Wake Up

Is This Love A Sin?




Slowly waking up, Yongguk notices small touches on his neck. When he opens his eyes, he sees a guy hovering above him, too concentrated on what he’s doing to notice Yongguk woke up. The guy accidentally puts to much pressure on the wound in his neck, which causes Yongguk to let out a small whimper.


“Sorry.” The guy apologizes when he notices Yongguk woke up. He pulls his hands back and sits down on the edge of the bed, staring at Yongguk. “You’re awake? Sorry, did I wake you up?”


Yongguk tries to recall what happened and how he ended up in a stranger’s room, wearing clothes that didn’t belong to him. Slowly everything comes back, the Demon, the town, the boy… Yongguk forces himself up as his eyes wander around the room.


The walls of the bedroom were still white and seemed untouched by any kind of poster. The young teenager who had taken care of him seemed to be in contrast with the old closet and bed, which was too old fashioned him. There was a mirror not far from the door, on the other side of the room and it seemed to have the same design as the rest of the furniture. The floor was messy but it seemed like someone shoved a lot of the mess out of the way, trying to create a path through.


As his eyes travel through the room, his worries keep on increasing when he can’t find what he’s looking for, he turns himself towards the brunette. “Where’s the boy?” He asks, afraid of the answer he might get.


“Boy? Oh, the one with pink hair? Don’t worry, he’s with my friend.” The guy reassures him with a kind smile as he tries to calm him down.


Yongguk wants to get out of the bed but the boy stops him and pushes him back. “Let me go.” Yongguk protests, “I can’t leave them alone. You’re friend is in danger.” He panics.


“Danger, dangerous, why do you keep on talking like that?” The other suddenly exclaims, frustrated by the Yongguk’s incomprehensible actions.


Yongguk les himself fall back onto the bed. “You don’t understand.” He mumbles. When he lifts his face, pain is showing in his eyes even tough he tries to suppress it those feelings. He tries not to think about fact that the boy will wake up any minute now. He should have already woken up and when he does, he’ll be horrified by what happened to him. He’ll need Yongguk by his side to explain to him what’s ahead of him. He failed the boy miserably.


“Why do you think that, how can you say that when you haven’t even tried to explain it to me. Who knows? I might be able to help you.” The brunette suggests but Yongguk shakes his head.


“You won’t understand even when I explain, it’s better to leave us alone as soon as possible or you’ll probably regret your choice.” Yongguk’s confident voice attempts to explain.


“You know I can’t leave, you-” Yongguk interrupts the other by trying to stand up again. “I said you have to stay in bed.” The brunette scolds, getting angrier by the minute.


“I’m totally fine, just let me through.” He comments as he tries to get out of the grip of the brunette. If Yongguk was his usual self, the mere human wouldn’t stand a chance and Yongguk would’ve been able to shove him aside. But he lost too much blood and the wound on his neck doesn’t seem to be healing properly. It should’ve been long gone by now, seeing as the sun is starting to set already.


“For God’s sake, just stay in bed and I’ll contact Youngjae, your friend’s with him.” The guy compromises although he would obviously much rather chain Yongguk to the bed if he’d been able to.


Seeing no other way, Yongguk decides to agree, places himself back under the comfortable blankets and closes his eyes. Not that he’s planning on sleeping, just to give the other a bit of peace.


“Hello? Jae?” He hears the other’s faint voice. “You see…” The guy is now too far away to be heard and Yongguk opens his eyes again. He gets up and explores the room, wondering if he’d be able to find his belongings somewhere. Whatever that guy wants, Yongguk’s not planning on staying and watching the other order him around. He’ll leave as soon as possible. When he hears footsteps nearing, Yongguk walks back to the bed and sits on the edge.


“You got out of bed again.” The other concludes, not trying to hide the anger in his voice. Yongguk ignores it and only replies by nodding his head.


The guy pinches his nosebridge, trying to calm his anger down. “Listen, I talked to Youngjae and he agreed to bring the kid here if you’re so worried about him but if we do, you have to promise me that you’ll do everything I say until you’re healed, got it?”


Yongguk sighs but nods in agreement; it’s probably the best he could get.


The mortal guy nods satisfied and walks towards Yongguk, although his expression isn’t as kind as before and his touches not as light. “Now lay down.” He commands, pushing Yongguk back into the bed. Yongguk obediently lies back down and watches as the other leaves the room to get the boy.


, I forgot to ask his name.




“Why won’t he listen? He’s badly injured and still he wants to get up all the time! Why can’t he lie down for just a few days until he recovers?” Daehyun lets himself fall in the armchair in his best friends living room.


Youngjae sits down on the couch across from his as he tries to reason with his best friend. “Calm down, Daehyun. He’s probably just worried. Who knows what this boy means to him? Besides, you were the one who brought them home, they’re your responsibility so don’t start whining.”


“Even so, he should still listen, his injuries aren’t a joke and he refuses to let me take him to a hospital. The least he could do is follow my advice and stay in bed. NO! Mister decides to walk around the room as if the wound isn’t even there, as if he didn’t lose a ton of blood! GOD! He frustrates me!” Daehyun rants on.


