Fun In The Sun

Confessions of an American Fangirl. . .

*English it ITALICIZED*



After a few minutes, the SUV pulled down a gravel road and parked in front of a grove of trees. There was a small path going between them, and it went out to where the trees dropped off to a smooth, sandy beach at the shores of a lake. It stretched out across the horizon, a deep green blue color as it sparkled in the sun. There were a few picnic tables and a small dock extending out over the deep part of the water. Their group were the only people in sight.

Minho pushed the door open and Adriel and Key climbed out over the still sleeping pair in the second row. Jonghyun descended from the passenger seat, his backpack slung over one shoulder. Adriel and Key gathered the toys and coolers from the back of the car and proceeded to set up on one of the picnic tables.

Onew looked back to the Belle and Teamin, still out cold, and woke them up gently, “Taemin-ah, Belle-ah, time to wake up. We’re here,” he shook each of them gently and ruffled their hair.

Belle elicited zero response, while Taemin whimpered and continued to borrow closer to the redhead’s body, linking arms with her. Belle stirred slightly, cracking her eyes open. She blinked a few times, trying to figure out what was in front of her eyes. It was a soft, yellow fabric, and it smelled faintly of bananas and . . . what was that . . . milk? She opened her eyes wider.

At the same time, Taemin had begun to awaken. He sighed and moved to stretch out his arms like he always did when he woke up, and found them around something . . . something soft. He turned his head to investigate the foreign object he was clutching.

Belle looked up to see a face framed by silky, orange hair. The face’s features slowly came into focus and the redhead immediately froze, suddenly aware her hand was clasped within another, not her own.

Taemin gazed into Belle’s face, blinking slowly. It suddenly registered for the both of them what exactly was happening and they both jerked away from each other, each looking out the opposite window, their cheeks flaming.

They both jumped at the sound of Onew’s chuckle, and turned to look at him, “You guys didn’t get that way on your own,” he gave a small smile, “let’s just say there are a few devious members in our group today.” he chuckled again.

“Kibum-hyung!” Taemin growled.

“Adriel!” Belle hissed.

Onew held up his hands, “I’m not naming any names,” he started to exit the vehicle.

“Onew-oppa, you have to help us get them back!” the redhead whined.

“Yah, hyung, help us!” the maknae pleaded as they got out of the car.

“I said I wouldn’t get involved,” replied the leader.

Taemin scoffed, “You’re already involved!”

“I wash my hands of your guys’ feud,” Onew announced over his shoulder, walking towards the picnic table.

Belle and Taemin stayed behind for a moment, their heads pressed together, whispering.


Adriel stepped gingerly across the sand of the beach in the direction of the picnic table, cooler in hand. She hated getting sand in her shoes, even if they were flip flops.

 “Let’s go, let’s go!” Key called, racing ahead, scoping out their surroundings.

Adriel shielded her eyes from the sun and looked out onto the lake, “It’s really pretty,” she breathed.

Minho came up behind her, slightly startling the brunette when he said, “It was ALL my idea,” he winked, the back of her head before picking up his pace and catching up with Key.

Adriel blushed a little, not knowing exactly why. Lately, she had been getting confused about how she felt about the boys, Key and Minho especially. They kept making some sort of a move on her, and she didn’t know how to respond to them. She was especially confused by Minho’s ON/OFF personality around her. One second he would be all over her, and the next he wouldn’t be paying any attention to her. Stop sending mixed signals! You’re getting me confused! Adriel thought in frustration.

Little did Adriel know, Jonghyun had witnessed that whole scene with Minho, and he walked up beside her and raised an eyebrow.

“Can I help you, Jonghyun-ah?” Adriel asked.

Jonghyun made a face, “Yah, I told you to call me Oppa!” he jabbed his thumb into his chest.

The brunette flipped her hair and looked ahead, “Earn it then,” she smirked.

“Challenge accepted!” the blonde boy declared, striking a Power Rangers pose.

