates" alert on profile* Ooooo, an update! *clicks button* O.O They updated?!?! *floored*

*quickly clicks link to make sure she isn't dreaming* They updated!!! *reads chapter* I'd forgotten how amazing this story was. *floored again*
Chapter 60: Yay~ I can use this for my update in ICOLY!
For my finale *sobs*
And this was just soo... *rolls around* its so cute my cute little dubu <3
Chapter 59: Oh god I love you xD
I'll have to go back through and edit this next time we update....
Djowjdnebsicosmbdjekd hahaha
Chapter 59: whoa an update!! yay!! :D
but a cliffhanger?! noooo!!! ><
now you must update again soon!!! <3 or else I will die of curiosity!!
Onew's being sketch...and a little bit ghetto with that hoodie. xD
ahh I have missed this story; it brings back good memories ^^
please update again soon!! love you! <333
Chapter 59: Lol, suspicious behavior *wiggles eyebrows*
Anyways, I was surprised when I saw your update I was all O.O
Hahaha, but I'm so glad to see these characters again, I missed it terribly, you have no idea (even if they're in my story I can't write them like you can, sooo.... xD)
But yeah, I loved the update, as short as it was. Like I said, I love the characters <3
Okay.... I'm done....
Love you girl!
Chapter 59: Oh. My. Gosh.


*does happy dance of extreme happiness*


Really short...




But I'm not complaining! *glomps you* Thank you for continuing this work or art!

*dies of happiness*
Chapter 56: So... I think it should go into introducting Onew's... well, yeah and also... maybe fast forward to Minho's?
Idek... I used to know where you guys were going with this... and then there's catching up with my story... lol
Which, you really don't have to hahaha
Chapter 56: NOOOOO!!!! OTB-Unnie! You're back!!! *glomps a bagillion times and more* I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!! Did you get your notebook back? I still can't find you. T___T I honestly have no idea where to go with this. I suggest asking heartykeykeke. She's a great writer and I think she could probably think of something. Unnie's, fightinG!!!