“Well then, why don’t you just kick them out?” Youngjae suggests in the most natural way as if he wasn’t talking about two gravely injured people. “That’s the easiest way out after all.”


“Yah! Are you crazy? They’d die if I did that, you know how bad their injuries are.” Daehyun protests, not understanding how Youngjae could even suggest it.


“Well then, stop complaining and get your out of my couch. We have a boy to transport and I’d rather make sure none of the neighbours see it ‘cause they might think we’re transporting a dead body instead of a gravely injured kid.”


“Your right, I guess. I suppose he’s still unconscious?” Daehyun asks as they both get up and walk towards Youngjae’s bedroom.


“Yep, there’s no change at all, seriously he didn’t even turn. I guess he’s sleeping beauty, waiting for a prince to kiss him. How about it? You up for it?” Youngjae teases as they enter the bedroom.


Daehyun replies with his elbow before he walks to the bed looking at the cute sleeping face from the still unconscious kid who is still soundly asleep. If you’d see him like this you wouldn’t even think anything’s wrong. But there was just something not right, which is why Daehyun decided to take the boy along. Worriedly the two friends look at each other.


“What exactly happened to him?” Daehyun asks out loud. Youngjae doesn’t answer, knowing his best friend doesn’t expect a response.


“Lets place him on my back, I’m stronger than you and he looks pretty heavy.” Youngjae suggests instead. Daehyun pulls the boy up and somehow manages to place him on Youngjae’s back. “Cover him with a blanket or something, that looks less suspicious.” Youngjae orders.


Daehyun doubts that but still obeys, not really caring what the neighbours would think anyway. It’s not like they’ve ever spoken to them except for when he just moved. They both stay silent the whole time as they take the boy to Daehyun’s house. Luckily they live in the same apartment building; moreover, they’re neighbours.


When they arrive, Daehyun helps Youngjae putting the boy on the couch. “It’s not good for a patient to keep on moving.” Daehyun mumbles to himself as he’s checking if the boy’s still alright.


“You should’ve thought of that before we moved him, not after.” Youngjae laughs as his friend gives him an angry glare after which he leaves the room.


When Daehyun arrives at his own bedroom he knocks three times. Why does he need to knock on the door of his own room? But he still waits, hoping the other will quickly reply.


“Who?” He hears the low voice of the other guy asking unsure.


Daehyun carefully opens the door and pops his head inside. “The boy is in the living room. He’s alright, so don’t worry anymore.” Daehyun says, trying his hardest to keep his voice calm as he enters the room and closes the door behind him. He leans with his back against it as he continues. “Should I continue to treat your wound? I wanted to bandage it before you woke up, but you still woke up so…”


“It’s alright, just let me see the boy.” The guy says as he lifts himself off the bed but the blood loss shows it’s effect and he stagers before he completely got up and sits back down.


“Wait! I’ll bring him here.” Daehyun says and turns around while rolling his eyes. Why is he so eager to see the boy? Can’t he wait for a day or two?


Again Daehyun opens the door and walks back to the living room where Youngjae sits with the young boy.


“He wants to see him, now. Seriously, are they lovers? ‘Cause that’s the only explanation which seems logic in my eyes.” Daehyun says, irritation clearly in his voice.


“I’ll take him there.” Youngjae says and he lets out a soft groan when he lifts the boy on his back. “He sure is tall and heavy.” He says and Daehyun chuckles, “Come on, the guy can’t wait.”




Yongguk frowns as he watches to guy leave. He doesn’t particularly like the guy; he keeps on insisting Yongguk stays in the room even tough he could simply go to the boy, that would be a lot easier for all of them.


After making sure the other had really left Yongguk gets up once again. He’s determined to find anything the brunette had brought along that was originally his but what he’s more afraid of is that the other didn’t bring anything along. That he had decided to leave Yongguk’s stuff behind because he was unconscious anyway, or that he refused to bring his guns along, which would be a reasonable excuse though.


Not knowing where to start Yongguk walks towards the closet where the boy probably held all his clothes. Pulling it open Yongguk immediately realizes he’s clothes weren’t inside. Everything was folded so neatly, unlike the rest of the room, which was a total mess.


Closing the closet behind him, Yongguk wonders where else his stuff would be. As his next move, he decides to look under the bed. The brunette left his stuff everywhere so it wouldn’t be a surprise to find out that his belongings would’ve been placed on the ground. Again, Yongguk couldn’t find his stuff.


With his third choice, he seemed to have more luck as Yongguk found his stuff in the drawer next to the bed, his guns and dagger too. Satisfied Yongguk closes the drawer, deciding it would be safer if he left it in there for the time being. He crawls back into the bed and patiently (or not) waits for the brunette to return, not knowing what to expect.


The second Yongguk placed himself on the bed he heard someone knock three times. He quickly slides under the covers before he answers. “Who?” He asks unsure.


The brunette carefully opens the door and pops his head inside. “The boy is in the living room. He’s alright, so don’t worry anymore.” He says, entering the room and closing the door behind him. “Should I continue to treat your wound? I wanted to bandage it before you woke up, but you still woke up so…” He continues but Yongguk doesn’t want to hear it.