Adriel pushed Jognhyun’s head to the side as they reached the picnic table, where Key and Minho were currently wrestling in front of it.

Adriel rolled her eyes at the two brawling on the ground, “Boys.” she scoffed.

Onew, Taemin, and Belle walked up, their bags over their shoulders. Onew had his towel slung around the back of his neck, Taemin had his drawstring backpack over both shoulders, and Belle had her black tote over her right shoulder.

“Should we eat now?” the leader asked, already diving into one of the coolers, searching for his soul-mate. He let out a small squeal as he found it, holding it up, “I packed chicken,” he smiled hugely, his eyes squinting into two lines on his face.

“Uh, uh, uh,” Key waved his left pointer finger, his right hand on his hip, “If you eat now, you can’t swim until you wait an hour,” he stripped off his shirt to reveal his slim, tight torso.

Taemin, who had finished laying out his towel, had also discarded his shirt; his pale, smooth skin was suddenly exposed to the sun. He jumped up and down, “No, let’s swim now!” he kicked off his sandals.

Onew just nodded at the sound, his eyes focused on the chicken in front of him, “I’ll be the lifeguard, then.” said the leader.

Jonghyun and Minho both took off their tops and spread out their towels. The two boys were both well built and fit, although Minho was mostly all limbs while Jonghyun was more stocky and broad.

Belle gave some kind of signal to Taemin and jerked her head towards Adriel, who was standing where the lake met the shore, completely oblivious.

“Hey Adriel,” she said, slinging an arm around the taller girl’s shoulders, “look at the water, it’s so clear!” she pointed with her free hand at the clear liquid.

While Belle acted as decoy, Taemin rushed behind the two girls and grasped Adriel by her wrists while Belle grabbed her ankles. Adriel shrieked in surprise as the two pranksters dragged the brunette across the dock and tossed her into the lake with a loud SPLASH.

“That’s what you get!” Belle laughed when Adriel resurfaced, flailing while trying to get out. Taemin and Belle exchanged a high five.

Key was doubled over in laughter, his arm wrapped around his middle, tears streaming down his face as he pointed at Adriel.

His laughter cut off abruptly as he saw Belle and Taemin approach him with evil smiles on their faces, “Yah!” he yelped, covering his head, “you’re NOT messing up my perfect hair!” he stood his ground, confident he could take on the two smallest members.

Minho, amused by the whole thing, switched sides and came up behind Key and threw him over his shoulder before tossing him into the water.

“YAH! CHOI MINHO, YOU TRAITOR!” the diva shrieked when he came up floundering.

“You guys know Jonghyun-hyung helped.” Minho smirked with Taemin as they circled the vocalist, who was cowering beside Onew, who was perched atop the picnic table, the bucket of chicken balanced between his knees.

The blonde boy tried to make a break for it, but Minho was too fast, and had Jonghyun pinned to the ground where he had tackled him, Taemin pouncing on his legs. They successfully dropped him into the water.

Belle was watching the whole thing, and she didn’t see Key and Adriel sneak up behind her. They seized her small body and slowly dragged her towards the lake.

Yahh! Help! Stop it, no! Yahh, help me! Someone!” the redhead screamed before SPLASH.

Onew blew on his whistle, which he magically had in his backpack for purposes such as these, and pointed towards the two remaining dry boys, “Taemin and Minho haven’t gotten wet yet!”

“Neither have you hyung!” the maknae yelled back.

Onew raised an eyebrow, “I’m the lifeguard,” he said, as if stating a fact, “plus, I just ate,” he rubbed his stomach.

Upon hearing the shouted directions from the supposed lifeguard, the rest started running towards Taemin and Minho. The tallest member was having none of that, and he just ran full speed sprint and jumped off the edge of the dock before anyone could reach him. If he was going in, it was by his own choice. The orange haired boy tried fleeing, but failed, and screamed as he was thrown over the edge by Key and Jonghyun.

Everyone else waded back into the water, Adriel staying by the shallow parts; she had an irrational fear of deep water, especially lakes. Onew was still observing as lifeguard. Key and Taemin had violent water fights, instilling strict rules and a complicated point system. Minho floated on his back, the farthest out on the lake. Belle and Adriel mainly stayed together, Adriel sitting on the bottom of the lake; Belle stayed nearby, treading water occasionally. Jonghyun migrated from person to person, challenging them to swimming races here and there.

The blonde boy had just made another circuit around and was coming towards the girls again when he noticed that they were both still wearing their cover up outfits.

He came over and pointed it out, “Isn’t it kind of heavy to swim with your clothes still on, girls?” he studied them with his puppy eyes.

Belle looked down at herself and waded out of the lake where she peeled off her purple dress to reveal a modest pink bikini with violet flowers on it. She laid out the dress on the bench to dry in the sun.

Adriel stayed where she was, pretending to be indifferent. She usually never took off her cover up, especially when boys were around. She knew she wasn’t the slimmest of girls; okay, she was kind of overweight. She was never quite comfortable enough in her own skin to strut around in a bathing suit.

“I don’t care,” she shrugged, looking down to fidget with the sand with her hands, not wanting to face the stares she knew she was receiving.

Key had come over out of concern and was about to say something when Belle laid a hand on his shoulder and shook her head slightly, her eyes solemn, “She’s very self-conscious,” she explained, whispering. Adriel was Belle’s best friend, she knew her well. She wasn’t about to make her feel bad.

Key nodded and turned back to Taemin, who was doggy paddling in small circles at the end of the dock. Belle went and sat down with Adriel, their giggling filled the area within moments.

After a while, the kids got out of the water and ate their food. Belle and Adriel ate a little before lying down side by side on their towels, intending on taking naps in the warm sun.

Key walked over to them and cleared his throat, “Girls, you’ve got to put on sunscreen! Wake up, here, sit up,” he said to Adriel before rubbing the white cream onto her. Belle took the tube and wiped some onto herself before laying back down to tan.

The diva lightly smacked the redhead on her shoulder, “No, don’t go back to sleep. Help your brothers!” he sent Belle out.

“Jonghyun-oppa, come get sunscreen!” Belle called the blonde boy over to sit down in front of her.

Key sat down beside Adriel, “Now put some on me,” he said, turning his back. The brunette complied, and squirted sunscreen onto her hand.

“Yah, it’s cold!” Jongyun yelped as Belle gently rubbed her hand up and down his back.

Adriel rolled her eyes and paused in rubbing Key’s shoulders, “ it up, you baby.”

Jonghyun pouted, sticking his lower lip out, “Belle-ah calls me Oppa,”

“So, what’s your point? I’m not her,” replied the brunette. The vocalist scoffed and said no more.

“Yah, why’d you stop?” Key protested. Adriel rolled her eyes again and resumed her task.

The diva stood up, still slightly shiny from the oils that were not fully absorbed into his pale skin, and waved over the other boys, “Minho-ah, Taemin-ah, Onew-hyung, you need sunscreen too! Come over here!”

Onew grunted, “Busy here!” he had uncovered another chicken bucket and was currently emptying it. Adriel came to him and popped the top off of the tube.

“Onew-oppa, lift up your shirt,” she said gently.

“Yah, you call Hyung Oppa and not me?!” Jonghyun cried. The brunette stuck out her tongue.

Minho and Taemin administered sunscreen to each other, and soon, everyone was protected from the sun. The girls went back to their towels and fell asleep there.

Hours later, Key was on wake-up duty as he kneeled beside the girls.

“Girls. My cute daughters, wake up. It’s time to go, it’s going to be four ‘o’clock.” he cooed, gently rousing the girls, their hair.

Adriel woke up halfway, and wasn’t fully coherent when she said groggily, “No, too tired. Carry me,” she reached her arms up, her eyes still closed.