“It’s alright, just let me see the boy.” He interrupts as he lifts himself off the bed but stagers and decides it’d be better if he sits back down.


“Wait! I’ll bring him here.” The brunet says, turns around and closes the door behind him. Yongguk can hear some mumbling coming through but could not understand what they talking about. Why are they taking so long? It can’t be that hard!


Finally, the door slowly opens and Yongguk’s eyes widen when he sees a blond, unfamiliar face carrying the kid on his back. He jumps up and runs towards the pink haired boy, lifting his head to take a better look at his face. He frowns when he finally did and turns toward the brunette. “He still hasn’t woken up yet?” He asks insecure.


“No I don’t think so.” The brunette answers and takes a look at the young boy, still lying on the back of the blonde.


“Not at my home either.” The blonde shakes his head and walks towards the bed when as small grimace appears on his face. He lays the kid down he places his hands on his lower back and arches his back until there is a little crack heard.


“He’s heavier than he looks.” He says and looks at Yongguk. “Say, what’s your name?”


“Yongguk.” He casually answers but doesn’t take his eyes off the kid as he slowly walks towards him. He sits next to the boy and gently his hair. “Why haven’t you woken up yet?” He whispers. He then looks up at the other two. “Will you tell me your names?” He asks, realizing he still hadn’t asked and doing it more out of politeness than anything else.


“I’m Youngjae. I’m the best friend from this guy here,” the blond says with a friendly smile as he points at the brunette next to him, “He’s also the one who lives here.”


“Daehyun.” The brunette says and smiles too, but the smile looks rather forced. Yongguk thought he could even see his eyebrow twitching.


Yongguk smiles at Youngjae, ignoring the brunette who apparently doesn’t like him anyway. “Nice to meet you.” He says while slightly bowing to him.


“Same here.” Youngjae bows back and sets himself on the bed next to the boy with a comfortable sigh. He turns his head to the younger and asks: “And what’s this boy’s name?”


Yongguk presses his lips together and also turns his head towards the boy. “To be honest,” Yongguk’s eyes turn towards Youngjae as he smiles apologetically, “I don’t know.”


The blonde frowns and the brunette lets a little chuckle leave his lips. “You serious?” Daehyun asks.


“Shut up, Dae.” Youngjae says and turns back to Yongguk. “How come…? Then why are you so worried about him? Don’t you have some kind of connection?”


Yongguk averts his eyes. “It’s… hard to explain…”


“Take your time.” Youngjae says as a deep, irritated sigh is heard from Daehyun.


“He… he’s going trough the same thing as my friend a while back and both those changes are my fault. I have to be by his side because I’m the only one who can help him when he wakes up.” Yongguk tries to explain without revealing too much. “I’m sorry, I can’t say more.”


Youngjae hums in response and nods his head while Daehyun crosses his arm and let’s out a bored sigh.


“So, it’s wrong for me to be alone with him because I can’t handle him when he wakes up … is that what you’re saying?” Youngjae tries to figure out.


Yongguk nods slowly. “I think so, but please, don’t take this the wrong way!”


“No, no.” The blonde shakes his head with a smile on his face. “Dae. Can I stay here for a while until they are better? I don’t think you can take care of them alone, seeing the way you are right now.”


“Do what you want.” The brunette turns around and leaves. Angrily throwing the door shut, causing it to make a lot of noise and the lamp above them to shake.


“Sorry about him. He probably hasn’t slept a lot and he missed today’s lessons too so he’s a bit pissed.” Youngjae says with an apologetic smile.


Yongguk smiles a bit. “It’s alright, I don’t mind.” He reassures him. But then it hit him; he had been talking to these two mortals in a normal way. He should keep his distance from them; they’ll have to disappear from his life so he can’t get all friendly with them.


Yongguk stands up and walks to the other side of the bed. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to sleep a bit more.” He says with a monotone voice, not looking at the hurt face of the blonde behind him as he crawls under the sheets and closes his eyes.


“Okay, sleep well.” Youngjae says as he leaves the room and closes the door behind him.


“I’m sorry and thank you.” Yongguk whispers before he falls asleep.

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Chapter 3: Waaaaah what is going to happen when yongguk wakes up >.<
Chapter 1: waaaaaah this is good!!
shaxobyarm #3
please continue :))
Chapter 3: why don't you just tell them the truth guk ? I mean it's up to them whether they gonna believe it or not, at least your explanation will scare them a bit and they won't go near the boy..
*please ignore this comment* *bow 90 degrees*
Chapter 2: Whoah so now zelo is a vampire too right ? Bcs yongguk changed him that morning..
Anw just asking, is this going to be banghim or bangdae ? I kno you probably won't answer this question author-nim kkk
Chapter 1: Oh wow what a impressive intro chapter ! ^^
yellowbunnies #7
Chapter 2: Ohmy... its damm interesting! Is the pink haired boy Zelo in any chance? Hahahaha, i suddenly rmbed him in the 'power' era.

Looking forward in the next chapter! :)
Song_HanEul #8
Chapter 1: This is so amazingly incredible!! So loving it!!!!!!! ^^