The Umma was more than willing to comply when Belle sat up and said loudly, “Get up you lazy bum, we’re not carrying you.” She folded up her towel, “Sleep in the car.” she finished, stopping Key from picking the brunette up. You’ll thank me later, Belle thought to herself as she cleaned up her area.

During the long drive home, Belle and Taemin were awake this time. Minho, Adriel, and Key, exhausted from the day, all fell asleep in the back row. Minho was slumped against the side of the car; Adriel was leaning on Minho’s shoulder, his head resting on hers. Key was sprawled out with his head in the brunette’s lap, her hand was on his head. The diva was curled up with an arm under Adriel’s legs and was hugging it to his chest. Adriel burrowed deep into Minho’s chest. Her right hand resting in Minho’s while the fingers on her left hand unconsciously  Key’s silky, rainbow colored hair.

Belle glanced behind her and clamped shut before a squeal could escape. Taemin heard the faint sound from her and turned. He grinned when he saw what was behind them and got Jonghyun's attention; Taemin took the camera from his hyung. He took a few pictures, snickering along with Belle.

Onew looked in his rearview mirror and saw them, “How ironic.” he mumbled, chuckling to himself.

The vehicle descended into a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride.   


yay~ fun at the lake~

aww how cute, they all fell asleep against each other (^///^)

gotta love Onew seeing the victory in Belle and Taemin having to do nothing and still getting some great pics ^_^

yay long chapter! (finally!)

heh i know... we at updating (>_<) 


well, i hope you guys cracked up reading this! Minho sure did! =D

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TL's username is now anythingkpop so don't freak out and think she left. She didn't^^


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Chapter 60: sorry for the slow comment; no internet access TT
but I'm so glad you updated! ^^
Onew is so so so so so cute!!! ahh asdfjskdfjsdlf <3333
I can't wait for the next chapter ^^
lisapyon #2
Chapter 60: *sees "story updates" alert on profile* Ooooo, an update! *clicks button* O.O They updated?!?! *floored*

*quickly clicks link to make sure she isn't dreaming* They updated!!! *reads chapter* I'd forgotten how amazing this story was. *floored again*
Chapter 60: Yay~ I can use this for my update in ICOLY!
For my finale *sobs*
And this was just soo... *rolls around* its so cute my cute little dubu <3
Chapter 59: Oh god I love you xD
I'll have to go back through and edit this next time we update....
Djowjdnebsicosmbdjekd hahaha
Chapter 59: whoa an update!! yay!! :D
but a cliffhanger?! noooo!!! ><
now you must update again soon!!! <3 or else I will die of curiosity!!
Onew's being sketch...and a little bit ghetto with that hoodie. xD
ahh I have missed this story; it brings back good memories ^^
please update again soon!! love you! <333
Chapter 59: Lol, suspicious behavior *wiggles eyebrows*
Anyways, I was surprised when I saw your update I was all O.O
Hahaha, but I'm so glad to see these characters again, I missed it terribly, you have no idea (even if they're in my story I can't write them like you can, sooo.... xD)
But yeah, I loved the update, as short as it was. Like I said, I love the characters <3
Okay.... I'm done....
Love you girl!
Chapter 59: Oh. My. Gosh.


*does happy dance of extreme happiness*


Really short...




But I'm not complaining! *glomps you* Thank you for continuing this work or art!

*dies of happiness*
Chapter 56: So... I think it should go into introducting Onew's... well, yeah and also... maybe fast forward to Minho's?
Idek... I used to know where you guys were going with this... and then there's catching up with my story... lol
Which, you really don't have to hahaha
Chapter 56: NOOOOO!!!! OTB-Unnie! You're back!!! *glomps a bagillion times and more* I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!! Did you get your notebook back? I still can't find you. T___T I honestly have no idea where to go with this. I suggest asking heartykeykeke. She's a great writer and I think she could probably think of something. Unnie's, fightinG!!!